jlogan at jlogan at
Sun Dec 31 15:03:29 EST 1995

I have small 8088 computer, 640 K RAM with monochrome monitor.

I just received PED pile up trainer by JE3MAS Ver 4.11i

I gave gotten the audio to work but have no monitor display.

Is this software hardwired for VGA color monitor?

Is it possible to defeat this feature? and get nice monitor display
so I am not typing blind???

Josh WX7K    jlogan at

>From Walt Kornienko <k2wk at>  Wed Jan 31 00:42:44 1996
From: Walt Kornienko <k2wk at> (Walt Kornienko)
Date: Sun, 31 Dec 1995 19:42:44 -72500 (EST)
Subject: E.Coast 160M JA spots
Message-ID: <199601010042.TAA17044 at>

Someone thought this would be useful:

  1909.2  JA3ONB      31-Dec-1995 1242Z  QSX 1821                     <K8OQL>
  1909.2  JA3ONB      31-Dec-1995 1241Z  QSX 1808 still there.        <K3ANS>
  1908.0  JA3ONB      31-Dec-1995 1241Z  QSX 1808 still there.        <K3ANS>
  1909.2  JA3ONB      31-Dec-1995 1225Z  qsx 1808                     <K3ANS>
  1909.1  JA3ONB      31-Dec-1995 1209Z  CQ'ING QSX 1822              <K8OQL>
  1909.0  JA7BXS      31-Dec-1995 1146Z  12                            <K1KI>
  1909.2  JA3ONB      31-Dec-1995 1137Z  21                            <K1KI>
  1907.6  JA3AAW      30-Dec-1995 1241Z  qsx 07                       <AC4HB>
  1908.1  JA1HQT      30-Dec-1995 1242Z  QSX 1804.00                  <W4MYA>
  1910.2  JA7AO       30-Dec-1995 1234Z  11                            <K1KI>
  1912.0  JA7BXS      30-Dec-1995 1233Z  QSX 1820                      <K3WW>
  1912.4  JA0MVW      30-Dec-1995 1228Z  QSX 1808.51                   <KF3P>
  1908.0  JA1HQT      30-Dec-1995 1226Z  CQ W1 QSX o4                  <W1YY>
  1908.4  JA7NI       30-Dec-1995 1217Z  1803                         <K1MEM>
  1808.4  JA7NI       30-Dec-1995 1217Z  1803 now                     <K1MEM>
  1911.1  JA7DLE      30-Dec-1995 1213Z                                <K1KI>
  1910.9  JA3ONB      30-Dec-1995 1219Z  qsx 1808 Best JA day ever!   <K3ANS>
  1908.2  JA1HQT      30-Dec-1995 1210Z   qsx 04?                     <AC4HB>
  1908.5  JA7NI       30-Dec-1995 1204Z    qsx 22                     <AC4HB>
  1910.4  JA7OEM      30-Dec-1995 1207Z  QSX 1823                     <W3BGN>
  1912.0  JA0MVW      30-Dec-1995 1158Z  08                            <K1KI>
  1908.9  JA1JRK      30-Dec-1995 1204Z  QSX 11 ON CAPE COD            <K1ZM>
  1912.3  JA7BXS      30-Dec-1995 1151Z    WRK 1.8201                  <KW2P>
  1908.3  JA7NI       30-Dec-1995 1127Z  599 QSX 1822 MAN HE IS LOUD!!!<K1ZM>
  1908.2  JA1HQT      29-Dec-1995 1228Z  qsx 04                       <AC4HB>
  1909.5  JA3ONB      29-Dec-1995 1154Z  QSX 1807                     <K8OQL>
  1909.4  JA3ONB      28-Dec-1995 1231Z                                <K1NA>
  1908.6  JA7NI       28-Dec-1995 1210Z  QSX 1822                     <K3ANS>

Now bacck to our regularly scheduled CONTEST program... HNY WK

>From Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham at HK.Super.NET  Mon Jan  1 00:57:18 1996
From: Mr. Brett Graham" <bagraham at HK.Super.NET (Mr. Brett Graham)
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 1996 08:57:18 +0800 (HKT)
Subject: computer hash
Message-ID: <199601010057.IAA26821 at>

I find it hard to imagine anybody hearing their computer when you've got a
fair amount of separation between it & the antennas.  For the typical
active VS6, one has less than 15m at best - making crud from the computer
getting into the radio & RF from the radio getting into the computer a real
problem.  At my station, it's especially bad, since the station is nearly
underneath the base of my HF2 & the quad is no more than 6m away...
In addition to the obvious - torroids galore, my solution has been to build
the computer myself.  Selection of the case & keyboard are obviously key to
achieving best EMC.  The trick is lotsa metal & good contact between all
the pieces when it's put together - pretty basic, common sense stuff.
Keyboards are difficult, since the trend is to all plastic construction &
to save money, few have shielded cables.  So I'm still using a very old XT
keyboard with a chunk of steel in it, although the machine is a 486.  A
little screwy, but it works.  If you've just _gotta_ have that cheap
plastic keyboard because of its feel, then take a can of conductive spray
paint to the inside, or do what I used to do back in the bad old days with
Commode 64s: line the inside with aluminum foil (but remember to put some
paper between the PCB & the foil!).
With all those computer superstores in the States now, I'd imagine it would
be as easy to pick & choose the right bits as can be done over here.
Another solution may be the machine I'm bringing back to life right now -
an archaic COMPAQ Deskpro 386/25 - made back when COMPAQ made heavy duty
kit.  Tons of metal, Torx screws galore... nobody wants 386s anymore - so
should be easy to find one yourself.  Sometimes the latest & greatest isn't
exactly the best thing for the job - like S56A's Chrysler!
73 & HNY, VS6BrettGraham aka VR2BG bagraham at

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