EWE & Beverage Tips

Mon Feb 6 12:19:17 EST 1995

I enjoyed reading Steve, K0SF's, analysis and solution to the vertical
downlead problem. I'll go one step further and recommend that, if at all
possible, bring the terminating ends of the beverage down to ground
level by sloping the wires.  My 2-wire beverages all slope at the 
feed and phase reversal end.  I know it may be difficult to do this
due to human and animal traffic, and this is where Steve's approach 
is recommended.  I didn't know how the stubs would effect the operation
of the two-wire system so I went as far as putting the sloping section 
of one of the beverages in a briar thickett of prickly bushes, an area 
I know for certain the cows (nor man) will venture into. Its a bitch to 
work in an area like that but I wanted to avoid downleads at all costs.
My sloping terminations start at a height of 10 feet and slope to about
one foot above the ground after 70 feet, a 7% slope.  

I've used beverages as short as 185' (width of my property) and had
good success copying Europe thru all the summer QRN. Granted, the
gain of the antenna is small, but the advantage of improved S/R ratio
is well worth the minimal effort it requires to put up a small beverage.
The gain can be restored via a simple RF preamp at the antenna for best
performance, or if feedline losses are low, at the shack.

If you want to really get serious with beverages I recommend you get 
ON4UN's latest book "Low-Band DXing", a treasure trove of low-band 
technique and advice. Also, Vic Misek's authorative "Beverage Antenna 
Handbook" is required reading.

Maybe when the temperature is more conducive (we're having wind-chills 
of -50F as I write this) to antenna work, I'll give Floyd's Ewe antenna 
a try. But, for now I'll spend my time in the comfort of the shack
and tuning the DX window.

73 de Walt Kornienko  -   K2WK		Internet:   waltk at pica.army.mil
DX PacketCluster:  K2WK > W3MM (FRC)    Packet:  K2WK at N2ERH.NJ.USA.NOAM

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