KC5AMA Novice Round-up Summary

KB5YVT at aol.com KB5YVT at aol.com
Mon Feb 6 14:26:38 EST 1995

KC5AMA/T   Steve
14 Hours

40 cw        82
15 cw       139
10 ssb        16

458 QSO Pts. X 69 Mults  =  31,602

Steve did very well for his first and last NR.  Glad to hear all the
activity.  He used NA and thought that was "a blast".  He now wants to work
on his code speed so he can be ready for the real thing!  Another contester
in the making, thanks to the NR!!
de Mike KB5YVT

>From Richard L. King" <0007131253 at mcimail.com  Mon Feb  6 16:46:00 1995
From: Richard L. King" <0007131253 at mcimail.com (Richard L. King)
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 95 11:46 EST
Subject: CQ 160M Contest score
Message-ID: <74950206164647/0007131253PJ1EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

My friend Bob, W2XL, asked me to post his score for him.

W2XL/VE9 - 745 QSOs - 54 states/prov - 37 countries - 362,362 score

73, Richard

>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu  Mon Feb  6 23:06:00 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at seattleu.edu (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 15:06:00 -0800 (PST)
Subject: NH6T in ARRL CW
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9502061427.F10101-a100000 at bach.seattleu.edu>

I will be doing a single-op, low-power, all-band effort from NH6T in the
ARRL CW contest.  I hope to see all reflectoroids in the log on several bands!

Given the sorry state of the solar flux, I don't expect much from
10-meters, but will begin checking 28030 on the hour from 1800Z.  I'll also
be checking 160 on the hour beginning about 0500 or 0600Z at 1830,
depending on how 40 and 80 are doing. (as well as whether I hear KH6CC
working anybody...hihi)

Guess it's a sign of the times that ya gotta make 10-meter skeds!  See you
in those pileups, folks!  A special thanks to Ron, AH6AZ, and his XYL,
Sylvia, for their hospitality.

73 and Aloha, Ward N0AX

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