KA9FOX at aol.com KA9FOX at aol.com
Thu Feb 9 11:21:16 EST 1995

Let's all stand up and applaud all those great hams that get out of their
operating chair and let us guest op their stations!!!!!!  It's easy for me to
take for granted being able to operate stations like W9UP, W0AIH and now
K9MA.  Thank you!!!  I have no station of my own... where'd I be without

I was visiting Laurie in Madison last weekend and, since we had no big plans
for Saturday night, I asked her if I could operate the SSB Sprint.  She said
"Sure!" so I contacted Scott K9MA to see if I could use his station.  He said
"Sure!" (love these agreeable people!!)

I showed up 1/2 hour before contest and Scott had everything fired up and
ready to go.  He even had 'cheat sheets' on the proper way to band change so
I didn't accidently fry something.

I explained how the contest works and Laurie put an extra set of headphones
on as it approached 00z.  She sat patiently for the entire contest with the
headphones on.  At 04z, I called WB5VZL on 3.830 to get him to take my score
and the others so as to not make Laurie hang around any longer.  After my
second call to George, I hear this loud "I ain't taking the scores... you do
it!!"  Guess he knew why I was calling.  I looked at Laurie and she said,
"That's OK!" and kept her headphones on throughout the score taking.

Overall, I was impressed with my effort, although I bet I could have added 30
QSOs and a few mults to the total by using two rigs.

K9MA's place really plays well.  He has a very small residential lot in
Madison, but he has used the space well, bending the wires as needed to get
them to fit in the back yard.

Anyway, here's the breakdown and description of the K9MA set-up.  Again, a
big thank you to Scott, K9MA, for allowing me to use his station!!!!

73 Scott KA9FOX
ka9fox at aol.com

Band  QSO
 80    84
 40   107
 20    82
      273 x 45 = 12,285

Team:  Dead Lizards Can't Talk

Equipment at K9MA:  TS-930, AL-82, SB-220

Antennas used:
20M:  TH-7 at 70 ft
40M:  warped full-wave
75M:  shunt fed tower and inverted V.

Mults missed:  AK AR IA KY LA MN OK SC SD WY VE2 VE6 VE8 VE9 

Hey, Dayton is less than 3 months away.  Don't miss the Sultans of Shwing
party room THURSDAY night.  12th floor, Stouffers.  Are you ready to SHWING??

>From Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic at ijs.si>  Thu Feb  9 17:42:04 1995
From: Marijan Mileti} <Marijan.Miletic at ijs.si> (Marijan Mileti})
Date: Thu, 09 Feb 1995 17:43:04 +0001
Subject: S56A WPX RTTY & 160m CW

Hi Gang,

I emailed few S5 CQ WW 160m scores from our PR-Internet gateway but they didn't
bounce from reflector (or I missed it)!  Here comes my modest WPX RTTY effort:

SCORE 5-Feb-1995 S56A 

 Band  QSOs Pnts Mult 
  80M    47  206   30
  40M    41  206   27
  20M    77  219   51
  15M    36  120   24
  All   202   751 132

TOTAL : 99.132 Points

Rig : IC-735 + SB-221
Ant : TH6DXX + 402BA 
      78m low Windom

Good start for a new contest!

15m was opened to USA both days but no usual pile-up!

Regarding 160m CW best S5 scores are S59A & S50A > 300K, few others above 200K
while I did modest 61K with my Windom just few feet above the conducting roof!
Our DX-ers complain about VE3EJ & K8CC reception abilities, praising many
others (K4VX, K0RF etc).  Compared with West EU scores, we are "black hole"!
73 de Mario, S56A, N1YU.

email: Marijan.Miletic at IJS.SI

>From aa6tt at frontier.net (William H. Hein)  Thu Feb  9 16:49:51 1995
From: aa6tt at frontier.net (William H. Hein) (William H. Hein)
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 1995 09:49:51 -0700
Subject: ***NEW*** 160m Internet Reflector
Message-ID: <199502091649.JAA24919 at animas.frontier.net>

Dear 160m DXer,

I have set up an Internet reflector -- TopBand -- dedicated to 160m DXing,
contesting, and related topics:

  *  160m DXpedition rumors and facts.
  *  160m activity reports.
  *  Low band propagation.
  *  160m contest results and recaps.
  *  Beverage antennas.
  *  And so on...

It is my intention that the TopBand postings will cover the world of 160m
DXing and contesting in more detail than the dx at unbc.edu and
cq-contest at tgv.com Internet lists.  TopBand is for 160m fanatics and die

If you would like to subscribe to the TopBand, please email
"topband-request at frontier.net" with the message "subscribe TopBand"

To post a message to the TopBand mailing list, email
"topband at frontier.net".  You must be a subscriber to post to the list.

I am using the Majordomo Internet mailing list software and hope for quick
(immediate) distribution of posted messages.

I hope to make TopBand available in digest format in the near future.

See you on 160m.

Bill Hein, AA6TT

William H. Hein, Post Office Box 579, Ignacio, Colorado 81137-0579 USA
telephone 303/883-2415  fax 303/883-2408  Internet aa6tt at durango.net
amateur radio station AA6TT is in Tiffany, Colorado, grid square DM67fb

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