Revised ADRS WPX score

Ed E Jensen ae110 at rgfn.epcc.Edu
Tue Feb 14 09:42:16 EST 1995

Here is my revised (lower) score after running Ray's fix
program, wpxscore.exe, that I downloaded from the 
ADRS BBS @ 813-922-5904.

ADRS WPX Contest  
Call: K5ED     Location:  El Paso, TX
Entry Class: Single Op, All Band, Low Power   

Band    QSOs   Pts  Mults
80        35    74   17  
40        65   146   25  
20       147   193   69  
15       108   169   39  
10         0     0    0  
-----   ----  ----  ----
Total    355   582   150

Score: 87300 

Power Output: 100
Rig: FT1000, tribander and dipoles at 40 feet 
(vertical not used, worse on all bands), 
PK232, RTTY by WF1B

Finding the RPT command in RTTY,  
working ZK3MM, 
ragchews during boring dead times (like all day Sunday).

getting CQ caller and callee confused (sorry!) 
losing hours Fri eve and Sat morn for club meeting and VE session.

73, Ed
Ed Jensen, K5ED, El Paso, TX (ae110 at

>From k8mr at (Jim Stahl)  Tue Feb 14 17:47:32 1995
From: k8mr at (Jim Stahl) (Jim Stahl)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 12:47:32 EST
Subject: CW Sprint from W8
Message-ID: <XXXi1c1w165w at>

Some 8-land CW Sprint Scores:
                   20  40  80
KW8N    273/43    100  97  75
K8CC    275/41     87 107  81
K8MR    220/45     68  63  89
W8FN    230/41
WD8AUB  229/38
WD8LLD  174/43     36  58  80
The consensus from here is that 80 was in good shape, but 20 and
40 sucked.  Particularly 40.  The only loud station I heard from
the east was VY2SS, fairly early.  The closest loud one from the
west was KM0L.  At 0100 the GA guys were loud, but by 0120 they
were a scatter path.  Do I correctly assume that things are much
better in TX or CA where daylight was still a recent memory? Can
you work each other on 40?  Even KW8N 30 miles away had a weak
echo afflicted signal.
I had the added local handicap of a line noise which occurs in
snowy weather.  Sure enough the snow came at 2200Z, and gave me
an S7 noise on all bands.  This combined with the scatter
propagation convinced me not to do too much CQing, since either I
wouldn't hear anyone and would become known as an alligator, or
would hear just enough to get a call but bust the exchange
anyway.  I sat back, microwaved some popcorn, and basically
hacked away until 80 happened.
But in hacking around the mults just kept coming!  Heard someone
working WB0O and K8JLF on the high bands, but missed ND and MA. 
Never heard MN or FL.  Didn't there used to be a group called the
Florida CW Contesters?  Are they all up in D.C. trying to protect
their Social Security benefits or something?  But thanks to such
guys as N8NA, N4ZR, K4IQJ, WQ5L, KM5H, N6YK, VY2SS, VE2AWR, etc.
for keeping the contest from being a total bore!
Jim  K8MR    k8mr at 

Jim Stahl
InterNet: k8mr at
Basic Amateur Radio Frequency, BARF-80 +1 216/237-8208
"Totally devoted to Amateur Radio" - 24 Hrs a day 8/N/1 14.4k-300 baud

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM  Tue Feb 14 21:56:00 1995
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 95 13:56:00 PST
Subject: FW: NC6U Sprint Score (yawn..)
Message-ID: <2F412B78 at admin.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>

From: kbalmforth
To:!cq-contest ("cq contest")
Subject: NC6U Sprint Score (yawn..)
Date: Monday, February 13, 1995 11:32AM

I was anxious to try out new -XA and amp this year.  The first hour was my
best ever, then ... the little old widow from across the alley came over,
complete with hat and gloves.
 It turns out her antenna and twinlead
feed pre-date Marconi => diode city. Guess I'll have to buy her a new 
and coax before the next contest...

Do IT! Besides improving your contesting time, it will just be a Nice Thing.
I love old people...particularly since I'm getting there much too quickly!

73,Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at  Tue Feb 14 19:57:15 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at (David C. Patton)
Date: Tue, 14 Feb 1995 13:57:15 -0600 (CST)
Subject: K7SS Sprint CW
Message-ID: <199502141958.AA24007 at>

Good job on 20 only Danny!  YOu always do quite well for "only one

While I tend to agree that there is something of an advantage to
those who have the ability and equipment to operate two radios
simultaneously, I have to question the actual value of such in the

My best scores on both SSB and CW have come while using one radio.
Both those efforts netted in the upper 340 QSO range.  I have done
many more sprints though with two radios.  I usually am able to find
an extra mult, and occassionally gain an extra QSO or two by "passing
a station to the other band," but I believe the two radio advantage
for sprint is quite minimal.  In a longer test where there is no QSY
rule, such as SS, the advantage is significant.

But what we all really want to know Danny is how you made that HUGE
score that is the all-time highest Sprint score (on SSB)??  That is a
truly awesome job, and we assume you used only one radio?  You had
something like 442 QSOs?  I have been really floored that there was
never any commentary on your score, or any description from you on
how you did it!?  I think it would be very fun reading?  SO what say?

Is the use of two radios really all that great?

Enquiring readers want to know...

73, Dave, WX3N
mudcp3 at

PS.  Congrats to N6TR on breaking the chain.  Sorry Jeff.  Is thi
finish the result of diminished activity from the Black Hole?
Several of us were at the Chi-town auto show.

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