1995 ARRL DX CW Contest Results

ve6bmx at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca ve6bmx at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca
Mon Feb 20 11:43:02 EST 1995

From=20the Far regions of the north....

=12                                ARRL DX CONTEST
     Call used: VE6BMX                                         Location: AB
     Category: Single Operator            Mode: CW              Power: <100=
     Callsign of Operator: VE6BMX
     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
     Exchanged Information: VE6BMX RST AB =20
     Hours of Operation: 12:59
     band      QSOs     points    mults
     160          0         0        0
      80          7        21        4
      40         32        96       18
      20        107       321       50
      15         60       180       27
      10         18        54       10
     TOTAL      224       672      109      SCORE: 73,248
    Comments: Condx were good considering the spot in the cycle=20
                (no pun intended).
          Couldn't break through the U.S. on 80 meters to work the DX.     =
          Only 100 watts here.                                             =
         3 highlights of the contest... worked 6V6U on 40, 20 & 15
                                         10 meters opening!!
                                         tried to work an A22... on 15.    =

BARRY PLOOF is "VE6BMX"                email: ve6bmx at freenet.edmonton.ab.ca=

>From Bill Straw <0007359114 at mcimail.com>  Mon Feb 20 19:14:00 1995
From: Bill Straw <0007359114 at mcimail.com> (Bill Straw)
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 14:14 EST
Subject: WB0O DX contest score
Message-ID: <51950220191415/0007359114PJ2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

>From WB0O, Single op, High power, Unassisted

   BAND     Q's      MULT         ANT

    160       6        4          Inverted-L
     80      29       17          Elevated 4-square array
     40      79       35          Elevated 4-square array
     20      72       35     
     15      74       38          TH7 @ 50 ft   ( tower 1 )
     10      10        5          A3 @ 50 ft    ( tower 2 )

            270      134  = 108,540

  The computer says I operated 6 hours, but it seemed much 
longer. Unless the wwv A-index has been less than 5 for
about a week, 160 and 80 don't open to EU or JA. Worked
all the club stations on the other bands, all S&P. CQing
doesn't work at this point in the sunspot cyle.
  Seems from all the discussion that anyone's favorite
contest is the one they have a chance of winning. I guess
that makes sense. Good thing that the more dogmatic amongst
us don't live in the center of the country, because then
they probably wouldn't be contesting at all.

    73's  Bill WB0O, 10 miles south of the Canadian border
                     in Northern North Dakota.

>From George Cutsogeorge <0006354141 at mcimail.com>  Mon Feb 20 19:22:00 1995
From: George Cutsogeorge <0006354141 at mcimail.com> (George Cutsogeorge)
Date: Mon, 20 Feb 95 14:22 EST
Subject: W2VJN ARRL CW
Message-ID: <11950220192211/0006354141PK4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

	W2VJN SOAB Unassisted.		Umpqua, Oregon
	High Power			26 Hours (per CT)

	160	11	9
	 80	59	24
	 40	363	48
	 20	380	74
	 15	124	38
	 10	17	13
		954	206	Score = 589,572

Equipment: IC765, Titan amp, 486-66 running CT 9.13
Antennas: 204BA at 50' and dipoles.

Conditions were quite good considering the solar flux level. Worked
P49V, HH2PK, JA3ZOH and KL7Y on 6 bands.  Had HL5BVQ move me from
80 meters to 1801 for a solid qso there.

Thursday afternoon the local power company showed up with three
trucks and 8 men in response to my complaint about radio noise.
(I love Oregon.)  They changed all the bells and bugs on two
poles and presto, the noise was gone!

George, W2VJN          mbx:gcutso at mcimail.com

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