WR3O at music-city.tdec.state.tn.us WR3O at music-city.tdec.state.tn.us
Wed Feb 22 14:57:18 EST 1995

                              1995 ARRL DX CONTEST
     Call used: WR3O                                           Location: TN
     Category: Single Op All Band Unassisted     Mode: CW       Power: 500W
     Callsign of Operator: WR3O  
     band      QSOs     points    mults
     160         17        51       14     Inv Vee at 85' w/ tuned feeders
      80         32        96       20      "   "  "   "  "    "      "
      40         35       105       22      "   "  "   "  "    "      "
      20         36       108       15     Mosley PRO-57A at 100'
      15         30        90       16       "       "    "   "
      10         12        36        9       "       "    "   "
     TOTAL      162       486       96      SCORE: 46,656
                                            Rig: IC-761, AL-811 - 500W CW

     Club or Team Name: Tennessee Contest Group     
     This was my first time in the ARRL DX contest.  I just mainly
     goofed around; total operating time about 10 hours.  I enjoyed 
     this contest, and plan to make a much better effort next year. 
     I got some good practice in, worked a couple of new band countries
     (including a few on 160), and just had fun.  Highlights included 
     working EA8EA on Top Band with a nice signal, and generally nice
     quiet conditions on the low bands.  Almost all of my QSO's were
     S & P, my CQ's generally yielded nothing (is my signal THAT bad?) 

     I suppose I'll submit this log for check purposes.
     I had fun, and look forward to really operating this contest in '96. 

73, Kirk  WR3O   ( WR3O at music-city.tdec.state.tn.us )

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