Incomplete exchanges

Baymw at Baymw at
Thu Feb 23 18:53:38 EST 1995

N6TR writes:

> >I don't like ENN and probably won't work people who are doing that, but
> >NN is going too far and isn't an exchange.  If you hear this, please
> >don't support the practice by working them.

KM9P writes:

> I disagree.  The RST part of the exchange is meaningless... and this is
> another way to abbreviate something on CW.  How is this different from 5NN
> TTT for 599 1000?
> If I were DX in arrl my exchange would be NNK.  That's all.

N6TR writes 

>Wonder what other people think.  Am I just a stick in the mud because I
>don't think we should allow NN as an RST?

Those amongst us with nice short callsigns might consider worrying a trace
less about other peoples abbreviation conventions, it adds to the stresses
for those of us with more substantial callsigns  :)

My own perspectiveon such contractions :  if those you work can figure it
out, it must have been OK. If they can't understand, you'll get so sick of
hearing   "rpt ?" that you'll stop doing it.

Test #1   :  E for the money, U for the road, V to get ready, go cat, go

Test #2    :     AATKM   would be which DXCC country   ? 

Martin W1/G4DZC   
baymw at 

>From Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM>  Fri Feb 24 01:16:47 1995
From: Robert <w5robert at blkbox.COM> (Robert)
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 19:16:47 -0600 (CST)
Subject: Infrequent signing and dupes
Message-ID: <9502231916.aa13351 at blkbox.COM>

> > NOT SENDING YOUR POWER!  I worked V44KAO on several bands and he was not
> > sending power on every QSO.  He did respond to requests.  Maybe I'm wrong,
> > 
You're not.  Some of us here on local cluster listened for 
some time with NO power given out by v44kao.  It was 599 BK 
or a little miss copy put him at  6K for power......
73 Robert  WB5CRG  w5robert at   

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