more about sitting

Thu Feb 23 23:45:45 EST 1995

>Lack of movement also causes pooling of the blood in the lower
>extremities, leading to increased risk of circulation problems and
>clotting of the blood.  TAKE BREAKS!  Get up and walk around.

if You can't stand to leave your run on 40 but your blood is in your feet
just Stand up at your operating position...I did that about 5 times this
weekend while operating at KY3N MM.
Beorn WU3M

>From tree at (Larry Tyree)  Fri Feb 24 06:16:18 1995
From: tree at (Larry Tyree) (Larry Tyree)
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 22:16:18 PST
Subject: Sprint logs via Intenet
Message-ID: <9502240616.AA24243 at>

You may send in your NCJ Sprint logs via the internet.  Actually, this
is the perferred way to do it.

For best results, the log should be in ASCII format.  You do not need to
send check sheets, or even a summary sheet (although you do need to indicate
low power, team and address and summary sheet works best for that).

Send you SSB Logs to Rick, K7GM at aoniswan at

Send you CW logs to me at tree at

73 Tree N6TR
tree at

>From Jon R Kimball <ASJRK at>  Fri Feb 24 07:00:05 1995
From: Jon R Kimball <ASJRK at> (Jon R Kimball)
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 1995 23:00:05 -0800
Subject: No subject

160           74           30
 80          308           44
 40          906           56
 20         1119           59
 15         1366           59
 10          323           41

>From Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at>  Fri Feb 24 11:55:45 1995
From: Larry Schimelpfenig <lschim at> (Larry Schimelpfenig)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 06:55:45 -0500 (EST)
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9502240645.A25374-b100000 at>

Fred K3ZO suggested that I indicate the times that Eur was workable on

1433Z TM9C (only Eur I heard Saturday and he was weak)
2133Z KL7Y (Not Eur but darn nice mult this time of the cycle)

1441Z IQ4A
1447Z 9A1A
1451Z I4DZ
1453Z 3DA/ND3A
1458Z IR2Q
1459Z IK6QRH
1502Z IK0HBN
1504Z GB5AR
1510Z II2K
1511Z G4BUO
1513Z IT9AF
1514Z HV3SJ
1515Z HG1S
1533Z EI7M
1537Z EA4KA (Peaked on direct short path)

Band then diasppeared as quickly as it appeared. I heard many other I
stations that I didn't work. Concentrated on working mults or loud
stations. With low power, it was a drag getting all the info through to the
weaker scatter stations. 

As I recall, condx were so bad in this years WW that I couldn't find any
Eur on scatter on ten. The year before I actually had a pretty run of DL's
on scatter. 

As I said earlier I heard KE3Q, who lives about 100 miles northeast of me,
working Eur probably 30-45 minutes before I could hear a peep out of them.
I suspect that better (higher?) antenna height on Rich's part may have
played into it. My KT34XA at 55' does work very well on ten. 

Oh yeah in case anyone doesn't already know it, I live in Virginina, about
55 miles southwest of DC.

There was a note about a GB operation on here ealier this week. I think
they said that GB5AR would be active from Wales in the ARRL fone test. Was
GB5AR on from Wales or England in the ARRL CW test?

73 de Larry K7SV in Virginia - lschim at
Still havin' fun!

>From abraun at (Alan Braun)  Thu Feb 23 14:11:45 1995
From: abraun at (Alan Braun) (Alan Braun)
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 95 14:11:45 GMT
Subject: Working W's in DX contests
Message-ID: <95022351105 at>

In Article <2F4BE1C2 at admin.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>
tskelton at writes:

> I would hate
> to hear the likes of non W/VE's calling P40V and P49? in ARRL
> this past weekend.  It must have been horrendous.
I operated at V31TP during the contest just past.  We had some problem
with this but not too bad.  At one point I had a JA call me for 30 minutes
despite my sending " dx...w only" at least 6 times.  It got 
to the point where he was drowning out the stations I wanted to work and I
had to humiliate him by working him at very slow speed and telling him "no
QSO u lid" to get rid of him.  I was afraid to just work him since we
obviously had a good path to JA and I was sure I'd have a monster pileup
in no time (that actually happened on Monday morning when I did work some
JA's - the pileup spread over 4 kHz in just a couple of minutes).  A few 
Europeans did this also but it wasn't a huge problem - they weren't as
persistent as the JA.  I guess the fact that we were using low power and a 
modest antenna system made the problem less than it would be from a "super 
station" like P49V.  73 - Alan NS0B/V31EV
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*   Alan Braun MD, NS0B       *   Internet: abraun at      *
*   Jefferson City, MO        *   Packet: NS0B at   *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

>From fish at (Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc.)  Fri Feb 24 14:25:28 1995
From: fish at (Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher, KM9P  Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 06:25:28 -0800
Subject: Unacceptable QSO's ??
Message-ID: <199502241425.AA19445 at>

Tom (W2SC) and I were talking off line and he mentioned that he didn't
consider his QSO with the V44 station a good one since the guy wasn't
sending a power number with the reports.  He and I both asked the guy for
the power and he gave it to us, but Tom still feels this is not a good QSO
since it wasn't part of the exchange.

I feel like this is one of those grey areas and wanted to know what everyone
else does/doesn't do.  My guess is he's in all of your logs, as he is in mine.

Please don't respond to me directly...  Like to see this discussed as the group.
Bill Fisher, KM9P   -    Concentric Systems, Inc.  

>From pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II)  Fri Feb 24 15:37:32 1995
From: pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 09:37:32 -0600
Subject: Calling W/VE's in a DX 'test

I admit it, I'm guilty of the above offense.  May my thumb and forefinger be
forever removed from my hand.  (I guess that's one solution for code/no-code

My excuse(s):  (Of course I have one/several)

        1) This was my first ARRL DX CW contest (been a ham 11 mos)
        2) I didn't have the "real" rules (My brother-in-law is using all of
last year's QST's for a research paper on Amateur Radio - well,
                it was a worthy cause until I needed the rules)
        3) CQ Magazine (Feb 95) stated on page 121 under "QSO points" that
W/VE                 stations earn three points for each W/VE contact.
Multipliers                 are DX stations.
        4) On the bottom of every page in CQ Magazine is the statement: "Say
you                 saw it in CQ" - So, I saw it in CQ.

Actually I only had a little time (I thought) to play this weekend, so I was
just going to try to work some new countries.  After working abt 50 Q's
(split between 15/20 meters) I thought maybe I should look at the rules (see
point 3 above).  Read the writeup in CQ and thought, "Dang, I've got all
these mults but NO points." (This is where experience could have helped save
face)  So, I started calling W/VE's.  I must have done that 5 times with no
responses before I realized that maybe I'm missing something here.  So, I
called a friend and asked about the contest and he pointed out that it was
the DX contacts that were worth 3 points/stateside were 0.  Well, that
explains it.

Anyway, I forgive those who didn't answer if they forgive me for calling. ;^)

Multi-Band vertical

103 Q's - 73 Mults = roughly 21 k points

As I stated I wanted some new countries.  Worked many on new bands.  But the
bottom line was 20 all time new ones!

Paul Walker - N9WHG

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker at
Database/System Administrator     phone:  (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute             fax:    (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd            amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL  60610               packet: n9whg at

>From Field, Don" <field at  Fri Feb 24 14:50:00 1995
From: Field, Don" <field at (Field, Don)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 14:50:00 GMT
Subject: RSGB 7MHz Contest
Message-ID: <2F4DF34A at>

With 7MHz having been so productive last weekend in ARRL CW, it may be of 
interest that this weekend (25/26 Feb) is the RSGB 7MHz CW Contest, which 
runs from 15z on 25th to 09z on 26th. Work UK stations, who send RST+Serial+
three letter county code. You folks send RST+Serial.

On another topic, GB Callsigns. Many multi-op groups in the UK used to use GB 
calls for contests as, for many years, standard G calls could not be used 
simultaneously on more than one band (which ruled out their use for multi-
single, multi-multi, etc). This is no longer the case and hasn't been for 
some years. In my view, therefore, it is unnecessary and unhelpful for UK 
stations to use GB prefixes in contests where countries are multipliers, as 
GB could be any of the G-prefix countries. In contests like WPX it is, of 
course, a different issue, and unusual GB prefixes are definitely an 

73 Don G3XTT
field at

>From John W. Brosnahan" <broz at  Fri Feb 24 16:40:26 1995
From: John W. Brosnahan" <broz at (John W. Brosnahan)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 1995 09:40:26 -0700
Subject: K0RF in Boston
Message-ID: <199502241640.AA16953 at>

Chuck, K0RF, asked me to post this.  He will be working in Boston for the
coming weeks and would like to see what the New England propagation is
really like.

Chuck would like to find a chair at "the best multi-multi within 50 miles
of Boston" for the ARRL DX phone test.  If anyone has any suggestions I
would appreciate a response ASAP.  Home and work phone numbers would be
helpful and I will pass it along to Chuck this weekend if I get any

Thanks and 73

John  W0UN    broz at

>From Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM>  Fri Feb 24 17:16:44 1995
From: Joel B Levin <levin at BBN.COM> (Joel B Levin)
Date: Fri, 24 Feb 95 12:16:44 -0500
Subject: Unacceptable QSO's ??
Message-ID: <9970.793646204 at>

Bill Fisher asks:
|Tom (W2SC) and I were talking off line and he mentioned that he didn't
|consider his QSO with the V44 station a good one since the guy wasn't
|sending a power number with the reports.  He and I both asked the guy for
|the power and he gave it to us, but Tom still feels this is not a good QSO
|since it wasn't part of the exchange.
 . . .
|Please don't respond to me directly...  Like to see this discussed as the group.

If you got the information from him it's valid, whether he included it
as part of his "exchange" or not.  (This is not the same as copying it
from his exchange with some other ham.)

After all, if you are called by a non-participant, you'll tease the
information you need out of him so you can fill out a log entry.  How
is this different, except for the expectation that if the V44 is
playing he ought to include the power automatically?


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