johnv at
johnv at
Tue Jan 3 10:43:41 EST 1995
Happy New Year to everyone that bothers to read this and thanks to everyone
that dropped by to give us a qso. I'm attaching our results and a couple of
other score rumors that I was given or heard.This was the first attempt at
a M/M from the new QTH of VE6JY and everything seemed to play very well.We
had a little interstation interference with trying to run SSB and CW on the
same band but it was necessary to get the mults as we tried to pass as many
as we could to other bands and to the CW station.Conditions were probably the
poorest we've seen for this one in the past couple of years however they were
relatively stable for the entire 24 hrs.The propagational highlight was
extremely good conditions on 2m,we were able to work into Saskatchewan for
two extra mults,and an excellent sporadic-E opening on Saturday afternoon
that opened up 6m and allowed us to get a few Q's in the log on 10m including
a VE4 mult.Even considering the poorer overall conditions we were able to
achieve our goal of setting a new all-time record and cracking the 1 Meg pts
barrier.It should also be noted that we also exceeded the single band
records on 160m,40m,and 20m and had a good showing on 2m(no record
The thrill of the weekend for me was helping my 9yr old son VE6YIC with logging
chores as he called "CQ contest from the youngest ham in Canada this is
Victor Echo Six Radio Amateurs of Canada".I want to thank all the operators
that worked him and realized it was a young op at the mike and gave their
callsigns slowly and added words of encouragement in the exchange. He can't
wait for the next one we'll let him "play" in.
73 for now from John VE6JAV aka CJ6V.
+++Binary Attachment: scores
begin 777 scores
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end 2044
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