HQ stations in IARU HF Co...

N6ZZ at aol.com N6ZZ at aol.com
Fri Jul 7 05:10:53 EDT 1995

Good info on HQ multipliers in the IARU contest; I'll be on.  (Blatent
commercial follows:  Work me!)

Aside from the list of callsigns you sent, which were from previous year's
contests, and a few obvious ones, how would one identify some of these other
HQ stations?  I wouldn't guess that LU4AA or IU2A are mults separate from
their respective countries.  Makes using logging software kinda tricky also.

If the K1KI source could publish a list of other HQ callsigns that were on in
this year's contest, that would be most helpful---especially if that could be
done shortly after the fray is over.

73 - Phil, N6ZZ

>From becker at shell.portal.com (Tony and Celia Becker)  Fri Jul  7 07:29:29 1995
From: becker at shell.portal.com (Tony and Celia Becker) (Tony and Celia Becker)
Date: Fri, 07 Jul 1995 02:29:29 -0400
Subject: IFDC scores
Message-ID: <199507070931.CAA29718 at nova.unix.portal.com>

As promised, here is your first, pre-deadline report of claimed scores!  If
you are not listed, it means I haven't received your entry yet, so get busy
and sent to me.  Likewise if the data is wrong.

The new group lead by AD5Q, who one of only three to have sent all the
requested info in correctly on the first attempt, has a commanding lead for
the Multi-Single plaque and similarly W8QLS for the Multi-Single plaque.  

I sure pays to get out there and join in with the big local group; just look
at all the help they got!  

The only Clean Sweep goes to Check Log W6QHS.  Come on now people, we've got
a hundred of those little BROOM and DUSTPAN awards on order!

Lucky for you that the deadline to send in your entry isn't 'til a whole
week from Saturday!  So send me your entry by the new deadline of 15 July
and join in the fun.

M/S	W5NN	2A	STX	2	1425	1866	75	707400

M/S	N2IC	1A?	CO	2	1091	684	75	429900	N2IC,AA0NC,KB0EBH,WA3TLF,AA0QS,N0LHW

M/S	W8TK	1B	OH	2	1415	32	74	423576	W8TK,WD8AUB

M/S	AA6KX	1B	SF/SV	2	920	414	76	342608	AA6KX,AA6MC

M/S	W6YL	1A	EB	2	555	779	75	283350

M/S	W5DDL	1A	LA	2	615	593	75	273450

M/S	N4VYT	1A	SC	2	720	404	64	236032	N4VYT,W4WAI,W8XY

M/S	AA4TU	1A	VA	1		2258	70	158060	KC4UCK,KQ4MY,AD4TU

M/S	W4ZBB	2A	NF	1			64	87808	K2UVG(<24)

M/2	W8QLS	3A	DE?	2	1050	939	73	443694

M/2	W9CCU	1A	IL	2	1332	0	74	394272	AA9JY,KD0AV,K0OAM,W9ZV,N1??

M/2	W5GB	2A?	NM?	2	697	849	76	340936	AA5DF(10),N5UHB(12),AA5ZQ(10),KB5OKI

M/2?	K3II	2A	EPA	2	585	1038	70	309120	

M/2	KO4EW	2B	NC	2	535	722	74	265216	KQ4HC,KO4EW

M/2	AA7DT	3A	ID	2	607	369	73	231118


LEGEND:  the ? means the data is not confirmed.  The number in parenthesis
indicates the Expert Operators' hours, where needed.
AE0M, Tony Becker - becker at shell.portal.com - Silicon Valley, U.S.A.

>From Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu>  Fri Jul  7 11:34:42 1995
From: Robert Penneys <penneys at brahms.udel.edu> (Robert Penneys)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 06:34:42 -0400
Subject: HQ stns for IARU??
Message-ID: <199507071034.GAA13393 at brahms.udel.edu>

Did I miss a list of IARU HQ stns? If so, and you have it, please send me
a copy.

Tnx and CU this weekend.......Bob

Bob Penneys, WN3K           Internet:  penneys at brahms.udel.edu
      Frankford Radio Club    N.E.R.D.S.

>From Frank Donovan <donovanf at sgate.com>  Fri Jul  7 11:41:29 1995
From: Frank Donovan <donovanf at sgate.com> (Frank Donovan)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 06:41:29 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: High vs Low
Message-ID: <Pine.OSF.3.91.950707062615.12118C-100000 at jekyll.sgate.com>

Hi Ed!
I'm pleased you have taken my comments on the design of serious 
competitive HF antenna systems in the positive light in which they were 

A free space wavelength on 80M is 280 feet, and the top of my horiz
polarized quads is at 175 ft, so they are a mere 5/8 wavelength high at 
the top!

By the way, an alternative way to look at the lobe splitting problem is 
to think about the distribution of power across the surface of a sphere.
A lossless source illuminating a sphere is a 0 dBi (isotropic) antenna.  
If this same lossless isotropic source is placed at ANY height over a 
perfectly conducting half-space, grating lobes appear, and only one 
quarter of the sphere is illuminated (the lower half of the sphere is 
blocked by the perfectly conducting half-space, and the the energy reflected
from the conducting surface adds to the direct radiation from the source 
(ie produces 6 dB gain when it is exactly in phase), and subtracts (ie 
produces a perfect null when it is 180 degrees out of phase).  This 
grating lobe radiation is exactly what is seen with a Yagi over real 
ground, except the Yagi also has a pattern, which concentrates the 
radiation in the lower forward lobe or lobes (depending on the directivity 
of the Yagi).  No power is lost in the production of grating lobes, 
except that more nulls are produced!  Think about it...

More about vertical polarization later!  There really are reasons why its 
not preferred by serious HF antenna designers, except in very specialized

 Frank W3LPL

On Thu, 6 Jul 1995, Edward W. Sleight wrote:

> No offense taken....and your points are worthy, although some 
> arguable regarding the vertical phasing. I remind you I was merely
> paraphasing Kraus and Collins. And tell me, at what wavelength is an
> 80 meter quad at 200'. You are to be congratulated on your station
> layout.
> 73, Ed

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