10th IARU test and other anomalies

n0dh at comtch.iea.com n0dh at comtch.iea.com
Fri Jul 7 21:28:43 EDT 1995

Just Curious

I'm planning on getting on for the IARU test this weekend and I had not done 
the test in several years. First I notice that they are calling it the 10th 
annual contest. I worked my first IARU test back in 1983 and have the 
certificate to prove it. That was 12 years ago and if that had been the first 
year (and it may have been) then this year would be the 12th anuual (at 
least). Were there a couple of years in between when there was no contest?? Or 
has the nature of the test changed such that it is considered a different 
contest now?

Also I note that the rules in QST say that certificates will be given out for 
top honors in each "state". Last years result are listed by ARRL section. Did 
the contest change for this year or will they be giving out certificates by 
ARRL section as in years past? i.e. did things change or is QST in error with 
it's latest publishing of the  rules???

Dave Henderson
"Eastern" (I'm never making that mistake again even if Bill and Stan don't 
answer my e-mails, hello hello is anyone home over in Newington?) Washington.

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