Food for thought
n0dh at
n0dh at
Fri Jul 7 21:32:51 EDT 1995
My crumbs for cerebal consumption:
Move CQWpx from Memroial Day to the end of April.....YES!!!
Move ARRL 10 meter test to October...................Don't care
Move CQWW away from T'giving weekend.................NO!!!
>From n2ic at (LondonSM) Fri Jul 7 14:43:26 1995
From: n2ic at (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Fri, 7 Jul 1995 07:43:26 -0600
Subject: Another IARU HF Contest Plug
Message-ID: <9507070743.ZM16788 at>
A few more great reasons why you should do the IARU HF Contest ---
- You get a good night's sleep before the contest, and come out charged, ready
to go 24 hours without sleep.
- You have all day Sunday to recuperate.
- Lots of CW activity.
- It's only 24 hours, so W2UP and others who insist on a life besides
contesting should like it.
- You can be competitive from the Black Hole:
- EU is only a few zones, rather than 50+ countries. This reduces the east
coast advantage.
- Every random USA QSO is worth something - 1 or 3 points.
- QRN makes 80 and 160 marginal bands for everyone. Another equalizer (sorry
to use that word, JD).
I'll avoid the usual "please work me" commercial.
Steve, N2IC/0
n2ic at
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