Kids contest #3 info ready

shaimes at shaimes at
Mon Jul 10 01:33:50 EDT 1995

The information for the 3rd SquINT is here! Please download it, print it,
read it and save it. If you have any questions just let me know.


>From Lee Hiers <0006701840 at>  Mon Jul 10 05:33:00 1995
From: Lee Hiers <0006701840 at> (Lee Hiers)
Date: Sun, 9 Jul 95 23:33 EST
Subject: The answer to "Which Radio?" (about 9k)
Message-ID: <32950710043323/0006701840PJ2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

Well, now that the replies have slowed to a trickle...thanks to everyone who
responded to my question concerning the best $2,000 radio for contesting!
By popular demand, I submit the following compilation of responses:

First, here's how everyone voted:

                              FT990  TS850  OMNI  IC736  IC765  FT1000
K0GU                                                               X
K1KP                                                       X
N0BIW                                  X
AA4V                                                               X
KA9FOX                                                     X
WN3K                            X  or  X
K1BV                            X
WQ5G                                         X
N4DVW                           X
K8CV                                         X
K5ZD                                                       X
WX0B                                                               X
K8DO                                         X
N3BDA                                               X
AI7B                            X
WT2G                                         X

Totals                         3.5    1.5    4      1      3       3

Bob Wilson, N6TV included a listing of the pros and cons of each of the
currently available rigs:

                     Pro                         Con

TS-850          Solid Receiver               Inconvenient Filters
                Good SW support from TR-log  No RIT clear button
                Small, compact size          Needs external RS-232 interface
                                             No support for separate RX ant.
                                             Fair QSK

FT-990          Nice control layout          Unusuable QSK
                Nice controls/display        Hissy receiver audio
                Supports sep. RX ant         Needs external RS-232 interface

Omni-VI         Very light weight            Clunky controls/buttons
                Excellent receiver/filters   No RIT clear button
                Built-in RS-232 conn.        Requires external 12V p.s.
                Supports separate RX ant.    No antenna tuner
                Superior QSK

IC-73x          (Ask WM2C, I have no experience with this radio)

Now, for some random comments:

Lee I was in the same situation about three years ago and the rigs offered
are still pretty much the same ones. I couldn't get everything I wanted in
a radio with any of them. I finally ended up borrowing some extra $$$ and
buying a FT-1000.  

I wasn't impressed with the review of the TS-850 transmitter in QST a few
years ago. The FT-990 wasn't quite what I wanted and a contest friend
didn't like his too well. The IC-765 looked OK but is a old model. I think
the OMNI VI maybe the sleeper in the group but I haven't heard great things
about reliability from TenTec (although the service is reported to be great).
<K0GU:  jayk at>
For my money, you can't beat the IC-765. Available used (only) at around
1700$ plus or minus filters. One of the 5 best rx's ever tested at ARRL,
so says the review in QST. Be sure to add the PBT mod, and K3LR's tracking
sidetone pitch on CW.  <K1KP:  fisher at>
I can recommend the 850sat with 2 250 hz cw filters and the 1.8 ssb filter.
This radio is outstanding  and during CQWW CW a few years ago when I 
first got it, with both filters in, i had my own clear freq in the low 
end of 20!!! Very reliable in the it played thru TWO cqww rtty contests. 
I can't rave enough about this radio!!  <N0BIW:  n0biw at>
Why don'cha take some of that $$$ that you have stashed away and get
yourself a radio that will last until all of us OT's die off and there will
be no one on to work in the contest (unless it is on 2M)
one last year...I've tried them's a real winner in any
environment.  <AA4V:  ryansci at>  [please tell me Steve, where
_did_ I stash all that cash??!]
I think you could get a IC-765 for about $1600 used.  That'd be a great rig.
Used 'em countless times at KS9K, K3LR and W0AIH.  <KA9FOX:  ka9fox at>
The 990 has the same rcvr virtually as the FT-1000, which is the best
of all radios right now, plus it has a digital filter, which reacts 
very similar to the KenWood slope tuning, if you remember that type of 
tuning. It works great on CW, I use it at home for digital modes, works 
super on all of them.  <N4DVW:  adnixon at>
I don't know about the others, but I would avoid the 950 like the
plague!   <K4SB:  k4sb at>
Hi Just got a used omni 6 for $1700 and it's every bit as good
with filters as my FT-1000D and a ton of money less. Got 4 filters
for $320 bucks 500hz 9mhz first if and 1.8, 500 and 250 hz for 
second if 6 mhz and the $20 was for upgrade on software to 
ver. 2.2 Ten-Tec is great to deal with and I now have 4 of them
rangeing all the way to an old Argonaut 515 .  <K8CV:
ae382 at>
Why does it have to be a new one?  Get a good condx used radio and get
more for your money (kind of like used cars).  I really like my IC-765.  
Best CW radio I have ever used.  <K5ZD:  k5zd at>
Had the same decision this spring.... I purchased the Omni VI with a full set
of filters... It has been used in 2 contests so far.... And,  I still like it
far better than the FT1000, etc., outstanding audio and filters....  And it
is USA designed and made.... Highly recommended...  <K8DO:  k8do at>
The biggest drawback is its [ICOM IC-736]
CW sidetone.  I'm only a casual CW op, but serious CW contesters complain that
the sidetone is too high pitched and there's no control to bring it down.  As
I progress towards contest-quality CW ability myself, maybe I'll also develop
an annoyance with the sidetone.  Fo now, however, it seems just fine with me.
<N3BDA:  gdo at>
I was a cnfd ICOM fan but the 765 and filter blow by caused me to look
elsewhere for my next rig....the goal was a FT1000D but short on bucks so 
settled for half of one in the 990...... filters and big signal handling 
excellent .... much improved over the ICOM....  <AI7B:  Ai7b at>
I have been using the Ten-Tec Omni VI for quite a few years and have really
enjoyed it. I am not a contester but do work a lot of DX (ssb & cw) and
have found the Omni VI to be a good performer and very east to use. I have
all of the filters which are exceptional (compared to what I have had on
TS-930, Icom IC-781, FT-890). The rig is great on c.w. and the filters are
a delight to use .  <WT2G:  ebailey at>
If I had no radio and wanted to get real competitive real fast, a pair of
used Drake TR7s or used Kenwood TS-930s or, for 2K even a pair of used
TS-940s would be a sensible pair.  In other words, a pair of radios would
be more bang for the buck than just one newer or nicer one.  <KE3Q:
rlboyd at>
The way contesting is getting shouldn't it be "Which radio(s) ?"  <AA4NU:
aa4nu at>
So, what am I gonna do?  I dunno, I _hate_ decisions!  What I'd like to
do is save up and get the FT1000 - better for my low power operating
(depending on the contest rules, of course!) and I'm used to using one at
AB4RU's.  If I don't, I think I'm leaning toward the TS850, but I'd like to
borrow an '850 and a '990 (both with filters) and compare.  Most likely,
I'll probably take the cheap route and just stick with the old reliable

73 de Lee, AA4GA
aa4ga at

"I ain't changin' my call...I never hear 'Yeah, I used to have that call back
                            when I lived in Kentucky...'"

>From kf3p at (Tyler Stewart)  Mon Jul 10 07:51:24 1995
From: kf3p at (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 02:51:24 -0400
Subject: KF3P IARU Single Op Mixed Score
Message-ID: <199507100651.CAA19755 at>

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"


Content-Type: application/mac-binhex40; name="IARUSUM.TXT"
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="IARUSUM.TXT"

(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)
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