IARU score

NF8R at delphi.com NF8R at delphi.com
Mon Jul 10 11:27:44 EDT 1995

                              IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP



     Call used: NF8R                                           Location: 08


     Category: Multi-Single Xmtr          Mode: MIXED           Power: 1500


     Callsign of Operator: NF8R  


     If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:

	KA8D, NF8R___________________________________________________________________



     Exchanged Information: NF8R RST 08  



     Hours of Operation: 23:57



              CW      CW     SSB     SSB    band

     band   QSOs     pts    QSOs     pts   mults


     160       3       5       1       3      2

      80      57      85      12      20     13

      40     102     302      95     229     36

      20     268     932     346    1096     48

      15      93     277      91     279     35

      10      19      43       0       0      6


     TOTAL   542    1644     545       0    140       SCORE: 457,940



     Club or Team Name: MAD RIVER RADIO CLUB        


 	Equipment: IC 765, AL80A, 40-2CD, CL33, 70 ft tower, NA 9.12, Coors Light

     Comments:Packet was mostly worthless.








     I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations for

     amateur radio  in my country.  My report  is correct and true to the

     best of my knowledge.  I agree  to be bound by  the decisions of the

     ARRL Awards Committee.



     Date_________ Signature_____________________________ Call____________



     Name: DAVE LANCE                      Call: NF8R  

           1873 S. CLEVE MASS RD         

           COPLEY, OH 44321

Dave NF8R


>From cgate!ocker at zool.interaccess.com (Charlie Ocker)  Mon Jul 10 15:36:53 1995
From: cgate!ocker at zool.interaccess.com (Charlie Ocker) (Charlie Ocker)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 09:36:53 CDT
Subject: Tower Mast Installation Summary
Message-ID: <9507101436.AA06385 at chasind.com>

I have generated a summary of all the responses that I have received.  Due to
the length of the summary (22.5k), I'm not going to post it directly to the
reflector, but I will be more than happy to email it to any and all interested
individuals.  Thanks to all who responded!  Your comments and advice are greatly

73 es cul,
Charlie  KD5PJ/9	ocker at chasind.com

>From junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger)  Mon Jul 10 15:53:02 1995
From: junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger) (John Unger)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 10:53:02 EDT
Subject: IARU - modest score
Message-ID: <9507101453.AA03881 at mtn.er.usgs.gov.er.usgs.gov>

                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 08-Jul-95, 09-Jul-95

    Callsign Used : W3GOI
        Operators : JOHN UNGER

         Category : Single Operator / CW only

 Default Exchange : 599 08

             Name : John D. Unger
          Address : P.O. Box 95
   City/State/Zip : Hamilton, VA 22068
          Country : 

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

   40CW       72          72        222       2        10
   20CW      272         271       1015       7        27
   15CW        6           6         14       0         3

 Totals      350         349       1251       9        40

    Final Score = 61299 points.

I worked about 7.5 hours of the contest; outside chores dominate
my free time this time of year.  It didn't help to have such
glorious weather this weekend!  High points: working HL9DC an hour
before the end of the contest for zone 44 (he was calling CQ without 
getting much response, had everyone already worked him?).  Low 
point: having my logging program crash mid-way in a nice run and then
the unspeakable happened, I lost my whole log!  Fortunately, I had
done a manual backup about 75 QSO's earlier.  For that reason, I
apologize for all of the dupes I may have generated from those lost
QSO's.  It was my first time for this contest but will not be my
last - I had a ball!

Rigs: TecTec Corsair II and L4-B
Antennas: 20-meter triplex wire beam and 40-meter dipole; both up
          about 40 - 45 feet.
tnx for all the contacts - John, W3GOI

>From JH5ZCP <VYA00316 at niftyserve.or.jp>  Mon Jul 10 15:33:00 1995
From: JH5ZCP <VYA00316 at niftyserve.or.jp> (JH5ZCP)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 23:33:00 +0900
Message-ID: <199507101457.XAA25837 at inetnif.niftyserve.or.jp>

       1995 IARU HF Championship

      Call    : JH5ZCP   
      Mode    : SSB only  
      Category: Single Operator


       80        1        1       1      0
       40       30      100      15      9
       20      574     2668      41     11
       15      224      834      17      8
       10       15       23       4      0

     Totals    844     3626      78     28

      Score: 384,356 points

Op.JR5JAQ  yamao 
comment:80m ant is broken first qso hi 
          80m/ROTARY DP 40m/2EL 20m/4EL 15m/6EL 10m/5EL 

I HOPE TO SEE YOU NEXT I.O.T.A  or W A E contest 

DE JH5ZCP/JR5JAQ E-MAIL(NCN98485 at pcvan.or.jp)
       (VYA00316 at niftyserve.or.jp)

>From lvn at fox.cen.com (Larry Novak)  Mon Jul 10 15:56:37 1995
From: lvn at fox.cen.com (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 10:56:37 EDT
Subject: Contest Registry: last call
Message-ID: <9507101456.AA03351 at cen.com>

This is the list that will be published in the next NCJ. I'll still take
additions but they probaboy won't be published in this issue. But, if
there are any errors here let me know ASAP and I'll try to get them
fixed before publication.

Thanks, Larry, K3TLX

CQ Contest DXpedition Registery.
Updated July 6, 1995

Contest          Location    Who/email              Status 
IOTA 95          V7A         Ken, V73C              OC028 (QSL N4GAK) 
                             v73c at aloha.net

IOTA 95          EJ          EI6FR                  MM EU-106

IOTA SSB 95      NA129       John, VE8EV            XK8X 95% sure
                 Banks Is.   ve8ev at amsat.org        

WAE CW/95        VP2MGA      Bill, K5GN             Very Iffy
                             via Joe, <71045.2632 at compuserve.com>

WAE SSB/95       VP5         VP5C by PA3ERC,etal    Confirmed M/S
                             norf at euronet.nl

CQWW RTTY/95     VK9L        W6OTC et al            M/S call: VK9LZ
                             mgvinson at crl.com

CQWW RTTY/95     VP5         VP5C by PA3ERC,etal    Confirmed M/S
                             norf at euronet.nl

SAC SSB          PY0F        AH0W with WA7LNW       Planned M/S
                             ahow at primenet.com

CQWW SSB/95      8P          8P9Z
                             jjarrett at CapAccess.org

CQWW SSB/95      FP          WA2VUY and NO2R        Planned
                             from WA2VUY/packet

CQWW SSB/95      FP          Gary, K9GS etal        Confirmed  M/M
                             garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net

CQWW SSB/95      FS          N0BSH,WX9E, etal       Planned M/S
                             WX9E at aol.com

CQWW SSB/95      HC8         N6KT                   Reserved
                             via GARLOUGH at TGV.COM

CQWW SSB/95      HI8         WA2VUY, NO2R           Desired MS (leads wanted)

CQWW SSB/95      KH9         AL7EL, WB2DND etal 

CQWW SSB/95      KH0AM       Tack, JE1CKA/KH0AM     M/M @ Diamond hotel
                             je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp

CQWW SSB/95      P40E        Jose, CT1BOH           Firm SO 
                             ct1boh at telpac.pt

CQWW SSB/95      P40W        W2GD  (QSL N2MM)       Firm SO

CQWW SSB/95      PJ7         Warren, WB1HHB         Planned SOLP
                             wrothberg at mv.MV.COM

CQWW SSB/95      PJ9T        KU4J (QSL AB4JI)       Firm M/S
                             KU4J at OPUS.HSV.ISG.MOT.COM

CQWW SSB/95      V26B        AB2E etal              Firm M/M
                             via AB2E/packet

CQWW SSB/95      V31DX       KI6IM( QSL-AA6BB)      Firm M/S
                             vburns at netcom.com

CQWW SSB/95      V7X         Ken, V73C              M/S (QSL KH6HH)
                             v73c at aloha.net

CQWW SSB/95      VE2/Zone 2  WB2K                   VE2TJA SO
                             wb2k at ritz.mordor.com

CQWW SSB/95      VP5WW       Red, K0LUZ etal        Planned M/S
                             Hamk0luz at aol.com

CQWW SSB/95      VP5         N2VW, WB2YOF, KE2OP    Confirmed. Planned M/S
                             Carroll_Bruce/amer_support at qad.com

CQWW SSB/95      XE          6D2X (K5TSQ)           Planned M/S  QSL K5TSQ

CQWW ???/95      FG          JF2DQJ/KI6FE etal   Planned M/S
                             76353.2760 at compuserve.com

CQWW CW/95       8P          8P9Z
                             jjarrett at CapAccess.org

CQWW CW/95       HC8         WN4KKN                 Reserved
                             GARLOUGH at TGV.COM

CQWW CW/95       J3          Dave, WJ2O             Thinking about it. 
                             WJ2O at aol.com

CQWW CW/95       KH0AM       Tack, JE1CKA/KH0AM     M/M @ Diamond hotel
                             je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp

CQWW CW/95       KP2         by Dave, WD5N          Reserved
                             wd5n at msg.ti.com

CQWW CW/95       P40W        W2GD QSL N2MM          Firm SO

CQWW CW/95       PY0FF       Jose, CT1BOH           Firme SO 
                             ct1boh at telpac.pt

CQWW CW/95       V31DX       KI6IM  (QSL AA6BB)     Firm M/S
                             vburns at netcom.com

CQWW CW/95       VP2EFO      K8MFO (QSL via W8TPS)  Confirmed  SOAB 
                             via gooster at delphi.com

CQWW CW/95       VP2MDE      Armadillo Contest Group Confirmed M/S 
                             via Joe, <71045.2632 at compuserve.com>

CQWW CW/95       XE          6D2X  (K5TSQ)           Planned SO

SS SSB/95        KP2         Larry, KE2VB            Reserved
                             readerl at goliath.sunyocc.edu

CQ 160 SSB/96    KP2         Larry, KE2VB           Reserved
                             readerl at goliath.sunyocc.edu

CQ 160 CW/96     P4          John, K9UWA
                             k9uwa at mcimail.com

ARRL DX CW/96    VP5         Ken, K0PP and N7HKW    Reserved
                             k0pp at mcimail.com

ARRL DX SSB/96   KP2         Larry, KE2VB           Reserved
                             readerl at goliath.sunyocc.edu

WPX CW/96        VP5         W5ASP
                             Jastaples at aol.com

WAE CW/96        VP2MGA      Bill, K5GN             Probable     
                             via Joe, <71045.2632 at compuserve.com>

CQWW CW/96       VP5         Dave, WD5N             Reserved
                             wd5n at msg.ti.com

Victor Burns says "V31DX and "the Country of Belize" is occupied for an
indeterminate number of years." (vburns at netcom.com)

 | Larry Novak                    \-\-\             email:   lnovak at cen.com |
 | Century Computing                |                 Tel:   (301) 953-3330 |
 | 8101 Sandy Spring Road           |          Tel (@NRL):   (202) 404-7682 |
 | Laurel, MD 20707                 |                 Fax:   (301) 953-2368 |
 | http://www.cen.com/              |       Amateur Radio:    K3TLX, C6AHE  |

>From headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil (Jim Headrick)  Mon Jul 10 18:02:40 1995
From: headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil (Jim Headrick) (Jim Headrick)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 11:02:40 -0600
Subject: IARU Score - W3CPB
Message-ID: <v01520d00ac2708a83689@[]>

40 M    96 Q    280 PTS        11 Z     13 HQS     GROUND-PLANE BASE @ 12'

20 M    87 Q    287 PTS        12 Z     12 HQS     AEA ISOLOOP @ 45'
15 M    45 Q    139 PTS        11 Z      8 HQS     AEA ISOLOOP @ 45'

Total  228 Q    706 PTS        34       34 HQS     ABT 8 HOURS TIME

The radio: Kenwood TS-830 with about 90 W

*      Jim Headrick  --->  headrick at radar.nrl.navy.mil    *

>From pwalker at mbi.moody.edu (Paul D. Walker II)  Mon Jul 10 16:12:49 1995
From: pwalker at mbi.moody.edu (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 10:12:49 -0500
Subject: KX8D IARU

                               IARU SUMMARY SHEET

    Contest Dates : 08-Jul-95, 09-Jul-95

    Callsign Used : KX8D
        Operators : N9DHN, N9WHG

         Category : MULTISINGLE (CLASS D)

 Default Exchange : 59(9) 08

        ICOM 781
        10/15/20 Tribander
        4 "directional" dipoles tuned for 80 loaded on 40/160
        TRLog logging software

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults   Zones

  160CW        1           1          1       0         1
  160SSB       3           3          5       0         1
   80CW       13          13         19       0         0
   80SSB      18          18         32       1         4
   40CW       58          58        126       8        10
   40SSB       7           7         13       0         1
   20CW      150         147        485      12         9
   20SSB     181         181        573       7        21
   15CW       13          13         25       0         1
   15SSB     112         111        289       9        14
   10SSB      12          12         32       1         5

 Totals      568         564       1600      38        67

    Final Score = 168000 points.

Well, IARU is what got me interested in contesting originally, so I
convinced N9DHN to celebrate with me at KX8D and see exactly how much more
effective a beam antenna is than our measly verticals.

To say that we worked countries on one call that we have never even heard
before is simply a gross understatement of the fun that was had.  We had so
greatly underestimated what was possible, that we were continually changing
our goals.

Now I have to figure out a way to explain to the wife why I need to put up
one of those ugly "TV" towers when we already have cable. ;^)  Actually, I
probably need to buy some land and build a house first -- who says we are


Paul Walker N9WHG

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker at mbi.moody.edu
Database/System Administrator     phone:  (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute             fax:    (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd            amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL  60610               packet: n9whg@?????  BBS went offline

>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM)  Mon Jul 10 16:35:23 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 09:35:23 -0600
Subject: N2IC IARU CW
Message-ID: <9507100935.ZM28216 at dr.att.com>

Don't think this really went out the first time I sent it.  I apologize if I am

N2IC - Single-Op - CW only - Zone 7 (Colorado)

Band   QSO  Zones  HQ

160     22    4     1    1/4 wavelength sloper
80      67   12     1    1/4 wavelength vertical
40     300   31    12    3 el KLM @ 115'
20    1061   42    19    Stacked KT-34XA's @ 65', 115'
15     254   31     9             "
10      62   10     1             "

Total 1766  130    43  =>   1,203,734

Wow !  What a great contest !  FB propagation and activity.  Thanks to everyone
who worked me.  It was really hard to believe that this is the bottom of the
sunspot cycle - widespread Sporadic-E really saved the day.  No equipment
problems or local thunderstorms, either.

10 meters - The EU opening didn't make it this far west - I listened and
listened.  A pipeline to W8 from here.  A few SA and ZL2AGY were the only DX.
 Many CQ's towards JA and moved multipliers from 15 with nil results (VE6 being
the only exception).

15 meters - A pleasant surprise. The band never really opened for DX, but it
never totally closed, either.  Except for HG95HQ when the band peaked, the DX
stations seldom moved the S-meter, but I could work every station I could hear.
No DX runs, but worked every mult that I heard.  The only frustration was being
unable to break through the inaudible EU pileup to work A92Q (did work the C47
later for the mult, however).  Amazed to work SP0HQ around 0600Z, and RA0FU at
0921Z (0321 local time).  Moving mults from 20 was at least 90% successful.

20 meters - Just like the Energizer bunny, 20 just kept going-and-going.  A
seemingly endless number of EU, almost the entire 24 hours.  It's openings like
this that make you wish for a 4-stack, instead of a 2-stack, to work the next
layer of weak EU.  FB JA condx the last few hours of the contest kept me on 20,
instead of 40.

40 meters - Started the contest here with JA, VK, and ZL, but that faded
quickly, as local sunrise is 1140Z.  The big gun EU stations were loud and
easily workable an hour before sunset, but couldn't hear very many of the 2nd
tier EU stations that the east coast was running.  Strange propagation around
0430Z-0500Z - the only EU heard were OH, SM, LA and TF, who were all well into
daylight.  JA run disappointing - they were all up on 20.

80 meters - QRN !  Too bad I didn't have my winter beverages (have to take them
down for farming activities).  Sorry to all those who called that I couldn't
pull through.  Did my usual thing - work USA and VE zones during the night,
then grab JA and Pacific at sunrise (+- 10 minutes) when the band quiets down
and peaks.  Where were all the VE6's I worked on 20 and 40 ?

160 - QRN, but at least I didn't miss Zone 8 (yes, it has happened in the past
!).  Lack of beverages cost me an XJ7RAC QSO, amongst others.

Really love this contest when the K-index is low. When there are no sunspots,
 40, 20 and 15 meter DX propagation is much better than the fall/winter

Steve, N2IC(/0)
n2ic at dr.att.com

>From alan at ES.COM (Alan Brubaker)  Mon Jul 10 16:57:31 1995
From: alan at ES.COM (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 09:57:31 -0600
Subject: IARU Contest @ K6XO
Message-ID: <199507101557.JAA28613 at greely.corp.ES.COM>

K6XO  Multiop with AB7GM, KI7WX and W0MHS

QSOs: 1175

Mult:   80 (est).

Final score: 300,000 (est).

Post processing of the log is required. Good conditions Saturday night.
We put in 19 hours out of 24.

Alan, K6XO

alan at es.com

>From Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org  Mon Jul 10 17:49:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 95 12:49:00 EDT
Subject: IARU Score - W1INF (KB1GW, Op)
Message-ID: <30015AAE at arrl.org>

         IARU HF Championship -- 1995

          Call: W1INF                    Country:  United States
         (Operator: KB1GW)      Category: Single Operator


       160            0          0      0.00      0         0
        80             0           0         0.00           0         0
        40             0      0         0.00           0         0
        20        405      947          2.34        18               11
        15          70      220         3.14        12           4
        10          35      125         3.57          7                 1

      Totals    510     1292             2.53       37               16

                  Score: 68,476 points

      *** Part-time effort: Time On = 7 hours. ***

            (QSL via:) MAILING ADDRESS:

                ARRL HQ Operators Club, W1INF
                225 Main Street
                Newington, CT 06111
                (Op: Glenn Swanson, KB1GW)

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