AA4NC at aol.com AA4NC at aol.com
Mon Jul 10 19:27:00 EDT 1995


This contest conditions must have been good, because I gave up my Lynrd
Skynrd concert tickets (with backstage passes) to operate it! That's a pretty
good testimonial from a native redneck southerner. I had planned to operate
until the evening, when I just KNEW that the bands would roll over and play
dead, then go to the concert. I didn't count on running 40m CW at over 110 an
hour and the high bands still open at that time, so I decided this might be
fun after all...

AA4NC IARU (single op mixed mode) 

1687 Qs x  159 mults  = 965,522

Stuff Used:
FT990 / Amp Supply LK500
IC 736 (barefoot)

10: 6 el. @ 80'
15: 4/4 @ 90'/45'
20: 4 el. @ 120'
40: Mosley PRO67 @ 70' (also 2nd radio antenna for 10-20)
80: inv. vee @ 120'
160: inv. vee @ 120'


1. Thought the RF problem in my keyboard on 20m would be a good excuse, until
I saw WB2K had to reboot his computer after every QSO. Now he's definitely a
hamaholic mutant to continue operating through that!!

2. My band played the night before, so I got only 4 hours of sleep prior to
the contest, and no sleep for the 24 hours of the 'test. By 0900Z on Sunday,
I was hallucinating and singing "Free Bird" on 80m phone.

3. Again this year, Publisher's Clearing House cruelly got my hopes up with
that "You are definitely a finalist" letter, only to give the $10 Million to
one Dora Mae Finkelstein of Norris, S.D. Therfore I still don't have my 6 el.
full size yagis on 160 and 80 yet. I'm sure that is why I always keep coming
in behind HA0MM.  

One cool thing happened - a band roadie stayed at my house and mowed my lawn
while I operated - does that put me in the single op "assisted" category??

73 Y'all

Will Roberts  AA4NC 

>From Gary Sutcliffe" <gary.sutcliffe at mixcom.com  Mon Jul 10 23:53:51 1995
From: Gary Sutcliffe" <gary.sutcliffe at mixcom.com (Gary Sutcliffe)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 17:53:51 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: NCT CTT&T column
Message-ID: <199507102253.RAA18420 at mixcom.mixcom.com>

Hi gang.  Once again the deadline for my Contest Tips, Tricks & Techniques
column in the NCJ approaches.  This month's topic is part 2 of the
last one:
        Contest Screw-ups.  Part 2 will continue with tricks you use to
 keep you from making those common stupid mistakes like transmitting on the
 wrong VFO or antenna, oversleeping on your breaks, etc.
 Please respond directly by July 12 & be sure your call sign is included.
Sorry for the short notice, but my internet service provider was having
problems last week, and my previous post never made it.
 73 - Gary
 Gary Sutcliffe  - W9XT             Unified Microsystems (414) 644-9036
 ppvvpp at MIXCOM.COM                  PO Box 133, Slinger WI 53086

>From Jeffrey Yeager <jnyeager at southern.edu>  Tue Jul 11 00:33:37 1995
From: Jeffrey Yeager <jnyeager at southern.edu> (Jeffrey Yeager)
Date: Mon, 10 Jul 1995 19:33:37 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Rejected.  Please resend. (fwd)
Message-ID: <199507102333.TAA18089 at southern.edu>

Forwarded message:
> From maca at maca.sarnoff.com Mon Jul 10 15:52:47 1995
> Message-Id: <n1406731160.70993 at maca.sarnoff.com>
> Date: 9 Jul 1995 15:07:26 U
> From: "MACA" <maca at maca.sarnoff.com>
> Subject: Rejected.  Please resend.
> To: "cq-contest" <cq-contest at tgv.com>
> X-Mailer: Mail*Link SMTP-QM 3.0.2
> Mail*Link(r) SMTP               IARU RESULTS
> Band    Q     Z     HQ
> 160     1           1   inv L
> 80     70    10     3   vertical, dipole @ 60  rx loop ie wire around house
> 40     52    14     7   dipole @ 50,  GP vertical
> 20    392    30    16          TH-6 @ 55'
> 15    188    25    10           "
> 10     15     2     1           "
> ----------------------------
>       718    81    38     240,142 pnts
> Equipment: IC737, Drake L-4B, Timewave DSP-9,  CT 9.23, LTA CVB, HEIL ect.
> Soapbox:  Highlight of contest was KL7Y answering my CQ on 75 and me hearing
> him.  There didn't seem to as much activity on 75 this year as last.
> After using KO4EW's 2 ele on 40 a dipole and vetical just dont cut it 
> anymore, never could get a run going on 40.
>   Missed the 10m opening if there was one, having too much fun on 15!
> TNX all for QSOs
> 73 Jeff KQ4HC 
> jnyeager at southern.edu
> ------------------ RFC822 Header Follows ------------------
> Received: by maca.sarnoff.com with SMTP;9 Jul 1995 15:06:02 U
> X-ListName: Amateur Radio discussion list <CQ-Contest at tgv.com>
> Warnings-To: <>
> Errors-To: owner-cq-contest at tgv.com
> Sender: owner-cq-contest at tgv.com
> Date: Sun, 9 Jul 1995 15:06:07 -0400 (EDT)
> From: Jeffrey Yeager <jnyeager at southern.edu>
> Reply-To: Jeffrey Yeager <jnyeager at southern.edu>
> To: cq-contest <cq-contest at tgv.com>
> Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9507091403.A6841-0100000 at southern.edu>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII

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