Correction: KF0H IARU SO

PerryB1237 at PerryB1237 at
Tue Jul 11 11:02:58 EDT 1995

I erroneously posted KF0H's IARU score as "Single Operator Assisted."  In
fact, Jim did not use packet spotting.  

I hadn't spoken with him--got his score from a mutual friend.  One of you
kindly pointed out there was no SOA category in IARU, so I called Jim and
confirmed he was packetless for the test.  

His category should properly be listed as Single Operator, Mixed Mode. 

My apologies for the error.  


>From KAY, LEONARD" <LKAY at  Tue Jul 11 18:23:00 1995
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 10:23:00 PDT
Subject: IARU Member Societies in IARU Test
Message-ID: <3002B3B8 at>

>Oops I missed one which I found on checking through my log once more:
>                HB9A           USKA           SWITZERLAND
>Thanks to Ray, WQ5L, for his additions.
>                                     Very 73,
>                                 Fred Laun, K3ZO

And another:   GB5HQ     RSGB     U.K.

I only worked them on 20 CW, and didn't hear them anywhere else, which
I thought unusual.

Len KB2R

>From De Syam <syam at>  Tue Jul 11 15:40:23 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 1995 10:40:23 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: CQWW VHF Contest: K3ZO Results and Comments
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950711103330.9211A-100000 at>

Even though I operated the IARU HF Contest, I did manage to get into this 
one a bit.  Right after the IARU was finished I made 4 QSO's on 2 meters 
and then crashed.  Coming back about 5 hours later, I played around on 6 
catching three different Sporadic E openings.  Highlights were XE1J and 

Final score:  57 QSO's (53 of them on 6), 35 mults = 2030 points

There were some complaints about lack of activity by other participants, 
but N3QYA, a local fellow hereabouts, stuck it out and rang up some 250 
QSO's, which is a reasonable total for any VHF contest from this area.

                                                      Very 73,

                                                     Fred Laun, K3ZO  


>From sellington" <sellington at  Tue Jul 11 16:05:15 1995
From: sellington" <sellington at (sellington)
Date: 11 Jul 1995 10:05:15 -0500
Subject: NAQP CW
Message-ID: <n1406665354.69371 at>

NCJ lists KA9FOX as the operator of K9MA for the February CW NAQP, but I
can't let Scott take the blame for my mediocre score.  I'm responsible 
for both the score and the soapbox comment.  

KA9FOX did, in fact, operate the SSB Sprint from my station, which no 
doubt is the source of the confusion.  Congratulations to Scott for
making the Top Ten in the Sprint.


Scott  K9MA
(Not to be confused with the "other" Scott, KA9FOX!)

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