WR34SHE at shell.com WR34SHE at shell.com
Tue Jul 11 11:17:24 EDT 1995


                            1995 IARU HF CHAMPIONSHIP

    Call used: K9SD                                           Location: 07

    Category: Multi-Single Xmtr          Mode: MIXED           Power: 1500

    Callsign of Operator: K9SD

    If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:


    Exchanged Information: K9SD RST 07

    Hours of Operation: 23:59

             CW      CW     SSB     SSB    band
    band   QSOs     pts    QSOs     pts   mults
    160      15      31       9      17      7
     80      21      57      45     115     16
     40     229     815       9      33     38
     20     412    1758     312    1090     64
     15      93     321     111     379     37
     10       8      22      63     181      7
    TOTAL   778    3004     549    1815    169       SCORE: 814,411

    Club or Team Name: MVDXCC

    Comments: The conditions were great and we really hit it hard...used
               the NA logging program and the highest rate for the last
               10 qso's was 170/hr...not bad for the Black Hole.

   STATION:  IC-781 with Ekletech remote tuning knob(great help)
             ALPHA 87A amplifier
             5el 10 meter antenna 92 feet
             5el 15 meter antenna 55 feet
             5el 20 meter home brew (48 foot boom) up 85 feet
             2el 40 meter 2cd up 100 feet
             Sloper for 80 meters at 80 feet
             Shunt fed tower for 160 meters with EYU receiving antennas

             All this on a city lot 100x120 with lots of antennas in a
             small area...

             GREATEST THRILL: not receiving any TVI complaints and no
             threatening phone calls...I now have caller ID and I will
             call you back!!!

                      "MR SAFETY"

>From gdo at aloft.att.com (Glenn D. O'Donnell)  Tue Jul 11 16:31:44 1995
From: gdo at aloft.att.com (Glenn D. O'Donnell) (Glenn D. O'Donnell)
Date: Tue, 11 Jul 95 11:31:44 EDT
Subject: N3BDA IARU Score
Message-ID: <9507111531.AA17425 at dasher>

                      IARU HF Championship -- 1995

      Call: N3BDA                    Country:  United States - ITU Sone 08
                                     Category: Single Operator Low Power

      160        0        0     0.00      0      0
       80       29       89     3.07      6      1
       40       10       32     3.20      3      0
       20      123      457     3.72     21     11
       15       27       93     3.44     11      6
       10        3        9     3.00      2      0

     Totals    192      680     3.54     43     18

                 Score: 41,480 points

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
	Icom IC-736 running 100W into an 80m dipole at 30 feet.

Club Affiliation: Carbon Amateur Radio Club

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated
my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have
observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.

                             Signature _________________________________


               Glenn O'Donnell  N3BDA
               55 Bunny Lane
               Palmerton, PA 18071

        This was my first IARU contest and I had a ball!  At first, I was
        only planning a few hours to try it out but I got hooked!  Now I
        wish I would have dedicated more time to it this year.  I certainly
        will next year!  I hope to have some REAL antennas for next year so
        I can achieve a decent score.

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