Call For Discussion JIDX CONTES NEW RULE
jidx at
Sun Jul 16 19:22:38 EDT 1995
To all contesters
We JIDX Contest Committee have been discussing to reform the "Japan
International DX contest" rule in last 6months. Now we have the
draft for new rule. We would like to hear any requests or queries
on the new rule.
Your requests or queries to the JIDX contest committee will be
appreciated at "jidx at" NOT to the cq-contest.
This address is the committee reflector, so your posting will be
forwarded to all the committee members.
We would like to concrete the rule by the end of July.
1. QRP class is replaced with LOW POWER
2. Same contest numbers in 3 contests now
3. "/MM" station can enter the contest
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at
OBJECTIVE: For amateurs around the world to contact JA
stations in as many JA prefectures as possible.
Starts 1hour(2hour for Low Band CW) before the 2nd full weekend and
finished 48hours later.
Starts: Nov. 10 1995(Fri.) 2300 UTC
Ends : Nov. 12 1995(Sun.) 2300 UTC
Low Bands CW(LF CW)
Starts: Jan. 12 1996(Fri.) 2200 UTC
Ends : Jan. 14 1996(Sun.) 2200 UTC
High Bands CW(HF CW)
Starts: Apr. 12 1996(Fri.) 2300 UTC
Ends : Apr. 14 1996(Sun.) 2300 UTC
PHONE Nov/08/96 2300 - Nov/10/96 2300 UTC
LF CW Jan/10/97 2200 - Jan/12/97 2200 UTC
HF CW Apr/12/97 2300 - Apr/13/97 2300 UTC
PHONE Nov/07/97 2300 - Nov/09/97 2300 UTC
Operating period is maximum 30 hours of the total 48, except for JAs,
who can operate the full 48 hours. Off period must be longer than
60minutes length and clearly indicated in the summary sheet.
PHONE 3.8, 7, 14, 21 & 28MHz
LF CW 1.9, 3.5 & 7MHz (QSX for JAs on 1907.5-1912.5kHz)
HF CW 14, 21 & 28MHz
Except for the WARC bands.
Choose only one!
3-1.Single Operator(*1) High Power(*2)
Multi Band
Single Band
3-2.Single Operator Low Power(*3)
Multi Band
Single Band
3-3.Multi Operator (*4)
3-4.Maritime Mobile(*5)
All categories, except Multi Op., only one transmitted signal
allowed at any one time.
Single operator can change bands at any time.
*1 Single operator must do all contest related thing by himself.
Single operator, single band contestants may only submit an entry
for a single band, though submission of check logs for operation
on other bands is encouraged.
*2 High Power: Output power 100w over
*3 Low Power: Output power 100w or less
*4 Multi Op station must remain the same band at least 10minutes
when they make the contact on that band. Only one execption,
they can transmit one other band if the station worked is a
new multipier .
This 10 minutes rule will be applied to each Running station
and Multi station separately.
JAs : RS(T) + Prefecture number(01 to 50)
Others: RS(T) + CQ Zone number
Only contacts between JA and DX(+/MM) are worth contest points.
(DX-DX, DX-/MM or JA-JA contacts are no point and no multi)
1.9MHz ................... 4 points
3.8MHz ................... 2 points
7MHz, 14MHz and 21MHz..... 1 point
28MHz..................... 2 Points
The same station may be worked only once per band.
No crossmode, crossband nor repeater contacts are allowed.
JAs :The number of different DXCC country (except JD1) and CQ
Zone worked on each band.
No country multi with /MM stations.
Others:The number of different Japanese Prefecture plus Ogasawara
Is.(JD1), Minami-Torishima Is.(JD1) and Okino-Torishima Is.
worked on each band. Maximum of 50 (See the List) per band.
The final score is the result of the
(Total QSO points) multiplied by (Total multiplier).
Ex. 100 QSO points x 59 multi = 5,900
8-1. All times must be in UTC.
8-2. All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.
8-3. Indicate the new multiplier(prefecture) only the FIRST TIME
it is worked on each band.
8-4. Duplicate contacts on same band must be clearly shown and
marked as 0 QSO point.
8-5. Electronic Log:
Disk log; IBM, MS-DOS compatible disks are accepted only with
the printed summary sheet. The LOG format must meets the
"ARRL Suggested Standard File Format For Submission of
Contest Log Data".
Email Log; Request to send the instructions to the email address
indicated below with the word "#get eleclog.eng" in the body of
the message.
jidx-info at (For information request only)
Then you'll receive the instructions by email.
8-6. Use a separate sheet for each band
8-7. Each entry must be accompanied by a summary sheet showing all
scoring information, class of entries, name and address in BLOCK
LETTERS, and a signed declaration that
"All contest rules and regulations for amateur radio in the country
of operation have been observed. JIDX Contest committee dicision
is the final"
8-8. The 18 hour non-operating periods must be clearly shown in
the summary sheet.
8-9. All entrants are required to submit dupe-check sheets (an
alphabetical list of calls worked) for each band on which 200
or more QSOs, or 500 or more QSOs on all bands.
Plaques and Awards will be awarded to the winners in each class
in the World, each Continent, Zone 3/4/5 and Japan.
10. Special Prize:
Top PHONE USA Single operator will be invited to Japan to
receive the plaque.
Free two way ticket will be donated by Bear JA7RHJ.
First(or 2nd,3rd depend on the entrants) place certificates
will be awarded in each class in every country and in each call
area of the USA.
Any entrants who worked all Japanese prefectures (01 to 47)
during the contest period can request a "Special Contest Award"
with the separate worked list with free of charge.
Stations callsign, time, band must be indicated ordered
prefecture number in the list.
A original log and a summary sheet will be requested with a SAE
with one IRC but any log forms will be accepted.
All logs should be sent to
P.O.Box 59, Kamata, Tokyo, 144 Japan
The contest results will be sent with one IRC and SAE.
Dead line: No later than the following Post Marked date of that year
PHONE December 31
LF CW February 28
HF CW May 31
The deadline will be extended upto 1month if the JIDX contest
committee accept the request with the reason by FAX or email.
Email: jidx at
Email log submissions will be judged with the time stamp of the
email and it should be sent to;
jidx-log at (Log submissions only)
The acknowledgment will be sent when the email log is received and
the result also will be sent by email.
Violation of the contest rules.
False statement in the report.
The decisions of the JIDX contest committee are final.
>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> Sun Jul 16 11:13:04 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 19:13:04 +0900
Subject: AsiaPacific Sprint
Message-ID: <199507161013.TAA13568 at>
Final call
AP Sprint will start in 2&half hours.
If you lost the complete rule, send an email to have the rule
at "contest-info at"
with the message "#get ap-sprint.eng" ..... english
, "#get ap-sprint.jpn" .................... japanese
or "#get ap-sprint.elog" .................. email-log
in the body of message.
** email log
James 9V1YC's email server has been down so all the email log
should be sent to
9V1YC at
Tack Kumagai JE1CKA/KH0AM
TEL:81-30-066-6408, FAX:81-423-93-4449
Internet: je1cka at
>From George Troutman <wb4fin at> Sun Jul 16 12:37:59 1995
From: George Troutman <wb4fin at> (George Troutman)
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 1995 07:37:59 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Results of Alpha 87A Survey
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950716073135.10314A-100000 at>
On Sat, 15 Jul 1995, Tyler Stewart wrote:
> >Thanks for the survey on the 87A. I am not sure what you mean when you say the
> >pin diode problem has "gone away". Just received mine back from ETO for
> >replacement of the pin diodes after less than a year of service. Think it is a
> >problem that needs to be followed. Wonder if ETO is. 73 de Fred.
> >
> Yes, I'm not sure that it can be concluded that the PIN diode problems have
> gone away...yet. However, the latest update to the QSK diode board is to
> replace the on-board diodes with a daughter board assembly that mounts to the
> rear chassis near the UHF output connector. Since mine have been modified
> I have not had another failure, but I think it is too soon to say that the
> PIN diode problems are solved...let's wait another year and see what happens.
> They've also added a choke and gas protector across the output for static/
> lightning protection.
> I really dont agree that there is anything wrong with their customer service.
> While at times they seem a bit disorganized and slow, the end results have been
> very pleasing and all upgrades have been free except for shipping. They are
> fairly liberal with their warranty and it IS 4 years not 1 like most...
> Of course 48 hour turnaround would be nice!
> 73, Tyler KF3P
I have had the Alpha 87A for about 2 years now. As I type this reply it sits
at ETO waiting for a pin diode replacement. I agree that a faster turn around
sure would be nice. I was told approx 4-5 weeks turn around. I am using it
with a Icom 781 and have had a problem with spikes out of the 781 rig. Icom
really hasn't shown much interest in the spike problem. I would not suggest
the Alpha and 781 together. Other then the above very pleased with the
I hope the new mods solve this diode problem.
73's George de WB4FIN
Louisville, Ky
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