Kids Contest and AP Sprint

reisert at reisert at
Tue Jul 18 00:56:18 EDT 1995

Gene, N2AA wrote:

> PS. Have I shown you pictures of my grandchildren?
>     I have some right here with me.

Maybe the next squINT should be on the SSTV frequencies!

- Jim AD1C

>From James Brooks <0005851359 at>  Tue Jul 18 06:07:00 1995
From: James Brooks <0005851359 at> (James Brooks)
Date: Tue, 18 Jul 95 00:07 EST
Subject: AP Sprint Scores
Message-ID: <62950718050726/0005851359NA5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

AP Sprint Claimed scores/logs posted to me so far:

VS6BG   62 x 45      2790  
JE1JKL  48 x 34      1488
9V1YC   41 x 26      1066
JL1ZAZ  40 x 24       960
JE1CKA  34 x 19       646
JF1SQC  25 x 21       525

N6ZZ    18 x 14       252
K6XO    16 x 11       176  (I need ur log Alan!)
N4TQO   15 x 7        112
N2AA    12 x 9        108
KE9A    10 x 10       100

CT1BOH   2 x 2          4

If you entered, even for only a few Q's, please send in your log. It helps
with checking and you just might get a free T-Shirt (if we have extras after 
the winners get theirs)


James 9V1YC


All E-mail:  9V1YC at

Post (non JA):  James Brooks
                15 Balmoral Road,  #03-08
                Singapore 1025, SINGAPORE

Post (JA only): Tack Kumagai, P O BOX 22, 
                Mitaka, Tokyo 181, JAPAN

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