borrowed calls
Thu Jun 1 13:48:02 EDT 1995
Or consider this ...
Not too many years ago, the WPX soapbox included
this comment from a high-scoring single-op (calls
changed cuz I can't remember them):
Thanks to K7XX for the use of his station and
to WY7X for the use of his call. - W7ABC
Off hand, I don't know of any rules against this, but thought
that the call owner should be involved *SOMEHOW* in
the big picture (either an operator or the station
owner) so I wrote to Steve with a suggestion for a
small rule change. Never heard back from him and
never saw any rule change (but haven't looked too hard
in the last couple of years). Oh, well.
-Bruce AA5B
>From lvn at (Larry Novak) Thu Jun 1 18:20:02 1995
From: lvn at (Larry Novak) (Larry Novak)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 95 13:20:02 EDT
Subject: AB6FO WPX Results, etc.
Message-ID: <9506011720.AA06715 at>
> > 2. I HATE this contest because of the clueless U.S. ops that work
> > me (or try to) on more than one band.
> Well, I did read the abbreviated rules as printed in QST. It said
> clearly that contacts between North American stations counted two
> points. Zero clue that they had to be *international*.
This is not the first time I've heard this complaint. The first time I
operated this contest I had to ask more than one person about this
rule. In fact I once heard someone say he placed 3rd or something in
the contest because of all the US points he got and he swore he
counted 2/4 points for each US contact. (OBVIOUSLY a confused
> I think I'll not bother with this contest next year, since apparently
> I've only managed to irritate people by working it...
Well, I hope you'll do it again. This is a clear case where the rules
need clarification.
73, Larry
| Larry Novak \-\-\ email: lnovak at |
| Century Computing | Tel: (301) 953-3330 |
| 8101 Sandy Spring Road | Tel (@NRL): (202) 404-7682 |
| Laurel, MD 20707 | Fax: (301) 953-2368 |
| | Amateur Radio: K3TLX, C6AHE |
>From Larry Tyree <tree at> Thu Jun 1 16:43:54 1995
From: Larry Tyree <tree at> (Larry Tyree)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 08:43:54 -0700
Subject: WPX at UA3D
Message-ID: <199506011543.IAA11896 at>
CALL: UA3D (UA3DPX Op.) COUNTRY: European Russia
BAND 160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
QSOs 14 146 353 1043 331 5 1892
Prefix 656
Scoring: 4068 * 656 = 2.669.264
Final score: 2.669.264
Contest period:
00:00 - 08:59; 10:11 - 22:46; 02:34 - 05:49; 08:49 - 15:40;
16:27 - 20:47. So, the time of operation was 36 Hours.
Equipment Description:
OMNI-VI + 1KW Russian Military Amplifier, 4 el Yagi - 10,
8 el Yagi - 15, 6 el Yagi - 20, 4 el Yagi - 40, Delta Loop-160/80.
All antennas are at about 30 m hight.
Club Affiliation: DPX DX/CONTEST CLUB
Continent List
160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- ---
VE calls = 0 0 3 34 0 0 37
N.A. calls = 0 0 31 407 0 0 438
S.A. calls = 0 1 3 3 15 0 22
Euro calls = 13 136 240 480 260 4 1133
Afrc calls = 0 1 1 0 5 0 7
Asia calls = 1 8 29 61 32 1 132
JA calls = 0 0 45 51 15 0 111
Ocen calls = 0 0 1 4 4 0 9
Unknowns = 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Total calls = 14 146 353 1041 331 5 1890
Unknowns on 20 = X5XR
>From junger at (John Unger) Thu Jun 1 18:37:47 1995
From: junger at (John Unger) (John Unger)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 95 13:37:47 EDT
Subject: Contest rules & RE: AB6FO Results, etc...
Message-ID: <9506011737.AA21794 at>
Rich wrote:
> (stuff deleted
> Well, I did read the abbreviated rules as printed in QST. It said
> clearly that
> contacts between North American stations counted two points. Zero clue that
> they had to be *international*. There was no clue as to whether the same
> (more stuff deleted)
> Rich, KO6CL
I have noticed that the rules of non-ARRL contests that are printed in
QST are sometimes less than complete and can be misleading. I made it
a point to get the CQWPX rules (via FAX, thanks!) right before this
last contest and am glad that I did. I don't want to start a
conspiracy theory, but I would think that complete rules should be given
in QST for ALL major contests, ARRL-sponsored or not.
73 - John, W3GOI
>From laurence at (Laurence Mason) Thu Jun 1 20:09:43 1995
From: laurence at (Laurence Mason) (Laurence Mason)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 95 19:09:43 BST
Subject: Field Day in Europe
Message-ID: <9506011809.AA29432 at>
This weekend is Field Day in Europe. This is a CONTEST! Some groups
enter more for fun whilst others take it very seriously and are there
to win. Most entries are formed by clubs.
There will be lots of /P activity from G, DL, HB, I etc. We get points
for working the rest of the world so please look for all the portables
in the contest.
The contest starts at 1500Z Saturday 3rd June and finishes 1500Z Sunday
4th June.
It is cw only on all 6 hf contest bands.
The exchange is RST & serial number.
The RSGB gives a certificate to the station in each continent that
works the most G entrants.
Electronic logs can be sent to me at the address below. I will
acknowledge those received so please contact me again if you get
no answer. We would appreciate as many logs for adjudication purposes
as possible as the RSGB uses computer checking for the G entrants.
We look forward to working a few of you over the weekend.
Laurence G4HTD
laurence at OR laurence at
for the RSGB HF Contests Committee
>From Chad Kurszewski" <kurscj at Thu Jun 1 19:39:58 1995
From: Chad Kurszewski" <kurscj at (Chad Kurszewski)
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 1995 13:39:58 -0500
Subject: AB6FO WPX Results, etc.
References: <9506011720.AA06715 at>
Message-ID: <9506011339.ZM9263 at WE9V>
> > I think I'll not bother with this contest next year, since apparently
> > I've only managed to irritate people by working it...
> Well, I hope you'll do it again. This is a clear case where the rules
> need clarification.
There are many people out there who do not read the rules, but just
want to get on, hand out a few Qs, and help us out. I depend on these
people, whether in the USA or not, to help my score, because 3 out of
those four people will be mults or points.
Yeah, so maybe 20-40% of these QSOs don't count for us. But if they
get discouraged, as above, who's to say that they'll even get on for
SS, or NAQP, or whatever? I would not like seeing my SS QSO total
drop 20-40%, would you?
Contesters need to tolerate, AND educate, AND THANK the casual ops. I know
it's more difficult on CW to explain rules during the contest, but don't
scare off potential points for the next contest, or more importantly,
don't scare off potential contesters.
Chad Kurszewski, WE9V e-mail: Chad_Kurszewski at
Sultans of Shwing Loud is Cool....yeah, heh, heh, heh, LOUD IS COOL!!!
>From SELBREDE%ARIA-2.EDW at (Bob Selbrede) Thu Jun 1 19:21:00 1995
From: SELBREDE%ARIA-2.EDW at (Bob Selbrede) (Bob Selbrede)
Date: 01 Jun 95 11:21:00 PDT
Subject: Small Power Supplies
References: <FD7CCD2F02A1D0D1 at -SMF->
Message-ID: <FC7CCD2F01A1D0D1 at -SMF->
I'm looking for suggestions for small 13.8 VDC, 20-25 Amp power
supplies for portable operation (FD, Contestpeditions, etc.). I would
prefer something in a small switching supply, if I could find one! There
doesn't seem to be many, if any, on the ham market. I'll be powering an
IC-735 with it, and possibly a few small accessories. When you travel with
a 12 V rig, what type of supply do you haul along with you, if any?
The one promising suggestion I've gotten so far is to find an Icom
PS-35, which is an internal 20 Amp switching supply for the IC-751. It
looks to be about 7" by 7" by 1" high and only weigh about 6 pounds.
Furthermore, it runs on 110 or 220 VAC and will deliver 20 Amps under fairly
demanding transmit conditions. It also is reported to be very "RF quiet".
The only rub is that they are at least $230 if you can find them.
Are there other alternatives? Anyone else care to comment on the
PS-35? Send your comments to me, I'll post a summary if it looks
Thanks es 73, Bob W9NQ
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