IC-775DSP vs FT1000D ??
WillemaA at aol.com
WillemaA at aol.com
Tue Jun 27 12:04:58 EDT 1995
Does anybody has anything on the new contest machine IC-775DSP.
Thanks 73 de Will, KN6DV
>From al019 at freenet.hsc.colorado.edu> (D. R. Evans Tue Jun 27 16:33:11 1995
From: al019 at freenet.hsc.colorado.edu> (D. R. Evans (D. R. Evans)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 09:33:11 -0600
Subject: Does K3EST QSL CQWW logs?
Message-ID: <199506271613.KAA01817 at spot.Colorado.EDU>
A while back, I received a request from Bob Cox, K3EST for my 1994 CQWWCW
He provided two e-mail addresses, and I sent the log to one of the pair. I
included (naturally) a request that he acknowledge receipt of the logs.
I heard nothing.
Since then I have sent two more requests for acknowledgement, to the other
e-mail address. I still have heard nothing.
Has _anyone_ received any kind of acknowledgement from Bob in this or similar
Reply by e-mail. I'm sure the rest of the list doesn't care.
D.R. Evans NQ0I / G4AMJ : devans at orion.colorado.edu
al019 at freenet.hsc.colorado.edu
"Palindor Chronicles" information and extracts:
>From Floydjr <floydjr at nando.net> Tue Jun 27 17:20:14 1995
From: Floydjr <floydjr at nando.net> (Floydjr)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 12:20:14 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: FD Results and Question
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950627120946.29848C-100000 at merlin.nando.net>
My FD Results:
Call: WA4ZXA
Section: NC
Categroy: SOLP
Class: 1D
Band All SSB Qso's Pts
160 0 0
80 268 568
40 52 104
20 412 824
15 308 616
10 9 18
2 1 2
1050 2100
All SSB 1050 X 2 (LP Multi) = 2100 pts
Had terrible thunderstorms come through here for the first two hours and
around midnight. Could only work about 20 hours. Lightning totally
destroyed a repeater less than two miles from here.
FT 990
Wilson Sys One Tri-band Yagi
CT 9.23
My question is I looked in last years QST and the results. It showed some
class 1D stations working as a class HP with 1600 q's and scoring over
4000 pts. I do not see how they did it according to this years rules. Did I
miss something or did the rules change. I was in hospital last year
during FD and missed it.
Thanks to everyone for the contacts and I wish to congrat and the
operators as they did a real fine job with the FD.
73's Jim // WA4ZXA
>From jeffrey (j.) wittich" <jwittich at bnr.ca Tue Jun 27 18:38:00 1995
From: jeffrey (j.) wittich" <jwittich at bnr.ca (jeffrey (j.) wittich)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 13:38:00 -0400
Subject: Station to station interference
Message-ID: <"3304 Tue Jun 27 13:43:28 1995"@bnr.ca>
I need help in solving a problem. Our Field Day group has grown from only
one station per band to two (CW & SSB). We had considerable interference
problems this past field day. Contributing factors:
- all stations in 1000 foot diameter (FD rule)
- all stations running <= 150 Watts (FD rule)
- some stations using non-resonnant antennas
- some stations using Beam antennas
I know all FD sites have the same problem(s). I would like to know
how other FD groups have solved or bettered the situation.
Possible solutions are:
- running 50 Watts power
- using resonnant antennas
- using bandpass filters (anbody know of good sources or designs?)
- using a coaxial stub at the transceiver to act as either a bandpass
of band-reject (any source of information on this would be helpfull)
- a mix of vertical and horizontal antenna polarization
- any other ideas ?
Jeff Wittich
Nortel/BNR RTP, NC (even though the Email addr says .ca)
(919) 991-4626 Voice
jwittich at bnr.ca
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