Fw: FD Summary
wosborne at nmsu.edu
wosborne at nmsu.edu
Tue Jun 27 13:46:06 EDT 1995
Below is the summary of the FD score for W5GB the New Mexico State University
club. The entry is 2A and the location was at the top of Sacramento Peak in
southern NM at 9600 feet (cold and hard to get ones breath).
Here's the unofficial estimate scoring of our Field Day results. Scores
are not due in until later in the month, so these will remain unoffical
until that time. (But since computers are so cool and make this whole
process easier with QSO duping, this score should be pretty accurate)
Bonus points:
Packet 100
Satellite 100 (+ 35 QSOs)
FD Message 100
SM Message 100
Solar 100
VHF/UHF 100 (+ 10 QSOs)
Newspaper 100
Visitor Info 100
Public QTH 100
Emergency PWR 200 ( 2 transmitters)
------------ ---
Bonus Total 1100
CW 692 X 2 = 1384
SSB 804 X 1 = 804
Satellite 35 X 1 = 35
VHF/UHF 10 X 1 = 10
Packet 5 X 1 = 5
-------------------- -----
QSO Total 2238
Power Multiplier X2
Total estimated Score - 2238 X 2 + 1100 = |5576|
Last year's official Score was 5328
Damage Report:
1 Battery Charger
3 Batteries
1 7Kw Generator
1 Back door
1 Six Meter antenna
So, like the energizer Field Day bunny, we keep going and going and
QSO Rate Summary
CW: Best Rate was 63 QSOs from 9am to 10am Sunday (20 Meters)
Worst Rate was 0 QSOs from 7am-8am, 2am-4am Sunday (Zzzzzzz)
(this must have been when the CW paddle froze up from the snow!)
SSB Best Rate was 91 QSOs from 8pm-9pm Saturday (20 Meters)
Worst Rate was 9 QSOs from 3am-4am Sunday (40 Meters)
William Osborne, AA5ZQ
wosborne at nmsu.edu
>From Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at arrl.org Tue Jun 27 19:50:00 1995
From: Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at arrl.org (Lau, Zack, KH6CP)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 14:50:00 EDT
Subject: FD Results and Question
Message-ID: <2FF052ED at arrl.org>
>My question is I looked in last years QST and the results. It showed some
>class 1D stations working as a class HP with 1600 q's and scoring over
>4000 pts. I do not see how they did it according to this years rules. Did I
>miss something or did the rules change. I was in hospital last year
>during FD and missed it.
I don't see such scores, but there were two medium power scores
that do get a bonus multiplier of 2:
1009 CW QSOs
x 2
x 2
4036 pts for a 100 watt category 2 station.
Zack zlau at arrl.org.
>From junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger) Tue Jun 27 20:20:49 1995
From: junger at mtn.er.usgs.gov (John Unger) (John Unger)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 15:20:49 EDT
Subject: Station to station interference
Message-ID: <9506271920.AA03589 at mtn.er.usgs.gov.er.usgs.gov>
Jeff Wittich writes:
> We had considerable interference problems this past field day.
> Possible solutions are:
> - using resonnant antennas
we used G5RV's this year and didn't have particularly worse problems
than when we used dipoles. We tried to keep the two main wire
antennas close to right angles; they were about 100' apart at
their closest point.
> - using bandpass filters (anbody know of good sources or designs?)
the June 1994 QST has some bandpass filter designs. We made these up
but ended up not using them. The only problems that we had were when
we trying to operate SSB & CW on the same band. (Hint: CW wins... :-)
> - any other ideas ?
We operated 3A and tried to coordinate frequencies/modes to minimize
possible frequency interference situations (obvious). We were using
100W (nominal) output xcvrs.
Best idea - have fun and don't sweat the small stuff!!!
73 - John, W3GOI
>From CT1BOH at tpone.telepac.pt (JOSE C. C. NUNES) Wed Jun 28 03:40:13 1995
From: CT1BOH at tpone.telepac.pt (JOSE C. C. NUNES) (JOSE C. C. NUNES)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 19:40:13 PDT
Message-ID: <Chameleon.950627194538.CT1BOH@>
Im trying to send my wpx cw log to N8BJQ electronicaly but my mail program
says the file is to large to insert.
Obviously my Netmanage Mail V3.11b is not powerfull enough.
Is there another way to send this file to SDB at AG9V.AMPR.ORG ?
I have full access to internet facilities...
>From k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> Tue Jun 27 21:36:15 1995
From: k3lr <k3lr at telerama.lm.com> (k3lr)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 16:36:15 -0400
Subject: 40 meter QRM
Message-ID: <199506272036.QAA08277 at terrazzo.lm.com>
Has anyone heard that Radio Vatican is aware of the problem with their
7.305 MHz transmitter causing interfearence to the 40 meter amateur
band? I know that there were several comments about this after CQ WPX
CW, but I never saw an update on any contact with them.
As the problem still was going on last week, we need to work on a fix
now before the October contests.
If anyone knows more information, including a contact at the Vatican
Radio headquarters, please send it to me.
Tim K3LR
k3lr at telerama.lm.com
>From Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com Tue Jun 27 23:23:16 1995
From: Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com (Daniel R. Violette)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 14:23:16 PST
Subject: Re[2]: Field Day and the Internet
Message-ID: <9505278042.AA804288409 at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com>
To go along with the Internet bridge packet, how about the unattended
packet. I know stations that leave a beacon on. When you connect it
gives the exchange, it tells you to leave your exchange and then for
you to disconnect. They then dump the QSOs after Field Day. I think
this needs 'fixing' too. Disclaimer - been a couple years since I saw
this happening so maybe it is outlawed now. Haven't read the rules in
two years since I haven't planned a Field Day in that long.
Dan KI6X
e-mail: Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com
______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: Field Day and the Internet
Author: "Paul Knupke (CS)" <knupke at babbage.csee.usf.edu> at SMTPGTY
Date: 06/26/95 11:23 PM
On Mon, 26 Jun 1995 reisert at eng.pko.dec.com wrote:
> I find it hard to believe that you can count QSOs made over an Internet
> bridge. I think the contacts have to be ham through-and-through.
I really do not know the "legality" of using these modes for contacts.
We had our packet station on the conference bridge and it was teeming
with FD QSO exchanges. I'd like to see someone from the ARRL comment on
Me, I spent hours logging for our CW guys even though I'm 75% useless at
30+ wpm when it comes to copying. 23 hours up for me was enough, and I
packed it in at 8AM EDT on Sunday. We had 8" of rain during Saturday and
setup was entirely in the rain. At least we didn't get flooded out like
others did locally.
73 de KR4Yl
Paul Knupke, Jr. University of South Florida Computer Engineering
knupke at babbage.csee.usf.edu * Largo, Florida * Fidonet 1:3603/570
Amateur Radio Callsign KR4YL Packet @N4MET.#STP.FL.USA.NOAM
"Why are we here? Because we're here ... Roll the Bones"
-- Neil Peart
>From bill at tenet.edu (Bill Parry) Tue Jun 27 22:30:00 1995
From: bill at tenet.edu (Bill Parry) (Bill Parry)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 16:30 CDT
Subject: IARU map
Message-ID: <m0sQiCz-000ZiWC at postoffice.smu.edu>
Thanks for all the responses. I guess if I had thought, I would have
remembered that the ARRL supplies an IARU map with the contest materials. It
had been so long since I ordered log sheets etc., I had forgotten.
All you have to do is ask. Thanks, Stan!
Bill, W5VX
part of Grupo DX Panamericano - 6D2X -
>From Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com Tue Jun 27 23:43:07 1995
From: Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com (Daniel R. Violette)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 14:43:07 PST
Subject: 610 V and Club Calls
Message-ID: <9505278042.AA804289669 at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com>
Maybe this is worst than I thought. Will leave out names of the
accuser and hope this is not true. I have no problem with real clubs
having the club call/vanity call. I am personally not changing calls
(happy with what I got) and am a trustee of a club that has had a club
call since 1967 (WB6YPX - 100 members and a call which we will
change). The problem I have is a person getting multiple calls mainly
for themselves under the disguise of a club.
I hearby close the subject and appreciated the private e-mail
Dan KI6X
e-mail: Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com
______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________
Subject: Re: 610 V and Club Calls
Date: 06/27/95 07:49 AM
>How many of the
>'new clubs' have a constitution and purpose like stated by the FCC
>for club calls and how many are 'setup' just to get a Vanity call.
> 73,
> Dan KI6X
Dan GOOD Point. I know of some in this area who have 1 member. But
nothing I have heard of beats the 6 in the LA area who has sent in
26 seperate Club applications?
Received: from power.amasd.anatcp.rockwell.com by ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com (SMTPLINK V2.10.03)
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Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 07:46:15 -0700
Message-Id: <199506271446.HAA14521 at ix6.ix.netcom.com>
From: k4sb at ix.netcom.com (Edward W. Sleight )
Subject: Re: 610 V and Club Calls
To: "Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com>
>From Floydjr <floydjr at nando.net> Tue Jun 27 23:09:08 1995
From: Floydjr <floydjr at nando.net> (Floydjr)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 1995 18:09:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: FD Results and Question
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950627180807.15310C-100000 at merlin.nando.net>
Left out that I had also 204 Sections worked.
Also if someone would tell me how to enter the Internet FD I would
appreciate it.
73's Jim // WA4ZXA
>From ken silverman" <ken.silverman at CCMAIL.AirTouch.COM Wed Jun 28 00:26:23 1995
From: ken silverman" <ken.silverman at CCMAIL.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman)
Date: Tue, 27 Jun 95 15:26:23 PST
Subject: Station to station interference
Message-ID: <9505278042.AA804292021 at CCMAIL.AIRTOUCH.COM>
A multi transmitter FD effort is essentially no different than a
multi-multi effort from a home station, and should be approached in
this manor.
This reminds me of a FD story: A friend of mine who was the president
of his local radio club was a top-notch engineer and station designer.
When he was organizing FD, everyone had fun. He used all the tricks
in the book in approaching the FD effort.
Then one year the club members thought he was crazy spending
all this time engineering FD, so they said for the prez not to
organize the effort and they would do it (much against his wishes).
They scrapped all the old FD antennas (resonant dipoles) and the club
haphazardly (from a contestors point of view) brought their new
multiband 3' high antennas, new 10 band transceivers that fit in a
briefcase, and threw up antennas in a random way... You can guess what
the outcome was: they had a lousy time, and fingers went flying as to
who was the cause. Not at one point did they think that it was their
antennas and transceivers that they brought. (this reminded me of the
guys on 20m).
Most of the club members had no idea that they were having so much fun
during FD while the prez was doing the FD organizing. They took the
station design for granted.
IMHO, the goal of any FD is for people to have fun, and that starts
with everyone being able to site down at any station and make QSOs.
Interference will make a FB outing turn sour real quick.
Now back to the real answer. One of the harder things about FD is
that unless you use the same equipment in the same setting, over and
over, every year, you will not know what interference potential there
might be. So the prudent thing to do is to take the safest approach
possible. Most standard station design principles apply, and there is
no real magic as to the outcome of a successful noninterference FD. I
use many of these techniques when I do M/S contest expeditions, for I
tend to go to a new site every year.
-Run full barefoot power 100-200w, since going to 50 w only saves you
3 db, and the interference is probably worse than that.
- Make as detailed station plan and stick to it in the field
- use resonant antennas (no multibanders)
- use directional antennas when possible
- align the antennas to take advantage of their side nulls (right
angles, or side to side, etc)
- arrange adjacent band antennas to be as far apart as possible
(though if you have both CW and SSB on the same band, those take
precedence in separation)
- Use baluns with coax, or use open wire line and tuners
- Use band pass filters on all radios
- use stubs if necessary (usually the BPF will do the trick)
- Ground each station
- do NOT use vertical antennas! (no side nulls)
- use all the space you can to separate stations and antennas
- If possible, make a dry run with your equipment in someone's
backyard. If it works there, it should work in the field
- And finally, make CAREFUL selection of which transceivers you use!
Your average transceiver will not be able to handle the high RF
environment. Select typical CONTEST grade transceivers - FD is a
contest isn't it??
While maybe not complete, the above list will go a long way to have a
fun and successful FD.
Ken WM2C/6
ken.silverman at airtouch.com
(and no, I wasn't the president I was talking about)
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