old mail

HENRYPOL at aol.com HENRYPOL at aol.com
Thu Mar 2 13:31:12 EST 1995

I am a new subscriber to CQ-Contest.
I would like to review all mail from Dec. 1, 1994 to Feb. 20, 1995.
Is there a way for me to do this through tgv.com?; is it impossible?
Or do I need to find someone who has kept copies?
I am especially interested in mail related to the 94 ARRL 10 Meter contest.
Please help.

73, Henry Pollock - WB4HFL

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Thu Mar  2 18:43:43 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 2 Mar 1995 10:43:43 -0800 (PST)
Subject: old mail
Message-ID: <794169823.402310.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> I am a new subscriber to CQ-Contest.
> I would like to review all mail from Dec. 1, 1994 to Feb. 20, 1995.
> Is there a way for me to do this through tgv.com?; is it impossible?

Send a message to fileserv at tgv.com that says


--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From McCarty, DK 'Dav" <DKMC at chevron.com  Thu Mar  2 19:34:28 1995
From: McCarty, DK 'Dav" <DKMC at chevron.com (McCarty, DK 'Dav)
Date: 02 Mar 95 11:34:28 PST
Subject: Di-dit dit
Message-ID: <CPLAN065.DKMC.2367.1995 030211 31 11 31>

From: McCarty, DK 'David'
Subject:  Di-dit dit
Date: 1995-03-02 13:28


I've gotten enough questioning feedback that I am
prompted to give a longer explanation and
to ask the general population for a response:

When I got into CW in a big way, I was taught that
the least intrusive (and quickest) way to ask if the
freq is in use is to send a snappy "ie" (di-dit dit).
If no one responds, you go ahead with your CQ or
whatever.  If my memory serves correctly, the root
meanings were old stuff:  "ie" is C in the Continental
Code, and the standard reply if you are using the
frequency is a C in International Morse (dah-di-dah-dit).

I can't remember who taught me this.  Perhaps I got
this from one or more of those crusty old CW traffic
handlers that got me interested in contesting.  You
know, guys like W2RQ, W2GD, N2NT, WA2SRQ...


1.  How do you usually ask if a frequency is in use?
a.  Don't ask
b.  di-dit dit
c.  ?
d.  QRL?
e.  other____________________

2.  How would you respond to "di-dit dit" on your frequency?

Send replies to DKMC at CHEVRON.COM and I'll summarize
for the group.


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