New Contest: GridLoc
Robert Barron
barron at
Fri Mar 3 17:26:39 EST 1995
N3BDA wrote:
> Sounds like a nice contest. Will there be logging software available?
> I don't expect CT will work, especially for the first running of the contest.
At this time no software supports GridLoc. I'm hoping to convince
N6TR to add support to his software very soon but even that will be
close to the start of the contest. For computer logging I suppose
the best thing to do is find a mode that allows entry of enough
space for name and grid. At least you'll have dupe checking by band
and that's rather helpful.
I am thinking about how difficult it would be to write a conversion
program to take logs of the kind mentioned above and score the log
based on the GridLoc rules. I'll check that out this weekend. If
I could do it easily it would be a useful tool this year.
I'm also hoping that the next time the contest occurs there will be
support added to several software packages.
Robert Barron, KA5WSS barron at
Liant Software Corporation Hook 'Em Horns!
Don't forget to operate the GridLoc contest (April 8-9, 1995)
>From Wayne Mills <0006509309 at> Sat Mar 4 17:51:00 1995
From: Wayne Mills <0006509309 at> (Wayne Mills)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 95 12:51 EST
Subject: V44KAO
Message-ID: <34950304175143/0006509309NA5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Bravo to Jon, NL7GP for his insight in describing V44KAO. As DXpeditioners
and off-shore contesters know, North Americans (Ws) too often characterize
others in their own terms.
It ALWAYS pays to try to understand the other guy's thinking before you open
your mouth.
Wayne, n7ng at
>From Wayne Mills <0006509309 at> Sat Mar 4 17:51:00 1995
From: Wayne Mills <0006509309 at> (Wayne Mills)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 95 12:51 EST
Subject: N4ZC
Message-ID: <63950304175136/0006509309NA5EM at MCIMAIL.COM>
Open letter to N4ZC:
Who was the op (ARRL SSB, 4.March) on 15 meters, 1700Z? Is it N4ZC policy
to declare publicly that N4ZC will steal a frequency from a DX station if he
can? (When told that the other guy had been there for several hours, this
guy said: "I guess the station with the biggest station wins...and that's
me! QRZ contest...N4 Zulu Charlie...").
This lid was heard just a few minutes earlier calling grossly out of turn
just down the band and then created a situation for 6Y5JA, trying to steal
his frequency.
I wouldn't want this guy signing my call in a contest. Down the road,
buddy...or was that N4ZC?
Wayne, N7NG
n7ng at
>From H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at Sat Mar 4 21:20:02 1995
From: H. Ward Silver" <hwardsil at (H. Ward Silver)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 13:20:02 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Grid-Loc
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9503041301.F27016-9100000 at>
Looks like I'm going to miss it due to a family vacation over the break.
Maybe this is a clue that I should get a mobile rig working...we're going
to be in Southern Utah and Northern Arizony, so I might be on from some
snazzy grids!
Otherwise, I would be on FOR SURE!
73, Ward N0AX
>From barry at (Barry Kutner) Sat Mar 4 20:11:03 1995
From: barry at (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Sat, 04 Mar 95 20:11:03 GMT
Subject: V44KAO
Message-ID: <5kgg2c1w165w at>
Wayne Mills <0006509309 at> writes:
> Bravo to Jon, NL7GP for his insight in describing V44KAO. As DXpeditioners
> and off-shore contesters know, North Americans (Ws) too often characterize
> others in their own terms.
> It ALWAYS pays to try to understand the other guy's thinking before you open
> your mouth.
> Wayne, n7ng at
There's also something called common sense. If one out of every few
stations is asking you your power during a contest, wouldn't you get an
inkling that MAYBE it's part of the exchange?
Being in North America has nothing to do with it. I have casually given
out exchanges in contests, not knowing what contest it was. If I give my s
state, rather than section, or
QSO number rather than power, it doesn't take too many QSOs for me to
figure out what should be done.
Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Usenet/Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
Packet Cluster: W2UP >K2TW (FRC)
>From rmarosko at (Ron Marosko) Sat Mar 4 21:34:26 1995
From: rmarosko at (Ron Marosko) (Ron Marosko)
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 15:34:26 -0600
Subject: March TDXS Bullsheet
Message-ID: <199503042134.PAA06617 at>
For those so inclined, the March '95 issue of the Bullsheet, newsletter of
the Texas DX Society, is now available on the internet through the TDXS
home page.
Just put it up there about 15 minutes ago. Catch it here, before it gets to
your mailbox!
Vy 73,
Secretary, TDXS
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| kk5dk at | Baylor College of Medicine |
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