WPX Contest

Rob Snieder PA3ERC norf at euronet.nl
Wed May 24 18:21:58 EDT 1995

The Contestgroup Oude Maas will be active as PI4COM in the WPX contest 
as multi-multi station. This will be the first contest with our new 2 
elem full size beam for 40 meters. We hope the beam will work better 
as the switched bobtails we have been using the last years. Also on 
80 meters we have erected a new 1/4 wave fixed vertical and have 3 
beverages for 80 and 160 meters. If you hear us, please call.

and K5RX who is visiting us the whole contest.

The QSL info is via PA3CAL, QSL manager for all PI4COM/PA6WPX

73 de Rob
Rob Snieder PA3ERC
norf at euronet.nl

>From millersg at dmapub.dma.org (Steve Miller)  Wed May 24 18:36:30 1995
From: millersg at dmapub.dma.org (Steve Miller) (Steve Miller)
Date: Wed, 24 May 1995 13:36:30 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: WPX CW/Propagation Forecasts
Message-ID: <m0sEKMA-000294C at dmapub.dma.org>

Trey wrote:

> Nope.  Let me reiterate my point:  
> 	The reason I created the CQ-Contest mailing list is to read 
> 	messages from people, not robots.
> If someone wants to start a mailing list to disseminate the WWV solar
> indicies every three hours, great!  Sounds like a super service.  Or 
> if someone wants to put up a web page with that stuff, fantastic!  This 
> is useful information.

Propagation data and forecasts from the Space Environmental Laboratory 
are available on the web. Hams will probably be most interested in the 
following page:


Historical data on sunspot numbers, etc is also available from the 
National Geophysical Data Center:


> > May I be so bold as to suggest that propagation actually has 
> > something to do with "contesting" strategy?
> I welcome discussion of contesting strategy.  Perhaps I can kick off the
> thread with the following remarks:
> 	I don't need to listen to WWV to know whether conditions are good
> 	or bad, and I would never base a strategy decision on a WWV report 
> 	received during a contest.
> --Trey, WN4KKN/6

Agreed. Even an hour old WWV K-index won't make a difference when a big SWF 
knocks out all the high bands - I'm not gonna wait 2 hours to recheck WWV 
_then_ change bands :)

Steve Miller
millersg at dmapub.dma.org
WD8IXE - Ridin' the aethereal waves

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