Say hi to AA2Z
frenaye at
frenaye at
Thu May 25 19:27:34 EDT 1995
>>: AA2Z admits that, over the years, the idea has been discussed, but
>>: it has never been accepted. In my opinion, that is largely due
>>: to the influence of K1ZZ, a great contester and a great friend of
>>: contesting.
>>What about AA2Z? Also a great friend of contesters and
>>not a slouch as an op either.
Just in case you want to say hi to AA2Z, he will be one of the operators here
during CQ WPX CW this weekend. Look for us as KG1D - we're interested in
working the 1000+ people on the contest reflector, especially those with
funny callsigns like AE0M NV6O etc.
E-mail: frenaye at
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093
Phone: 203-668-5444
>From w7zrc at (Rod Greene) Fri May 26 00:53:00 1995
From: w7zrc at (Rod Greene) (Rod Greene)
Date: Thu, 25 May 95 17:53 MDT
Subject: Contesters as coverpersons
Message-ID: <m0sEmj1-000QXeC at>
Susan, Right on!
Rod, w7zrc at
>Each time I go to Dayton I stop at the CQ booth and ask the editor to
>please have a cover picture of a woman operating. I say that CQ has
>had a cover picture of a dog with headphones, a cat sitting with a
>male operator, and, a few years ago, a woman making breakfast for a
>male operator.
remainder deleted
>Susan - KU2Q
w7zrc at Rod Greene W7ZRC Boise ID DN13UN
>From De Syam <syam at> Fri May 26 01:19:55 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 20:19:55 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: HS7AS in WPX CW Test
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950525201435.7264A-100000 at>
In addition to the HS50A operation already mentioned, a message from
HS1GOS informs me that HS7AS will be on in the CQ WPX CW Contest,
operated by HS1AAM, HS1EUD, HS7ECI and others. QSL's for both can go to
Dallas Carter, K3WUW/HS0ZBI, who is the QSL Manager for the Radio Amateur
Society of Thailand. The Bureau address is P. O. Box 2008, GPO, Bangkok,
Thailand 10501.
Among other things, HS7AS has a two element 40 meter beam up about 30
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From De Syam <syam at> Fri May 26 01:27:08 1995
From: De Syam <syam at> (De Syam)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 20:27:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: K3ZO results in the 6 Meter sprint.
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950525202006.7264B-100000 at>
Almost forgot! I did participate in the 6 Meter Sprint and conditions
were quite OK. I had 130 QSO's in 59 sections. The band was open with
Sporadic-E for almost the entire sprint period. The line noise was
pretty ferocious at the beginning but gradually died down as the contest
went on. No new 6-Meter countries during the Sprint but I did get an FG5
a couple of hours beforehand. However, W3ZZ was called by V31RD during
the sprint, a new 6 Meter country for Gene.
The opening here started to FL, but during the Sprint GA, LA, MS, AR, TX,
MO, KS, NE, KY, IL, IA, TN and OK were also worked on Sporadic E. Let's
hope this means that we will have some good openings during the ARRL VHF
Contest next month.
Very 73,
Fred Laun, K3ZO
>From C Sim James, KK5EA" <jamescs at Fri May 26 04:20:37 1995
From: C Sim James, KK5EA" <jamescs at (C Sim James, KK5EA)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 22:20:37 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: my humble wpx effort
Message-ID: <Pine.SOL.3.91.950525220001.1369A-100000 at lab2>
Guys & Gals of the reflector,
I am looking forward to making my first attempt at a cw wpx. The
beam is out of commisson so I will only be on 40 (darn that roof
work). I am not the fastest cw op and my prefix is not too uncommon,
but I plan on having my last really good time this last weekend before the
finals studying crunch begins on Monday. (darn that school work) Please
point your beams to AL to work me and GL to everyone.
73 de Sim, KK5EA/4
"...Angels and Ministers of Grace defend us..." Hamlet Act I Scene IV
|C. Sim James, KK5EA | Email: jamescs at |
|MIDN 3/C USNR | Packet: kk5ea at |
|U.S. Naval Supply Corps Gonna-be | WWW: |
| "Steel doesn't fly without supply." | Vanity: Someday my call will come! |
>From Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at> Fri May 26 05:13:23 1995
From: Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at> (Gary Schwartz)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 23:13:23 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: AT0L <Atlantis> in WPX
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9505252321.C13209-a100000 at>
On Thu, 25 May 1995, George Cook wrote:
> It is my intention to activate the lost continent of Atlantis in the CW
> WPX test.
> The contest group may use the call AT0L but at this time we are still in
> negotiations with the goventments licensing agent Ariel and that little
> crab with the cool accent.
George, you must not have any kids under the age of 10....that "little
crab with the cool accent" is Sebastian mon!
What kind of test does Ariel ( or is it Aerial ??!!) require? Wonder if
she has a ham license...with a name like that!
Gary K9GS
| |
| Gary Schwartz K9GS E-Mail: garyk9gs at |
| Society of Midwest Contesters Packet:K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM |
>From Paul Knupke (CS)" <knupke at Fri May 26 05:45:03 1995
From: Paul Knupke (CS)" <knupke at (Paul Knupke (CS))
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 00:45:03 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Club Competition--ARRL 10m
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950526002650.24230A-100000 at babbage>
On Thu, 25 May 1995, Bruce Sawyer wrote:
> Do any of you east coast guys recall what kind of openings you had
> during this year's ARRL 10m contest? Were there openings to EU?
> South America of course, but I wonder what beyond that?
Propogation was pretty poor. There were openings both mornings into
Europe but they were quite short. I heard some 8's and 9's working into
Africa but was not able to work them. I'm located on the west coast of
Florida FWIW. I worked F, EA, S5 before it died on Saturday. In '93 I
was just a tech+ so I was limited in where I could operate, but I'm now
an Advanced (and was in '94 for the test.) Found a few of the Europeans
above 28.500 and all the CW activity was between 28.000 and 28.060 or
so. 28.100 to 28.300 was a ghost town unfortunatly.
South America had nice openings both days. Lots of LU stations. There
was no propogation Asia at all. Late in the afternoon on Sunday I worked
a single ZL station. Worked a VP5 which suprised me greatly being so
close. My operating conditions were a barefoot FT-990, tri-bander at
Conditions of Friday evening were non-existant. The prior year we worked
over 100 Q's the first evening (it was my first contest) and '94 saw
about 10 Q's all ground wave. Managed to work KC2X over in Narcoosee
(about 80-90 miles east) somehow!
> first we'd like to see if we have a fighting chance with the east coast.
> K3EST, who does have some experience in this area, has argued
I'll be curious to see the results for the '94 test and see what the
comments were to the conditions elsewhere.
> forcefully that West Coast does not have a fighting chance in the 10m
> contest. But my recollection of last year's 10m contest was that, here
Worked lots of 6's and 7's as usual but not as many as in '93.
> weekends to get the SS gavel. We've won it 10 times now anyway, so
> we figure it's time to let somebody else have a crack at it.)
The 10m contest is one of my favorites so far and I look forward to the
upturn of the sunspot cycle so I can participate in this contest when all
heck breaks loose.
73 de KR4YL
Paul Knupke, Jr. University of South Florida Computer Engineering
knupke at * Largo, Florida * Fidonet 1:3603/570
Amateur Radio Callsign KR4YL Packet @N4MET.#STP.FL.USA.NOAM
"Why are we here? Because we're here ... Roll the Bones"
-- Neil Peart
>From pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II) Fri May 26 13:08:39 1995
From: pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 07:08:39 -0500
Subject: AT0L <Atlantis> in WPX
>On Thu, 25 May 1995, George Cook wrote:
>> It is my intention to activate the lost continent of Atlantis in the CW
>> WPX test.
>> The contest group may use the call AT0L but at this time we are still in
>> negotiations with the goventments licensing agent Ariel and that little
>> crab with the cool accent.
>George, you must not have any kids under the age of 10....that "little
>crab with the cool accent" is Sebastian mon!
>What kind of test does Ariel ( or is it Aerial ??!!) require? Wonder if
>she has a ham license...with a name like that!
There was a YL on 14.2515 last night from Nevada - Alexis, KC7BNH (I think).
Someone posted on packetcluster that she just upgraded to General and was
trying to get WAS. The pileup was on and, with a little help from her dad,
she handled it marvelously. She must have been on for hours. Contester in
the making? Maybe. Young Blood? She just turned 15.
73 es CU from my backyard ground mounted vertical. If you hear a weak N9
calling it could be N9WHG!
Paul Walker
Paul D. Walker II e-mail: pwalker at
Database/System Administrator phone: (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute fax: (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL 60610 packet: n9whg@????? BBS went offline
>From apontej at (Jose Aponte) Fri May 26 13:12:43 1995
From: apontej at (Jose Aponte) (Jose Aponte)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 08:12:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: cq wpx cw - audio test tapes wanted?
Message-ID: <m0sEyFw-00028HC at>
This time I am sure that the contest is this weekend.
Anyone that would like to help with TI DSP solutions student project
that it is in formative stages... by taping cq wpx cw qso of varying
difficulty from pile up to one two one or with adjacent interference
please email me... would prfer the audio to be less than 5 minutes
and if posible to be digitized to facilitate collection... but not
a must...
it will be used to serve as atest bed for a cw morse project to
copy code in real time in a cost effecient & proficient manner...
the texas instruments contest entry will be made by june 30, 95
if diffferent part of the project come together inclusive of some waiver
to ti rules... for additional information or questions email me...
we also plan to offer this as shareware to field test it... anyone interested
in being a beta test site... contact me...
>From Scott J Bauer" <sjb at Fri May 26 14:15:20 1995
From: Scott J Bauer" <sjb at (Scott J Bauer)
Date: Fri, 26 May 95 09:15:20 -0400
Subject: Towers & Permits
Message-ID: <199505261315.JAA23289 at>
Dick K2SZE "contest" tower fight update ! Here is an update from Dick himself.
Intro: Dick K2SZE has applied for permission from the Town of
Pittsford NY, to put up a 70 foot "contest" tower, with a single HF yagi.
The current zoning law permits 90 feet, I've got a copy.
RULING: Permit denied ! NO tower of ANY height allowed !
1) No scale provided on the mechanical drawings. (all actual
dimensions & distances were provided). i.e. scale 20:1 or
1 inch = 20 feet etc. not shown.
2) Health hazard. Dick says the FCC has now shown an increased interest
in the case.
3) Town board stated that PRB-1, DOES NOT apply to the town of
Pittsford in the matter of residential zoning.
4) Drawings deemed inadequate. (they weren't).
5) Shrubbery and line of sight issues (esthetics).
Dick feels that they succumbed to political pressure, and looked for and
found ANY reason, right or wrong, in order to reject the permit.
Dick, lawyers etc. feel that other towns & cities will be able to use this
as a precedence in New York State and that others, may be in for considerable
difficulty in obtaining new tower permits and possibly even in keeping
existing towers. Worst case scenario. I hope.
ARRL is planning to help in a more aggressive manner. I don't know the details.
The FCC may become involved in the issue.
Dick said that it is now likely to go to federal court to force the
Town of Pittsford NY to reconsider.
I've crossed off Pittsford as a place to buy a new house.
QST & contest results: I won't subscribe if the results aren't there.
I do read QST almost cover to cover, even after 26 years I think QST is
pretty good. I also get NCJ but only occassional newsstand copies of CQ.
Rochester NY: Rubber ducky mounted to the baseball cap per capita is
999 per 1000 local hams :-). I don't think that most locals even know what
HF stands for. BO per capita is a little better at 6 in 10 :-).
Filter loss:
BTW filter loss before the transceiver directly adds to the receiver noise
figure, which means you are limiting what you can hear. Mostly only a
concern at VHF and above, but can be a factor on HF. In a good receiver or
transceiver by a good manufacturer, high filter loss and the poorer noise
figure would NEVER be tolerated. Performance counts and specs sell radios.
73 Scott WA2LCC sjb at
>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at Fri May 26 15:54:36 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 10:54:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Contesters as Coverguys
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9505261034.F17912-9100000 at>
I figure since no manufacturers have seen fit to sponsor me yet by giving
me free radios and amps, if I ever had the opportunity to sit for a cover
shoot I should put my Heathkit transceiver and SB-200 prominently on the
operating desk and move out the others! hi. 73
Rich Boyd KE3Q
>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at Fri May 26 15:57:15 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 10:57:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: FD/new blood/NR replacement
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9505261015.G17912-a100000 at>
I like the ideas on the NR replacement contest. Maybe August, say, is a
good time, since most "youths" are not in school then. Keep in mind, too,
that many contest prospects and other new ops may not be young, so let's
not forget them either.
The team concept for the replacement NR sounds good too. But be sure to
still have a category for "single op" novice/techs too, for those who are
shy or otherwise can't find a teammate.
I'd like to hear from ARRL on what ideas they have in mind for a
replacement. Haven't heard a peep yet.
Rich Boyd KE3Q
>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at Fri May 26 16:01:28 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 11:01:28 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Results in QST
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9505261126.H17912-8100000 at>
Yeah, we all need "power mikes" and rename speech processors "audio
boosters" or something like that.
Rich Boyd KE3Q
>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at Fri May 26 16:02:32 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 11:02:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Propagation CW WPX
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9505261131.I17912-8100000 at>
Yeah, WN3K has had messages on the East Coast packetcluster to the same
effect, work his soon-to-be-rare WN3 prefix. hi
Rich Boyd KE3Q
>From Juris Baltins <yl2dx at> Fri May 26 16:26:49 1995
From: Juris Baltins <yl2dx at> (Juris Baltins)
Date: Fri, 26 May 1995 18:26:49 +0300 (EET DST)
Subject: YL7T in CQ-WPX
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9505261840.A19698-0100000 at>
Hi, contesters,
Look me in CQ-WPX test CW all bands (as bad propagation allows) this
weekend with the brand new prefix YL7T.
QSL via Box 265, Riga 50, Latvia LV-1050.
( please, don't mix up YL7T with different YU7,LY7,KL7 and 4L7s...)
Cu, 73 de Yuri,YL2DX
>From Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at Fri May 26 16:37:00 1995
From: Lau, Zack, KH6CP" <zlau at (Lau, Zack, KH6CP)
Date: Fri, 26 May 95 11:37:00 EDT
Subject: Filter loss
Message-ID: <2FC5F5F9 at>
>BTW filter loss before the transceiver directly adds to the receiver noise
>figure, which means you are limiting what you can hear. Mostly only a
>concern at VHF and above, but can be a factor on HF. In a good receiver or
>transceiver by a good manufacturer, high filter loss and the poorer noise
>figure would NEVER be tolerated. Performance counts and specs sell radios.
>73 Scott WA2LCC sjb at
True, specs do sell radios. Unfortunately, the people who buy radios aren't
always smart enough to know what specs are important and which aren't.
For instance, those wide filters RF bandpass found on many receivers
do in fact help the noise figure, at the expense of reduced overall
intermodulation performance. Thus, a worse noise figure due to narrower
RF filters might actually indicate a better radio. This is particularly
true on
40 meters--compare the signals the mixer has to deal with if it only has to
look at 300 kHz vs3 MHz or more of spectrum.
Zack zlau at
BTW, I decided to trade a little noise figure for DR with the 6M transceiver
I built. 10 dB NF and 100 dB DR (2.3 kHz) Actually does better than a
FT-1000D does on HF...
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