Rumors of reduced contest coverage in QST are totally false

george fremin iii geoiii at
Thu May 25 18:34:45 EDT 1995

: AA2Z admits that, over the years, the idea has been discussed, but
: it has never been accepted.  In my opinion, that is largely due
: to the influence of K1ZZ, a great contester and a great friend of
: contesting.

What about AA2Z?  Also a great friend of contesters and 
not a slouch as an op either. 


George Fremin III
Austin, Texas C.K.U.                        
geoiii at

>From George Cook <george at>  Fri May 26 00:02:32 1995
From: George Cook <george at> (George Cook)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 19:02:32 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: What in the world do those knobs do?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950525183617.22664D-100000 at>

When last heard, Bill Turner wrote:

> >From a position of enlightenment, George Cook wrote:
> > 
> > Hey would that mean I should re label my Speech Processer <DYNAMIKE> ?
> >
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> Much too high tech.... sounds like a LOUDERMAKER to me.   :-)
> 73, Bill W7LZP
Your 55 fifty five speed limit     over over

My friend KB2PLW is an avid builder of 30s and 40s tube transmitters and 
and in seeing a photo of my 930 wanted to know what all those knobs do  
now I have a guide to help him along
Channel selector
Voulume controll
Delta tune (xit)
Talk & Go (vox)
Carrier Whipper (tune controll)

And the list goes on.

Back to NET

* George Cook   AA3JU  Bangor, PA  FN21         *
* george at  AA3JU at N3IQD.EPA.USA.NA *
* If you're not FRC remember:...............    *
* .......There's no shame in being 2nd best!    *

>From George Cook <george at>  Fri May 26 00:16:36 1995
From: George Cook <george at> (George Cook)
Date: Thu, 25 May 1995 19:16:36 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: AT0L  <Atlantis> in WPX
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.950525191128.22664E-100000 at>

It is my intention to activate the lost continent of Atlantis in the CW 
WPX test.

While none of the lost continent is in fact above water this should not 
prevent this from being a valid DXCC country as it most assuradely fits 
the definition by fact of a wholey seperate govenment.

The contest group may use the call AT0L but at this time we are still in 
negotiations with the goventments licensing agent Ariel and that little 
crab with the cool accent.

Back to NET

* George Cook   AA3JU  Bangor, PA  FN21         *
* george at  AA3JU at N3IQD.EPA.USA.NA *
* If you're not FRC remember:...............    *
* .......There's no shame in being 2nd best!    *

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