ehayes at VNET.IBM.COM ehayes at VNET.IBM.COM
Tue May 30 09:46:58 EDT 1995

I really had a great time in my first cw contest.  Between the
holiday company and barbecueing, I couldn't spend much time on
the air but did enjoy myself.

It didn't take long to discover that I was woefully unprepared
for the speed y'all were sending the exchanges with.  How do you
learn or what do you use to be able to copy code that fast?  As
best I could tell, most were sending at 27+ wpm.  I really had
to struggle to get the serial #'s right because I knew I was
only going to hear them once.  Now I wish I would have had to
pass 30 wpm for extra!

Thanks and can't wait for the next one. Maybe I'll do better,

73  KC5DVT   Wayne     email...ehayes at vnet.ibm.com
Austin, Texas

>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM)  Tue May 30 14:55:14 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 07:55:14 -0600
Subject: KJ1N WPX M/S Score
Message-ID: <9505300755.ZM566 at dr.att.com>

Black Hole whining begins here......


                  CQ WORLD WIDE PREFIX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: KJ1N                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Single

      QTH: Colorado
      Operators: KJ1N, N2IC, K0KR, AA0NC


      160        0        0   0.0        0
       80       31       74   2.4        4
       40      442     1610   3.6      118
       20     1304     1894   1.5      566
       15      134      137   1.0       26
       10        9       14   1.6        3

     Totals   1920     3729   1.9      717  =   2,673,693


  Stacked KT-34XA's @ 65', 115'
  3 el KLM 40 @ 120'
  80 meter dipole @ 115'

How do you make so many QSO's, with so many multipliers, for so few points, you
ask .....

                              Continent Statistics
     KJ1N   CQ WPX CONTEST    Multi Single     28 May 1995  1659z

                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America   CW     0   22  194  733   99    5 1053    54.6
South America   CW     0    0   12   23   29    4   68     3.5
Europe          CW     0    0   34  326    1    0  361    18.7
Asia            CW     0    8  166  194    0    0  368    19.1
Africa          CW     0    0    3    2    3    0    8     0.4
Oceania         CW     0    1   38   30    2    0   71     3.7

Comments on the above numbers:
1) Very few of those 1053 North American QSO's were VE's !
2) No, we didn't do anything stupid, like go out of our way to work W's, unless
they were a new multiplier.
3) What were we suppose to do, ignore all those AC4's and AA8's that answered
our CQ's ?

A real black hole weekend for us.  Just kept pretending that this was really
Field Day, and working W's was a good thing ! Very few memorable QSO's or band
openings.  Only 150 JA's on 40 meters, despite 7-8 hours of good propagation.
Where have all the JA's gone ?  Couldn't hear even a whisper of many of the EU
that the east coast was working on 20 meters on Sunday.  1430Z-1700Z Sunday -
no DX on any band !

Missed 1.5 hours on Friday evening (0300Z-0430Z) due to thunderstorms.  So much
for the over-the-pole opening !

Steve London, N2IC/0
n2ic at dr.att.com

>From alan at ES.COM (Alan Brubaker)  Tue May 30 15:23:21 1995
From: alan at ES.COM (Alan Brubaker) (Alan Brubaker)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 08:23:21 -0600
Subject: WPX CW - NT7Y M/S
Message-ID: <199505301423.IAA05254 at greely.corp.ES.COM>

NT7Y M/S operated by W0MHS and K6XO @ K6XO

160     0
 80    37
 40   268
 20   840
 15    51
 10     0

Total 1196   PX  565   Claimed score: ~1.25M

160 - Only one station heard - NQ4I

 80 - Fair opening Sunday morning to JA.

 40 - No beam. Noisy and slow.

 20 - In and out all weekend. Europe was there most of the
      time, but difficult to work from the "Western Black

 15 - A few marginal openings to SA and the Far East.

 10 - One W6 heard on a sporadic E opening.

We put in about 46 hours. Rate overall was about 26, but
on Sunday afternoon, it was mostly lower than that.

Alan, K6XO

alan at es.com

>From pwalker at mbi.moody.edu (Paul D. Walker II)  Tue May 30 15:25:56 1995
From: pwalker at mbi.moody.edu (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:25:56 -0500
Subject: 1995 CQ WPX CW - N9WHG

                      1995 CQ WPX CW SUMMARY SHEET - N9WHG

    Contest Dates : 27-May-95, 28-May-95

    Callsign Used : N9WHG
         Operator : N9WHG

         Category : Single Op, All Band, Low Power, Unassisted
          Station : FT-900/AT 100 Watts
                    AST PowerExec 4/25SL running TRLog 5.19
                    Ground Mounted 5 Band Vertical (with all the rain we've 
                    had, the ground plane was no problem :-)  )

 Default Exchange : 599 #

             Name : Paul D. Walker II
          Address : 1646 West Morgan Avenue
   City/State/Zip : Chesterton, IN  46304
          Country : United States

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Prefixes   

   40CW       52          52        154       47 
   20CW       88          88        162       76 
   15CW        4           4          2        3 

 Totals      144         144        318      126 

    Final Score = 40068 points.

 Soapbox Comments

 First WPX contest - Had a blast.  Brought back memories of random 
 letter/number exercises while learning the code. 
 Missed VK/JA opportunities on 40 both mornings due to laziness AND a forced
 "family shopping trip" killed me on Saturday.

 This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter within
 the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and 
 regulations of the contest.

 Date _30-May-1995_    Signed ______Paul D. Walker II______  Call ___N9WHG___

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker at mbi.moody.edu
Database/System Administrator     phone:  (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute             fax:    (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd            amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL  60610               packet: n9whg@?????  BBS went offline

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