No subject

paul at paul at
Tue May 30 10:23:37 EDT 1995

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Paul Evans, W4/G4BKI   paul at                       
+1 (813) 874-2980  Fax:+1 (813) 872-8696                     
Views expressed here are not necessarily those of PacComm.                         
I don't surf the internet, I SAIL IT!                      
Captain of S/V "Spindrift" (Catalina 36), Dunedin, FL.     
PacComm Packet Radio Systems, Inc., 4413 N. Hesperides St., Tampa, FL 33614-7618

>From pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II)  Tue May 30 16:11:49 1995
From: pwalker at (Paul D. Walker II) (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 10:11:49 -0500
Subject: Speaking of cover shots ...

I just gotta know ...

Did anybody notice the "room service" bell on the desk of the W6EEN shack -
front cover of the March 95 issue of CQ?


This might make a good top ten list: "Top ten reason to ring the bell during
a contest ..... "

Paul Walker, N9WHG

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker at
Database/System Administrator     phone:  (312)329-4392
Moody Bible Institute             fax:    (312)329-8961
820 North LaSalle Blvd            amateur radio: N9WHG
Chicago, ILL  60610               packet: n9whg@?????  BBS went offline

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM  Tue May 30 19:20:00 1995
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 11:20:00 PDT
Subject: CQ WPX -- The  5 Stages of Tequila
Message-ID: <2FCB6201 at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>

A hot, balmy weekend....air conditioner dead in Radio Room....
Memorial Day....time for rest and parties......recovering from
AC4CS's Typhoid Ted Virus....

WPX this weekend?  Sure, why not???


WB4iUX CQ WPX Summary:

The 5 Stages of Tequila

1.  I can work CW (first margarita).

2.  I can work CW WPX.

3.  I can deal with 85 deg temp in Shack (more margaritas).

4.  I can jump from CT Version 6.19  to Version 9.23  in  5  minutes.

5.  Go to bed -- Tequila wins.

Apologies to AB6FO -- he received the worst bungled report
I sent all night (stage 4).

73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Tue May 30 17:08:58 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:08:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Speaking of cover shots ...
Message-ID: <801850138.436157.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>

> Did anybody notice the "room service" bell on the desk of the W6EEN shack -
> front cover of the March 95 issue of CQ?
> Why?  
> This might make a good top ten list: "Top ten reason to ring the bell during
> a contest ..... "

When you work a new multiplier.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at  Tue May 30 18:22:00 1995
From: Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at (Daniel R. Violette)
Date: Tue, 30 May 95 09:22:00 PST
Subject: FD & Emergency ops/park rangers
Message-ID: <9504308018.AA801851576 at>

     I have a similar story.  Two of us went to a mountain top park to try 
     a VHF contest.  The park ranger wanders up and asked us what are we up 
     to.  We told him the story.  Then he gets high and mighty with things 
     like, the nearby peak is full of radio towers and this is a radio 
     restricted zone.  Also, we cannot damage any trees, mess up the 
     ground, etc.  Then he says 'If there is problems, I'll shuts ya down, 
     and the FCC will shuts ya down'.  The guy I was with made a comment to 
     the effect, 'since they gave the park rangers guns most of them act 
     like that.'  The ranger left and we didn't see him again.  This is a 
     fairly remote area so he doesn't get much activity.
     One other VHF contest another guy and I took a tent and a generator 
     and plopped on a mound along the road.  The rangers stopped by and 
     just said have fun and no campfires.
     That is about the extent of my VHF contesting.  
     Dan   KI6X
     e-mail:  Daniel_R._Violette at


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: FD & Emergency ops
Author:  thehalls at (Eric & Bonnie Hall ) at SMTPGTY
Date:    05/29/95 05:51 AM

Hello Contest Gang:
Here is a little story that I thought was pretty interesting. Actually 
relates to FD, new blood, and emergency operations...
I bought a Heathkit HW-9 in Jan 95, put together a G5RV antenna, got 
some 12v batteries...went to the local Forest Perserve last weekend 
(May 20 or 21) and operated from about 10am until 12 noon.
The funniest part of the whole thing was the Forest Perserve cop coming 
by and asking what I was doing? (My wife had prep me with emergency 
comm stuff, etc). He wanted to know what the THING in the trees was. 
(HI) Never mind the radio junk on the folding table, I guess. 
=> He said "In thirty years, I've never seen anything like this." 
Good thing I was able to make analogies to his HT on his belt...
Has he had a sheltered life or what? hihi He doesn't know what CONTEST 
fun he's missing!
73, Eric WD9GGY
thehalls at
P.S. - no ticket, just funny looks...Am I really that weird as their 
faces seem to show? (hihi)

>From Bruce Sawyer <bsawyer at>  Tue May 30 18:34:14 1995
From: Bruce Sawyer <bsawyer at> (Bruce Sawyer)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 09:34:14 -0800
Subject: Info Request:  Contest Locations on J3
Message-ID: <sfcae804.041 at>

Has anybody here on the reflector ever been down to Granada, J3? 
Looking ahead to next winter's contest season, I'd really like to go down
there for either CQWW or ARRL-DX (CW, in either case).  However, I
have absolutely no information on Granada and would have trouble
making an advance trip to reconnoiter.  Are there any existing stations
that can be rented?  Failing that, are there any good hotels with good
trees and permissive management?  Any info would be very much
                                             Bruce Sawyer

>From Floydjr <floydjr at>  Tue May 30 17:43:34 1995
From: Floydjr <floydjr at> (Floydjr)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 12:43:34 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: DUPE! KH7 Answer.
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.90.950530123552.11396B-100000 at>

I am sorry to send this to everyone but Mr. Luigi did so I will handle it 
the same way. I am sorry that I forgot this question was asked in March. 
I have a life besides Ham radio and Internet, unlike some people. I do 
not appreciated being made to sound dumb by Mr. Luigi.

The question is March to me was different. The station in Washington was 
working away from his home QTH which does make him a portable. This 
satation was at home. I wonder how many time he signs KH7 when ragchewing 
with his buddies. I know that the rules encourge this but I still have a 
right for my opinion. 

It is and always has been a problem to me with Alaska and Hawaii. In a DX 
Contest they are country and in a stateside they are state. Just whatever 
fits the contest. It is no fault of any operator in either location. I 
think both ARRL and CQ need to address this. It seems unfair to the rest 
of the country. 

I do not mind getting flamed but I do not like being made to look dumb. 
Again I am sorry this went to everyone but Mr. Luigi set the tone for 
this. I do appreciate the constructive comments I go on this. It almost 
makes me wonder if it worth the trouble to ask anything on this 
refractor. I thought the DX police were bad!!!!!

73's Jim / WA4ZXA

>From ken silverman" <ken.silverman at ccmail.AirTouch.COM  Tue May 30 07:28:48 1995
From: ken silverman" <ken.silverman at ccmail.AirTouch.COM (ken silverman)
Date: Mon, 29 May 95 22:28:48 PST
Subject: AG6D M/S WPX CW Score
Message-ID: <9504308018.AA801853786 at>

     AG6D M/S WPX CW Score:
     Ops:  AG6D, N4TQO, K2MM, WM2C
     160       0        0        0.0        0
     80       78      396        5.1        5
     40      592     2556        4.3      151
     20      813     1239        1.5      430
     15      108      168        1.6       38
     10        2        6        3.0        0
     Totals   1593     4365      2.7      624  =   2,723,760
     West Coast Perspective:
     Work as much DX as possible, work every JA station on during the 
     contest, and let the USA mults come to us (Why is this contest 
     different from any other?).  We never made a point of running the USA 
     when we could still S&P on 40/20m to some DX location.  But that said, 
     while running, we did double beam most of the time on 15, 20, and 40m. 
      For the bottom of the cycle, we were pleased to almost match last 
     years score.
     80m:  Wide open to JA/Pacific, but only jumped there a few short times 
     around sunrise to clean out the band for Q's & mults for 6 point 
     stuff.  We could run for about 10-20 minutes, but then it would dry 
     up.  So we jumped back and fourth between 40 and 80.  Not much heard 
     from EU, but why struggle?  We would rather be on 40m running JA's at 
     EU sunrise anyway.
     40m:  In good shape.  S&P to EU, but very limited EU contacts in the 
     log.  Run JA/Pac like crazy as soon as the band permitted.  While 
     squeezing out the very last JA on this band, it was fun to work a 
     bunch of ZS stations long path about 2 hours before their sunset (it 
     was about 1 hour after sunrise in CA).  We would stay on 40 well past 
     sunrise.  The only other band choice was 20m, but the points were on 
     40m.  Why struggle on 20m when the east coast dominated at this time, 
     when we could be on 40m racking up 6 point QSOs a few hours past 
     sunrise?  The morning (7-9 AM local) JA/Pac rate of 20/hr was more 
     points than the 20-40/hr rate we might have had S&Ping to EU/SA on 
     20m:  We spent most of our day-time here (like everyone else!?).  Nice 
     EU opening in the evenings, peaking around 0300-0400 GMT.  We ran lots 
     of EU on the first night, but guess condx weren't as good the 2nd 
     night, or we worked everyone.  Usually us west coasters pick up lots 
     of 20m EU on Saturday evening when the band thins out, but this time 
     Friday was the better night.  Very few JA's worked on 20m, and they 
     were weak.
     N4TQO should get an award for his S&P efforts on Saturday afternoon 
     before the band peaked.  Steve spent around 4 hours methodically 
     S&Ping to EU at 20-25/hr, but that was the best way we could maximize 
     our score during that time (lots of mults, and all 3 point QSOs).  It 
     was S&P at 15-25/hr to EU, or "run" USA at 40-50/hr with mostly 0 
     points and a few mults - which would you choose? (hint, if you want to 
     maximize your score, go for the points and not the rate)
     15m:  After we spent a 10 minute period on 15 in the beginning of the 
     contest, we realized the band was in bad shape.  We occasionally went 
     to 15 to sweep for Q's and mults.  On Sunday the band was in better 
     shape, and hit 15m as soon as the sun rose in Japan.  15m was our only 
     source of 3 pointers on Sunday afternoon.
     10m:  Ha.  We did make one 10 minute excursion there when we heard a 
     few LU's on Sunday afternoon (worked 2 stations).  We did hear some 
     east coast stations Sunday morning, but why bother spending time there 
     when we had worked everybody on 15 or 20m already?
     I'm glad Monday was a holiday.  Its nice to have a free day off to 
     73, Ken WM2C

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