DUPE! KH7 Answer.

Zack Widup w9sz at prairienet.org
Tue May 30 13:56:28 EDT 1995

>The question is March to me was different. The station in Washington was 
>working away from his home QTH which does make him a portable. This 
>satation was at home. I wonder how many time he signs KH7 when ragchewing 
>with his buddies. I know that the rules encourge this but I still have a 
>right for my opinion. 

He usually signs N6VI/KH6. I have worked him outside the contests.

					Zack, W9SZ

>From James Brooks" <9v1yc at equator.lugs.po.my  Tue May 30 19:05:32 1995
From: James Brooks" <9v1yc at equator.lugs.po.my (James Brooks)
Date: Tue, 30 May 1995 18:05:32 GMT
Message-ID: <2fcb505f.equator at equator.lugs.po.my>


And I thought I was doing pretty darned good in this contest, but after
seeing Fred, K3ZO's score and his "humble" comments, I confess that I
was a bit humbled myself.....:)

Oh well, if nothing else, I'll be happy if I beat one of my close
competitors South of here who had the added advantage of being in 
a 3-point country (you know who you are because we were almost neck 
and neck all weekend, and you were jealous at my wicked European run 
on Sunday - ha!).

Thanks to Steve, VS6WO for his hospitaliy and his efforts in
buliding an Asian "top ten" class station (even if I didn't make it 
in the box this time). More thanks, to his wife Eva, who 
serves up "top ten" food all weekend long (and makes undoubtedly the 
best fudge brownies in Asia). To those who have done a contest at VS6WO, 
you know what I'm talking about. To those who haven't, you don't know 
what you're missing. 

Here are the numbers...

      Call: VS6WO (op. 9V1YC)        Country:  Hong Kong
      Mode: CW                       Category: Single Operator

       80        1        2   2.0        0
       40      411     1728   4.2       66
       20     1349     3476   2.6      391
       15      626     1124   1.8      183
       10       69       69   1.0        2

     Totals   2456     6399   2.6      642  =   4,108,158


James 9V1YC

| 9v1yc at equator.lugs.po.my  |

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