European Field Day

Wed May 31 15:28:52 EDT 1995

Following the "is FD really a contest?" discussion I can confirm that in
Europe, field day is most certainly a contest. This coming weekend 3-4 June
is CW field day. Expect plenty of portable active mainly from Germany, UK,
Switzerland, Belgium, Denmark and Italy with new countries joining every year.
The contest runs from 1500z 3 June to 1500z 4 June, CW on the six bands
10-160m. Exchange is RST plus serial number. RSGB gives a certificate for
the checklog from each continent containing most QSOs with G portables.
Please come on and give out some points. Logs go to G4IQM, QTHR.
VHF field day is on the first weekend of July, and SSB field day is on the
first weekend of September.
Dave G4BUO


>From Richard Riley <RRILEY%ESA.BITNET at>  Wed May 31 22:54:12 1995
From: Richard Riley <RRILEY%ESA.BITNET at> (Richard Riley)
Date: Wed, 31 May 95 16:54:12 EST
Subject: French VHF/UHF + IARU Region 1 Field Day

yes chaps it's here!

what you've all been waiting for...
..the third and final part of the French "Coupe de REF 1995"!

When:  Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June

Where: 144 Mhz 14h00-24h00 GMT Saturday

       432, 1296, 2 and 10Ghz 04h00-14h00 GMT Sunday

I haven't looked at the rules....but assume the idea is as
many French Departments and territories as possible.

..and unless the contesting population of Les Antilles has grown by
...a LOT....most of you reflectoroids won't hear a single French man say the

"si-queue contest" this weekend!

Having said that...if there is a huge thermal duct opening straight
into the East Coast...I'll be "on call" to speed things along!!

"is thut uh rogdeur?"  :-)) onto a "contest" where you will hear a French "call"
if not a French "man"!

After all the talk about "field day" recently,
this weekend brings us the IARU Region 1 Field Day (CW)!

This, I can assure you, is a CONTEST!
You'll find some very serious ops on from G, DL, HB9, OZ and elsewhere.

I'll be putting F6KBF/P on the air from La Somme,but unfortunately
because of the clash with the French Cup...I'll probably
be the only F/P on the air!

G4BUO assures me he'll send all necessary details...times etc to the reflector

a bientot!

G0JFX/F5VCO----> F6KBF/P this weekend.

email:  rriley%esa.bitnet at
packet: G0JFX at F6KBF

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at  Wed May 31 16:07:17 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at (David C. Patton)
Date: Wed, 31 May 1995 10:07:17 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: NS0Z MS Score
Message-ID: <199505311507.KAA05689 at>

Was going to whine a little about propagation, East Coast's exclusive
20M band, Radio Vatican, multiple thunderstorms, and torrential
rains, but, well it has all been done.

Doug, W9WI drove up to Hannibal from the Nashville area (about 8 hour
drive) and joined me for a MS from the K4VX/NS0Z station.  Doug
arrived about 8 AM Saturday, so I had the distinct pleasure of doing
the first 14 hours.  Believe me, Doug got there just in time.

We still have this wacko dream that an upper midwest station could
hold both the MS and MM national records in the WPX CW, but it was
not to be this year.  That fine effort by the WW2Y crew, and maybe by
the KG1D crew looked to threaten our 8 year old record in the MM
category.  Hard to believe that in the 1988 WPX CW contest (ops
included KM9P, WN4KKN, K4XU, AC9C, AG9A, K9BGL, K9FD and myself) we
had 2000 QSOs on 15, and 1700 on 20.  I remember smugly thinking that
Trey was going to experience true Black Hole propagation. Then Trey
sat down on 15 and 48 hours later said something like "well, the
Black Hole seems pretty good to me!"

This year the Black Hole deserved its name.  As everybody else West
of the Mississippi, I listened to the 1s, 2s, and 3s tun EU that I
couldn't even detect - hard to believe we were able to run them at
all, but they were there, weak, but there.  And the noise was severe.
 Storm after storm in the area.  It's a good thing Lew has a rhombic
and a quad-- those antennas allowed us to hear occassionally.

Spent a couple hours Friday repairing beverages that all were broken
and laying under fallen trees.  Good thing.  80 was good and 40 was
good to JA also.  And we used the beverages on 40 much of the time.

Then numbers:

	Band	Qs	pts/Q		pfxs
	80	102	3.2	29	Dipole @ 162', Double
					Magnetic Slot for JA/Carib

	40	579	3.7	193	3 el @ 130'

	20	1257	1.8	508	5/5 @ 130'/60', 4 el SA 60', 
					2-wire rhombic @ 70' EU

	15	97	1.6	 32	6 el @ 170', 4/4/4/4 JA/SA
					Stack, 6 el Quad @ 100'
					Rhombic @ 70'

	10	15	0.1	 0	8 el @ 50', 4/4 SA, 5/5 EU, 7
					el Quad @ 100'
	TOT	2050	2.4	762	3,751,326

Lew stuck the headphones on with 5 minutes left in contest and bagged
a mult on 40.  Good way to end a long weekend.

In the ten years which I have operated from K4VX I have seen worse
condx.  But not too much worse!

73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at

>From Stankiewicz, Warren,  NF1J" <wstankiewi at  Wed May 31 15:36:00 1995
From: Stankiewicz, Warren,  NF1J" <wstankiewi at (Stankiewicz, Warren,  NF1J)
Date: Wed, 31 May 95 10:36:00 EDT
Subject: WPX borrowed calls
Message-ID: <2FCC7EDE at>

>After reading Randy's comments, I am beginning to wonder about the
validity (and ethics) of "borrowed calls."

What about the ethics of borrowing someone's call, and then not using it, 
thereby keeping the call sign owner off the air for the weekend?

And not lettting the owner know until after the contest?

Does the "I wasn't planning a serious effort" really hold true when you 
finish with 5.7M?

Is it just me? Or does this sound sleazy to anyone else?

Warren, NF1J (wstankiewi at
***PLEASE NOTE--This opinion is my own, and in no way reflects that of my 
employer in any manner, way, shape, or form.***

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