PX0A answer
py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org
py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org
Thu Nov 9 19:59:59 EST 1995
To: cq-contest at tgv.com
CC: dieven at almaden.ibm.com
Subject: PX0A answer
X-BBS-Msg-Type: P
Hello Dick - best 73.
1. PW2N is OK via PY2EYE or PY2NY, no matter. PY2EYE have correct address on
any callbook since 1970, I believe. But, don't worry, because after each
contest, ALL cards are sent via Bureau in few days...
2. PX0A is Brazil, not Fernando de Noronha neither other DXCC Island from
Brasil. I don't have manager from him, sorry. Observe that the rules to find if
Brasil or Island have good application here...
Well Dick, thanks, and cul on WW CW. Not sure yet if we will go on 40 HiPo or
All Band LoPo... QRV... (PY2NY - Vitor) PW2N
>From w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) Fri Nov 10 11:08:39 1995
From: w7ni at teleport.com (Stan Griffiths) (Stan Griffiths)
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 1995 03:08:39 -0800
Message-ID: <199511101108.DAA13516 at desiree.teleport.com>
>On Wed, 8 Nov 1995 N0HJZ at aol.com wrote:
>> We love roving in the VHF contests so now it's time to try HF roving. See
>> you in SS!
and KU8E wrote:
> I not sure about this ........ in SS can't you only work
> a callsign only once, no matter where he is located?? I know the
> rules for most VHF/UHF contests state you can work a rover station each
> time he changes grid squares but I don't think there is a rule like
> this in SS ???? You guys might want to think about using different
> callsigns in each state so people don't lose a QSO for what the guys
> at the ARRL contest desk might interpret as a broken exchange.
I'm not sure about this either. Are you allowed to use the same station
under a bunch of different calls other than members of the same family using
a family station? I tried to look this up in the rules, but the rules seem
to have been replaced by an announcement in QST. Where do you find the real
rules these days?
Stan W7NI at teleport.com
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