Contester's diet...what's best?

Sean E. Kutzko tigger at
Tue Nov 21 19:38:38 EST 1995

>	Take one swig (tsp if you prefer) of apple cider vinegar every
>	12 hours. 
>	That combined with whatever else you eat will keep your eyes
>	wide open, believe me. Try it, you'll like it.

I find that chips and VERY hot salsa does the same thing.

Sean Kutzko						 Amateur Radio: KF9PL
Urbana, IL						 DXCC: 305 wkd/301 cfmd	

	      "You can't close the door when the wall's caved in."

>From Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TCP) <lyndon at>  Wed Nov 22 02:03:26 1995
From: Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TCP) <lyndon at> (Lyndon Nerenberg (VE7TCP))
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 18:03:26 -0800
Subject: Contester's diet...what's best?
Message-ID: <199511220203.SAA00745 at>

>>>>> "Bill" == Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc <km9p at IS.NET> writes:

    Bill> Of course you have to keep in mind the result of
    Bill> heavy fluid intake.  I won't tell you my solution.... lets
    Bill> just say I take my contesting seriously.

You, sir, will never make a VE7ZZZ contester. It's a forty yard dash to
the outhouses from the front door. Try *that* during the Canada Winter
contest. When it's -35C like it was last year :-(

--lyndon (only the *cat's* get to pee in the shack. grumble ...)

>From R.B. Vallio" <wsixrgg at  Wed Nov 22 02:19:11 1995
From: R.B. Vallio" <wsixrgg at (R.B. Vallio)
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 1995 18:19:11 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Lost info
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951121181405.28033A-100000 at>

I saw a posting not too long ago which made reference to a server
which contained e-mail user listings by call sign.  I think it was
qrz-info.something!  If any one has that info, I would appreciate
it via a direct reply.  I either deleted the message, or lost it
somewhere in my saved mail folders!  Thanks.

Bob - W6RGG

wsixrgg at

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