Wed Nov 22 11:29:41 EST 1995

Operated at Danny's AB6LJ in Elk Grove, Ca.(abt 15 mi S. of Sacramento)

Equipment: FT 1000      87A
           80           4 square
           40           3 el Force 12 - 70'
           20           DX Engr LPA + 4 El Ham Pro
           15           LPA

Operators:AB6LJ, AA6WJ, NV6O

About 1359 X 77.  The summary shows us at 1500+ - I wish!  Instead of
being in the top 10, we will be in the top 11 if there are no other
multi scores submitted that are larger than ours.  We need the
bottomless pit of novices and tech plusses on 10 M to do any good from
N. Cal in phone SS.

Had a funny band distribution of Q's.

        80      250+
        40      200
        20      200
        15      600+

I guess that, even with 2 decent antennas on 20, we chose not to battle
the QRM when 15 was open.  This may have helped us beat the other 4
multis entered from the River City Contesters.

RCC Phone SS Rumors

KV6H (+N6IYS {son - in -law})   1330+ x 77
N6ZS (+N6SNO, KM6AS, AA6WJ)     1320  x 77
K6SG (+K3EST)                   1320  x 77
KF6A (+KJ6TC, AA6WJ)            1310+ x 77

This gives us 10 entries for Local Club at 1.8 Million!!!!

Mr. Cox apparently averaged 125/hr for 1st 3 hours.. I thought I was hot
with a 103 first hour.  Mein Gott!   How humbling.

Enjoyed my time in Elk Grove between Soccer Game and Soccer Team Pizza
Party.  Had Pizza for Sat. night dinner, Sat. snack when I got home, Sun
Lunch at Danny's and at our annual post SS RCC get - together Sun. PM.
That'll do me for a while, I guess.

Thanks to Danny for inviting me to operate.  His 80M ant. is awesome!

Oh yeah, had to take the radio control off of CT 9.1?.  Got Yaesu
timeout messages and slowed up the logging substantially.  I would type
something in the logging field, and wait to see what CT thought I typed.
I've seen discussions on FT-1000 timeout problems on the CT reflector.
but never paid attention to them since I own a 765 (which never has
these kinda problems)


Eric, NV6O
edwoods at pacbell.com

>From weinfurtner at ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu (Greg Weinfurtner)  Wed Nov 22 18:44:51 1995
From: weinfurtner at ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu (Greg Weinfurtner) (Greg Weinfurtner)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 14:44:51 -0400
Subject: Contest Diet Summary (8k)
Message-ID: <v01510100acd91fdbbf36@[]>

        Hey, thanks for the really well-done "clips"!  I'll do an update
next week if I get some others.  I got some great responses... and as you
can imagine, some really funny ones!  A lot of good advice here! One
general rule of thumb really stands out: Food that gives you gas is bad for
multi-op stations, but good for single-ops to keep XYL and kids out of
shack.!! (tnx AA3JU)  So, take your pick, try whatever seems best for you.

Here is the results with credit:

Garry, N6IT:
Do as I say, not as I do:

* Try to get in some semblance of physical shape before the contest.
Sedentary muscles tire more easily. I NEVER achieve this: there is
always too much to do, both to prepare for the contest itself, and to
make room for it by doing all the tasks you would be doing if you were
not contesting.

* Try to get a good night's sleep before the contest and get everything
done beforehand. I rarely achieve this. See above excuse. On both SS
weekends this year, I was blown out of bed early Saturday by a crew
brushing our roadsides: they decided to operate their chipper right
outside my bedroom window: try waking up to THAT! I lost my voice this
Saturday screaming at the crew chief over the chipper noise--not a good
thing to do before an SSB contest. And I almost got into a fight with
him--which I most certainly would have lost, badly. Having fallen back
asleep, I overslept and started late. Also not a good thing to do.

* Have a light but solid meal before you begin. Heavy input makes you
sluggish. I tried both to shower and eat in the little time I had left
myself--the eggs were left cold in the pan and I settled for coffee and
an energy bar, as usual.

* Have your food intake planned beforehand. I didn't. My wife took pity
on me and brought me things every so often. That much more I owe her.

For the SS recently I tried rum & tonics, which taste better than they sound,
about one every hour or two, plus some salty snacks.  QRP + low sunspots =
leisurely pace, anyway, and I was more relaxed about it.

Sometimes when it is reeeaaalll slow I read a book or old QST's.


Jeez you asked for it....Smoke a couple of joints and then follow that with
the ever present EPI pen..which is a BEE sting kit...synthetic Adrenaline.
:)    :)   :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)     :)
   :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)    :)

Being serious now...I find a good HI CARB Meal of Pasta before the contest
really helps....Finger foods during the contest and I drink diet coke by the
gallon and use empty 1/2 gal milk jug and a length of 1 1/2" hose with two
hose clamps so "P" breaks don't break the run... will be curious on how many
guys respond..


Gary K7FR
Well...I consume mass quantities of tea.  Converted from coke because the
sugar was making me revert back to
adolesant skin problems.  Tea has a beneficial attributes:

a.) It doesn't gum up your vocal cords like sugary drinks (include high
fructose content juices).
b.) It has every bit the caffeine jolt that coke et al has.
c.) Being a diuretic (cleans you out), it makes you get up a go, so to
speak, often enough to keep circulation
      going in your lower extremities (your butt on down).
d.) It's real cheap!

I also scarf down tons of fat free Tostito's with garlic salsa.  The ensuing
indigestion makes sure that you won't sleep in.


Bill Fisher, KM9P   From a Single-op's perspective:

          L O W    F A T

1.   Eat things that are no fat.  When you eat things that are fatty, the
body takes blood to the stomach to do the work of digesting the food.  It
takes a long time to digest and makes you feel sleepy and lazy.

2.  Don't eat meals.  It's better to snack (I don't like that word).  By
snack, I mean eat small amounts of quality food all of the time.  The idea
here is to take your body out of it's normal mode of eating schedules.  For
instance... I normally skip breakfast, eat a big lunch, and very little for
dinner.  If I did this during the contest, my body would be saying at
10:00pm that it's time to go to bed.

3.  Eat fruit & protein.  I eat turkey breast that I get shaved at the super
market.  It digests quickly.  Any kind of fruit is good.

4.  Kick the caffine habit 2 weeks before the start of the contest.  Don't
start sucking the cokes/coffee until Sunday morning if you absolutely have
to.  Ever since I quit the caffine habit, I have more energy and waking up
after only 3 hours of sleep is much easier.  Before, it would take me an
hour of running the boys before I was "really" awake.

5.  I drink a lot of fluid (juice) during the contest.  I'm not sure why,
but I believe this helps to keep the system from freaking out more than it
already is from the lack of sleep.  Of course you have to keep in mind the
result of heavy fluid intake.  I won't tell you my solution.... lets just
say I take my contesting seriously.


Dave  N0DH/7
Rumor has it, that around 3 in the morning Bill (See above) puts a rubber band
around a certain body part in conjunction with the fluid intake
noted above. The resulting pressure build up and pain keeps him awake
till sunrise.  ~8^)

PS: In addition to some of Bills very good advice a brightly lit shack
also helps fool the body's rythmns. I add an extra lamp in the shack
of late when I'm doing an "all nighter". I have just shy of 300 watts
burning in  a 10 x 10 room.


Take one swig (tsp if you prefer) of apple cider vinegar every
12 hours.

That combined with whatever else you eat will keep your eyes
wide open, believe me. Try it, you'll like it.


Sean Kutzko KF9PL
I find that chips and VERY hot salsa does the same thing. (See Above)


AA3JU (george at epix.net AA3JU at W3PYF)
Kim Chee (A nearly rancid cabbage dish from Korea that is hotter than all
blue blazes!)
Chilli (The hotter the better)
Pickled Jalapeno peppers from the garden
Cheetohs (extra crunchy)
Lebanon Bologna and Kutztown Ring bologna (garlic)
Pickled Hard boiled eggs
Coffee 64 oz per day, Coke and Jamacan Ginger Beer

I really do eat this stuff!  The high capiscain content will  reduce your
appitite and make you feel full with out actually eating a ton of stuff.
One bite of Kim Chee will last hours.  Also High protien is good for you.
Makes you more "animal"  Hmmm The Cheetohs how to explain the Cheetohs.........

Ok the Truth I am a human garbage pit that will eat ANYTHING and the more
rank and disgusting the better I like it!  Also this stuff will give you
UNBELIEVABLE gas.  The kind that will drive the wife and kids out of the
house so YOU can contest!


Mike AA7NX  (@W7RM SOAB for CQ WW CW)
I have tried many alternatives. The one thing I can say is don't eat too
much, but have something always available.

I like to have a bag of those little carrots that are peeled and washed.
Also, I get some trail mix and a couple bags of David pumpkin seeds. The
pumpkin seeds are great because they are not much intake but lots of effort
so they help keep me awake. I use them when I drive long distances too and
they have yet to fail me. An apple or orange is always a refreshing and
stimulating treat.

The best is W7RM's healthy, low fat home cooked meals! As an op at Rush's,
you can count on being fed well and I think that helps a lot. The really
junky foods like potato chips and candy bars just weigh me down after a few
hours. I watch out for the sugar roller coaster. First it agitates me, then
drops me like a rock. Also, I wouldn't touch caffiene. I have discovered that
after the initial agitation, it makes me really sleepy, so I don't drink it.
I always have water available. Sometimes a diet soda or juice too. I wouldn't
be without my Trident gum either. Finally (conditions permitting - no
stopping a good run), I find that limiting myself to 1 cigarette every 4
hours or so and washing my face and brushing my teeth every 8 - 12 hours
helps keep me fresh. I am not an iron man who can go all 48 hours without
sleep, but I can do alright if I take care of myself in the process. My plan
for this weekend is 2 sleep periods of 3 hours each and a quick shower upon


Walt K2WK
I read old e-mail from cq-contest!


Bruce AA5B
I drink absolutely no coffee during the rest of
the year, so a big mug goes a long way toward keeping
me awake during the second night of a contest (the
first night is almost never a problem -- plenty
of excitement with lots of activity).
Food? Light snacks, plenty of fruit. Lots of apple juice.


N6AZE/6E2T Team

2 QTs water
1/4 cup honey
1/4 cup cider (brown) vinegar

Stir the cider and honey together vigorously in a 2+ QT container, until
it is combined. Add 2 QTs water slowly, stirring all the while.
Leave the container in the fridge or a cooler, and drink it regularly during
the contest for hydration and (alleged) mental clarity. It tastes a
little funky, but the beverage is thirst-quenching, and refreshing without
producing a caffeine or sugar hangover.


Thanks all!  GL in CQWW  73 de

*     NN    N  SSSSS  888888  OOOOO   Greg Weinfurtner AEE BSS *
*    N N   N  S      8    8  O   O    Electronic Design Splst  *
*   N  N  N  SSSSS  888888  O   O     Ohio University  Athens  *
*  N   N N      S  8    8  O   O                               *
* N    NN  SSSSS  888888  OOOOO                                *
*                                   Canst thou send lightnings *
*  Amateur Radio NS8O               that they may go and say   *
*                                   unto thee,'Here we are'?   *
* weinfurtner at ouvaxa.cats.ohiou.edu                  Job 38:35 *

>From peterj at netcom.com (Peter Jennings)  Wed Nov 22 19:53:00 1995
From: peterj at netcom.com (Peter Jennings) (Peter Jennings)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 11:53:00 -0800
Subject: ANNOUNCE: Instant CQWW DXCC Challenge
Message-ID: <199511221953.LAA12392 at netcom9.netcom.com>

Danny Eskanazi's announcement of an award for the fastest sweep
in SS started me thinking about the upcoming CQWW CW weekend.

CQWW from the left coast with an ordinary station is only for
fun anyway, so what can I do to liven this one up? In the past, I
have tried to work as many countries as possible. So, inspired

The object of the challenge is to work 100 different DXCC countries in
the shortest time beginning at 0000Z on November 25th.

This is no holds barred challenge. Packet spotting is allowed. Phone
contacts are allowed. Hey, if you want to work some new ones on a net,
start practicing your "please copy one-two-three-four-five
one-two-three-four-five-six-seven-eight-nine" routine now so you
don't get disqualified for incorrect net procedure by the net control.

The challenge ends at 0000Z on November 27. Send the date/time that
you worked your 100th country via email to peterj at netcom.com.

Winners will be announced by category as appropriate. Pick your own
category. That way you can be sure to win. I will be in the "Wrong
Coast, Low Antenna, Turkey Stuffed, Murphy ... " category.

If you don't make 100 countries on the weekend, let us know how
many you did work, with appropriate excuses regarding CC&Rs, family
commitments, TVI, QRchipper, etc. Maybe there will be a "best excuse
for not quite making it" category, too.

Good Luck to all on the weekend! May you attain your own goals whatever
they may be.

Peter   AB6WM etc.
--                                                    peterj at netcom.com
      Repeat after me, "It's only a hobby."

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