SS and Comment de K8NZ
Nzharps at
Nzharps at
Wed Nov 22 19:02:08 EST 1995
110-53 11,660 4 hours
North Coast Contesters
"A" power Multi Op with H.S. freshman KG8TS.
Had to bail out of chance to operate K8AZ for phone weekend, so
invited contest newcomer Evan, KG8TS to play radio. Was fun
talking strategy, tactics, etc. while contest was in progress and
also very gratifying to see that youthful gleem in his eye as he
walked into a "shack" that was obviously better equipped than any
one he had ever operated in before. Think we have a new contester
in the making here in Northeastern OH.
It may be worthy to note for those of us worried about the
future of our "sport", that I met Evan at a local radio club meeting.
In the many suggestions that I have read about how to infuse new
blood into Contesting, I don't recall anyone saying, "go to a local
club meeting and make a new friend that might have an interest
in HF contests." I wonder if we as contesters have isolated our-
selves from the general ham population. Does anyone else think
that the explosion of contest oriented clubs in the last 20 years
or so has had any effect on the amount of younger contesters?
Now that I've got that off my chest, it's time to get ready for
important stuff like Thanksgiving turkey and CQWW CW pile-ups.
Happy Tnxgiving to all,
Ron, K8NZ
>From plandm at (Phillip Landmeier) Thu Nov 23 00:37:32 1995
From: plandm at (Phillip Landmeier) (Phillip Landmeier)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 16:37:32 -0800
Subject: AB7BS, KC7BNH SS SSB Scores
Message-ID: <199511230037.QAA15994 at>
Call: KC7BNH Section: NV
Mode: SSB Category: Single Operator High
160 0 0 -
80 0 0 -
40 29 58 -
20 0 0 -
15 129 258 -
10 0 0 -
Totals 158 316 37
Score: 11,692
Power Output: 800 watts Hours of operation: 2.8
Call: AB7BS Section: NV
Mode: SSB Category: Single Operator High
160 0 0 -
80 79 158 -
40 313 626 -
20 131 262 -
15 157 314 -
10 0 0 -
Totals 680 1360 74
Score: 100,640
Power Output: 1200 watts Hours of operation: 14.2
Where the heck was Delaware???
>From John-Warren at (John Warren, NT5C) Wed Nov 22 23:43:13 1995
From: John-Warren at (John Warren, NT5C) (John Warren, NT5C)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 18:43:13 -0500
Subject: DX Windows
Message-ID: <1395056742-58741019 at BANJO.EASY.COM>
|On 160, why can't we allocate 15 or 20 kHz (instead of 5)
|to the DX window?
|Phil K6EID
While we're at it, let's do the same for the 75ssb DX window!
10KHz is just 2% of the 75/80M band - and it's equally cluttered with
people who have no business there, including ragchewers on 3800.001 and
non-amateur Mexican and Japanese stations on USB. I'm tempted to say that
with some of our contest and DXing stations we could shift the pig farmers
and the militia after a bit of a scuffle, but I'd get flamed about that, so
I won't say it.
John, NT5C.
>From beaton at (Alastair Beaton) Thu Nov 23 01:58:05 1995
From: beaton at (Alastair Beaton) (Alastair Beaton)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 01:58:05 GMT
Subject: On-air homicides
Message-ID: <199511230158.BAA03864 at>
Denny, K8DO, may reckon:
>participation in an activity as social as ham radio is unlikely to
>attract overtly antisocial youths, and will be a positive influence for
>those wavering on the edge of antisocial acts...
It's CQWW. You've got a nice JA run going, then an "XXXXX Kilowatt" station
"You're 5+9, what is your prefix again?"
"OK What is your suffix again?"
"OK What is your number again?"
"OK What is my report again?"
"Please your QSL information"
the next QSO starts:
"Thanks for the call. Name here's Bob like Bravo Oscar Bravo and the
QTH/WX/rig here is... My QSL info is correct in the every callbook since
1962 but they spelt my street name wrong in 1979..."
Your thoughts turn to creative uses for Ty-raps, nail guns, Philistran guy
wire and that old HT power supply for those 813s...
Contesting is "safe" because you're always too far away from these people!
Incidentally, two months ago army bomb-disposal experts defused a
booby-trapped repeater jamming device found near a 145MHz repeater in
England. This made the national press, and police advised the public to be
on the look-out for suspicious-looking packages.
>From k8bl at (Robert T. Liddy) Thu Nov 23 06:57:33 1995
From: k8bl at (Robert T. Liddy) (Robert T. Liddy)
Date: Thu, 23 Nov 1995 01:57:33 -0500
Subject: SS/PHone Results
Message-ID: <199511230200.VAA18355 at>
K8BL SO/LP UNassisted Exchange: # A K8BL 61 OH
Q's= 1012 SECtions=77 Score=155,848 Hours=22 (took too many breaks)
- Once I stopped talking to my neighbors, I noticed the TVI complaints also
They're afraid to come over or call to complain - it's great!
- First time I ever got Clean Sweep before I took my sleep break at 3:00 AM
- Last Section I got was EB, 2nd last was MAR.
- Gawd, how I hate that 75m crowd. Many of them LIVE to hassle people.
- Although I really don't like Phone contests, it is kinda nice to be able
to throw
out a few niceties to folks you work year after year like they are
your life-long friends or something. It makes up for those 75m clods.
- Having a Digital Voice Keyer is a MUST. If I only had the ambition to
wire it up
to be controlled by CT, it would be even better.
- I can't praise the rcvr in the IC-775 enough. Especially nice is the Auto
that completely removes heterodynes. When some miscreant would try
to get
his (I know only guys are jerky enough to do this) jollies by throwing a
carrier on "my" frequency, the Auto Notch totally removed it. Much,
better is it than the outboard NIR-10 I had with my old IC-765. In
I often asked the clod to keep doing it because it quieted a lot of the
band hash and adjacent splatter and enabled me to pull out some of the
weaker stations - no lie.
- It seems that finding new stations to work during the last four hours is sooo
difficult, that I'm considering working straight through until the time
limit is up. Well, maybe a couple 1 hour breaks.
- SS is by far my favorite Contest. A few years back, I thought interest
was dying
off because it seemed less people were getting in the contest. But,
little gimmicks like Pins & Mugs, etc. the League must be stirring up
some new/renewed participants. Gotta giv'em credit - it's working.
some more gimmicks would help. How 'bout certificates for various
of accomplishment with stickers for 100, 250, 500, etc, Q's and for
Sweep or for Sweep on Both Modes. I read an earlier message about
an award
for "First to Sweep" . That could be for: in entire Contest, in
Call Area,
in Section, in whatever.
- Threw up a low and lazy 160m Inv/Vee in October and it paid off with about
20 Q's
when 75m was just about to drive me crazy. Wish more stations would
there and take some pressure off 75/80 and 40m. There's lotsa space
and the "regulars" aren't nearly as demented (if at all).
See many of you in the 160 & 10m Contests and looking forward to SS next year,
73, Bob
Bob Liddy
k8bl at
>From Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at> Thu Nov 23 02:23:42 1995
From: Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at> (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 21:23:42 -0500 (EST)
Subject: K9RS phone SS
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9511222135.A13164-c100000 at acme>
On Wed, 22 Nov 1995 AA5BANANA at wrote:
> Yes, I had planned on doing the phone SS as a
> single-op this year, but a bad cold and late nights
> putting together the next NCJ got the better of me.
> Called Scott, K5TA, at the last minute and the
> two of us invaded K9RS's house while he and his family
> were away for the weekend.
> Main station:
> FT1000 + DTR2000, KT34XA @ 60', 2-el 40 @ 70', C3 @ 50'
> 2nd station:
> TS850 or JST245, L4B, multi-band dipole at 40'
> The computer for the second station was a laptop (networked
> to the main station's computer), so it was easy to move it
> to the main desk for one-operator two-radio work during the
> times when Scott went home (he was present for about 16 hrs).
> I found that there were plenty of times when I was alone
> on Saturday night that the rate on the S&P/second
> radio (on 75 m) was higher than on the run radio (on 40 m).
> Had a lot of fun dialing through the band working folks in one ear.
> And the little JST245 seemed like a very fine radio. It has
> some funny ergonomics, but is a solid rig.
> Speaking of ergonomics, there was some discussion on the reflector
> a few months ago about chairs. For the second weekend in a row,
> I used one of those newfangled things with no back. You know,
> the ones with the knee rests? I actually found it to be pretty
> comfortable. Don't understand why, but I liked it.
> Band breakdowns:
> 80 76
> 40 858
> 20 1285
> 15 82 <----- just horrible condx for us. Can't explain it.
> ------
> 2301 x 77 = 354 k
> Got the fastest sweep I've ever been a part of: 4.5 hrs. Last: Nebraska!
> Congratulations, N5RZ. Ralph, for someone who claims to hate phone
> contests, you sure continue to turn in some outstanding efforts!
> 73,
> Bruce AA5B
> (and Scott K5TA)
Congrats to you guys (again !) from the team at KW8N !
Only if we had the propagation you guys have.......
Jeff KU8E
* Jeffrey D. Clarke jdclarke at *
>From George Cook (AA3JU)" <george at Thu Nov 23 02:35:15 1995
From: George Cook (AA3JU)" <george at (George Cook (AA3JU))
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 21:35:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Contester's diet...what's best?
Message-ID: <199511230235.VAA11186 at>
At 06:51 PM 11/21/95 -0500, you wrote:
>IN reference to the comment about the "rubber bands on appropriate body
> Jeez I thought it was common knowledge that FRCers use an empty half
>gallon milk jug, an appropriate length of 1 1/2 inch diameter hose and a
>couple of hose clamps to secure the frequency from would be intruders upon
>P.S. I assume some of you will think I'm joking.....think about it
Good thing you didn't tell them the truth that we actually use 4" diameter
hose or no one would ever have belived you!
AA3JU george at AA3JU at W3PYF
Proudly F R C...........
"FRC When second best just isn't good enough!"
>From Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at> Thu Nov 23 02:30:27 1995
From: Jeffrey Clarke <jdclarke at> (Jeffrey Clarke)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 21:30:27 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Outlawing Duelling CQs in SS?
Message-ID: <Pine.3.07.9511222125.A13164-c100000 at acme>
On Wed, 22 Nov 1995, Pete Smith wrote:
> OK, I haven't gotten flamed in a while, so....
> Should ARRL perhaps consider banning what Tree calls "duelling CQs" in SS?
> I'm referring to the 2-radio folks calling CQ on two bands at once, as
> opposed to S&P on one while CQing on the other.
If anyone is doing this they are breaking the rules. The rules say you can
only transmit on one frequency at a time. At KW8N we are setup as multi-
multi and we have a lockout system that prevents us from tranmitting on more
than one band at a time. That explains why when you worked us It sounded
like we had a footswitch problem sometimes. This is because this station
got locked out by the station on another band.
I have no problem with the
> latter for those who are schizo enough to be good at it (or is the term
> multi-threaded?). But given the length of the exchange for SS, duelling CQs
> leads almost inevitably to frequency fights (or at least crummy frequency
> utilization), particularly on Sunday. I lost track of how many times I'd
> find a clear frequency, even ask "QRL?" once or twice, only to be told 30
> seconds later by one of the 2-radio guys that I'd trespassed on his run
> frequency. It was pretty apparent in many of these cases that the 2-radio
> op had been diverted by a QSO on his other run frequency, causing a long
> pause on the one I'd found. Doesn't strike me as a reasonable situation.
> I'm sure there'll be objections on enforceability grounds, but we have lots
> of important rules that aren't enforceable either, except through the
> basically rule-abiding nature of most contesters...
> 73,
> Pete N4ZR (n4zr at
I would hate to see the rules changed to not allow you to make QSO's
on more than one band at a time. Us poor soles in the midwest would
NEVER have a chance to compete with the guys out west. My hat goes off
to Bob, KW8N , for his ingenuity for coming up with this system. It
makes us competitive when otherwise we would not be.
Jeff KU8E
ps: Pete is absoultely correct in saying you have to be schizo
to operate SS in this matter.
* Jeffrey D. Clarke jdclarke at *
>From Dan Robbins <kl7y at> Thu Nov 23 03:29:59 1995
From: Dan Robbins <kl7y at> (Dan Robbins)
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 1995 18:29:59 -0900
Subject: AK Contest Food
Message-ID: <9511230330.AA12085 at>
Main dishes served in past contests:
Baked Halibut in wine sauce with ginger
Roast Tom Turkey
Baked Salmon with butter and herbs
Moose meat stew
Stuffed Dolly Varden (like a trout)
Caribou Roast
For dessert, the usual fare is delicious pecan pie made by Marge,KL7YL
You can do this kind of stuff if the bands aren't too good. The idea is to
gain a pound per kiloQSOs. KL7Y
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