frenaye at pcnet.com frenaye at pcnet.com
Tue Nov 28 06:06:54 EST 1995

Wow, real FB conditions for the bottom of the sunspot cycle!  More comments
in a few days.  Rather than climbing up from 3rd last year, it looks like we
slipped to 4th... Congrats to N2RM W3LPL and K3LR!!!  We learn a little more
each time.  73 Tom

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1995

      Call: K1KI                     Country:  United States
      Mode: CW                       Category: Multi Multi


      160      364      841     2.31     21      78
       80      750     2060     2.75     27      99
       40     1805     5195     2.88     38     138
       20     1554     4456     2.87     38     143
       15      980     2796     2.85     29     120
       10      100      142     1.42     16      29

     Totals   5553    15490     2.79    169     607  =>  12,020,240


Club Affiliation: Yankee Clipper Contest Club

                              Continent Statistics
                     160   80   40   20   15   10  ALL   percent

North America        126  109  134  128   93   61  651    11.6
  non W/VE            27   24   43   41   39   10  184
  USA                 65   42   43   39   26   49  264
  Canada              34   43   48   48   27    2  202
South America          9    9   27   53   53   26  177     3.1
Europe               225  598 1475 1081  802    0 4181    74.2
   DL                 38   98  270  181  168    0  755
   EA                  3   14   63   45   66    0  191
    F                  5   34   97   57   66    0  259
    G (not GD,GM,etc) 32   57  122   67   72    0  350
   HA                  3   16   61   44   22    0  146
    I                  3   19   88   59   57    0  226
   OH                 16   37   49   49   21    0  172
   OK                 11   42   74   53   47    0  227
   SP                  7   36   73   48   47    0  211
   UA                  1   29   71   78   13    0  192
   UR                  2   31   61   73   16    0  183
   other EU          104  185  446  327  207    0 1269
Asia                   3   17  137  228   12    0  397     7.0
   JA                  0   11   89  192    0    0  292
   Non-JA              3    6   48   36   12    0  105
Africa                 3   14   29   42   31   13  132     2.3
Oceania                5   10   23   34   24    1   97     1.7


HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT

   0    35/22    32/20    58/48    25/16     4/4     .....  154/110  154/110
   1    40/9     44/14    62/13    13/7      5/4       .     164/47  318/157
   2    23/3     41/9     75/10    11/5       .       2/2    152/29  470/186
   3    22/7     44/8     62/13     9/3       .        .     137/31  607/217
   4    12/4     62/5     62/9     17/13      .        .     153/31  760/248
   5    18/9     52/1     54/5      9/2       .        .     133/17  893/265
   6    17/1     37/5     61/3      6/2       .        .     121/11 1014/276
   7    16/3     37/4     78/4      4/3       .        .     135/14 1149/290
   8    10/2     45/4     73/2      1/0     .....    .....   129/8  1278/298
   9     9/1     15/8     42/2       .        .        .      66/11 1344/309
  10     6/1      6/2     21/2     13/8      1/1       .      47/14 1391/323
  11     1/0      5/0     21/9     67/18    16/13      .     110/40 1501/363
  12      .       6/2     36/1    145/8     72/21      .     259/32 1760/395
  13      .        .      18/0    121/6    138/16     2/1    279/23 2039/418
  14      .        .        .      93/8    123/13     6/4    222/25 2261/443
  15      .        .       2/0     87/3     87/11    16/7    192/21 2453/464
  16    .....    .....     3/0     54/4     26/3      6/4     89/11 2542/475
  17      .        .       2/0     41/7     20/9     12/3     75/19 2617/494
  18      .        .      26/0     28/3     16/4      5/2     75/9  2692/503
  19      .        .      52/1     17/2     20/3      6/1     95/7  2787/510
  20      .        .      74/3     36/5      7/2      6/1    123/11 2910/521
  21     7/0      3/0     77/2     37/2     14/4      2/0    140/8  3050/529
  22    12/4      9/2     60/1     89/1      2/0       .     172/8  3222/537
  23    14/3     23/4     40/2     21/0      3/1       .     101/10 3323/547
   0    10/3     18/1     20/1      4/0      5/1     .....    57/6  3380/553
   1    16/1     19/1     21/0      1/0      1/0       .      58/2  3438/555
   2    13/0     21/1      6/0      2/0       .        .      42/1  3480/556
   3    17/0     20/4     14/1      3/1       .        .      54/6  3534/562
   4     7/0     28/1     20/0      8/0       .        .      63/1  3597/563
   5    12/2     48/0     43/0      3/2       .        .     106/4  3703/567
   6    14/1     37/1     24/1      4/1       .        .      79/4  3782/571
   7     9/0     38/0     58/0       .        .        .     105/0  3887/571
   8     2/0     18/1     75/0     .....    .....    .....    95/1  3982/572
   9     2/1     10/0     68/0       .        .        .      80/1  4062/573
  10     3/1      2/0     33/2      1/0       .        .      39/3  4101/576
  11     1/1      4/1     25/1     14/1      9/0       .      53/4  4154/580
  12      .       6/0     23/1     90/1     52/6       .     171/8  4325/588
  13      .        .      25/0     79/2    129/4      1/1    234/7  4559/595
  14      .        .       4/0     89/3    109/1      5/2    207/6  4766/601
  15      .        .       1/0     94/1     68/0      5/1    168/2  4934/603
  16    .....    .....     3/0     70/2     16/1      6/0     95/3  5029/606
  17      .        .       5/0     31/0     11/0      5/0     52/0  5081/606
  18      .        .      17/1      9/1      2/1      8/1     36/4  5117/610
  19      .        .      49/1     17/2      9/0      2/0     77/3  5194/613
  20      .       1/0     83/0     12/3      8/0      3/1    107/4  5301/617
  21     3/0      4/1     53/2     29/0      4/0      2/0     95/3  5396/620
  22     4/1     11/1     51/1     38/1      2/0       .     106/4  5502/624
  23     9/1      4/2     25/0     12/2      1/0       .      51/5  5553/629
DAY1   242/69   461/88 1059/130  944/126  554/109    63/25    ..... 3323/547
DAY2   122/12   289/15   746/12   610/23   426/14    37/6       .   2230/82
TOT    364/81  750/103 1805/142 1554/149  980/123   100/31      .   5553/629

E-mail: frenaye at pcnet.com  
Tom Frenaye, K1KI, P O Box 386, West Suffield CT 06093
Phone: 203-668-5444

>From Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net>  Tue Nov 28 06:09:16 1995
From: Gary Schwartz <garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net> (Gary Schwartz)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 00:09:16 -0600 (CST)
Subject: A Scary postscript!
Message-ID: <Pine.3.02.9511280013.H4727-c100000 at solaria.sol.net>

On Mon, 27 Nov 1995, George Cook (AA3JU) wrote:
> Well gang the post card I got was a tad less pleasent than all that.  Seems
> old Jimmyjoebob looked up my address on the online QRZ data base.  And along
> with my PO Box he got my E-Mail adress.  Now it seems I have to contend with
> this genetic misfit posting some rather inflamatory remarks on some usenet
> news groups that while unnamed I can best describe as ones that I would
> forbid my children to look at.  And these posts proudly carry my E-Mail
> address as the one to send return flames to.
> Now I am getting lots of happy mail from fellows adamitly defending there
> right to down load photographs of naked 9 year olds having intercourse with
> the family dog.  Very humorous BUBBA!


> If anyone experiances anything similar won't you please E-Mail me?  As soon
> as I track down the portal I will notify the Postmaster though I doubt it
> will do any good.

Hello George.  While not one to advocate lawsuits, I'd sure call an
attorney on this one.  Maybe you could ask for an apology in return for
dropping the lawsuit.  I'd like to see that!  Perhaps he could be forced
into guarding your run frequency for the next, oh, ten Sweepstakes.  At
least he could relate to all your detractors!

While on the topic, I heard WT5P calling "CQ Contest PIGS" on 40M at 0700Z
(yes, 7 HOURS after the contest ended).  I worked him and explained that I
really don't appreciate being called a pig and don't understand why he was
still whining 7 hours after the contest was over.  He replied in very
lousy CW something to the effect that he was still really mad and that
contesters ruin Ham Radio for everyone.  Go figure!

Gary K9GS    (You have to STOP the Q-Tip when there's resistance !)
        |                                                                |
        | Gary Schwartz  K9GS           E-Mail: garyk9gs at solaria.sol.net |
        | Society of Midwest Contesters   Packet:K9GS at WA9KEC.WI.USA.NOAM |
        | Greater Milwaukee DX Association Secretary/Treasurer           |

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