KS9W at aol.com KS9W at aol.com
Tue Nov 28 06:09:36 EST 1995

                             CQWW CW DX CONTEST --- 1995

W9KDX  3 transmitter Multi/Multi

 BAND     QSO       ZONE        DX

 160          117           19           52      Inverted L, 3 EWE's
   80          390           29           94      Sloper's
   40          527           35         103      2 element HyGain 70'
   20        1030           36         123      TH7 56', TH2 80'
   15          236           26           86        "     "     "    "
   10           72            15           24      2 element 30'
Totals      2372          160         482  =  4,251,324


Equipment: 2 FT1000, FT890, Alpha 89, AL1200, Amp Supply and TR software.

Club Affiliation: Society of Midwest Contesters

ks9w at aol.com

>From Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp>  Tue Nov 28 12:10:59 1995
From: Takao KUMAGAI <je1cka at dumpty.nal.go.jp> (Takao KUMAGAI)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 21:10:59 +0900
Subject: RUFZ Top List(Nov 28, 95)
Message-ID: <199511281210.VAA00695 at dumpty.nal.go.jp>

The following list has been maintained by the RUFZ Author Mat DL4MM and
Tack JE1CKA. Your update score will be appreciated. 
The collected scores will be merged and posted bi-weekly(or so).

=== International RUFZ - Top List === (last revised Nov, 27th 1995)
total entries: 77                      including Scores by JE1CKA/INTERNET 

   Points   Call  highest CW-PARIS-Speed (* - new)
                  (at Score, (at any other attempt) )
   56216   HA3OV  520       ( Initial Speed: 400 ! )
   50153   DF4PA  480 (520)
   48907    N8RR  480
   47532    W2UP  446
   40582   S57AD  390 (446)
   39510  DL8WAA  416
   37463   DF1LX  390 
   36807  KC5NWX  367       (=KR0Y)
   35317   RA9AA  390 (416) 
   34614   S51AY  390
   32973  CT1BOH  367
   32070    K1AR  367
   31943  SM0TXT  347
   31916  DL2HBX  390
   31710  DL3DZZ  367
   31688    K1DG  367 
   31200   DL4MM  367
   31101  JE1JKL  347
   30604  DL3JAN  347
   30489   T94EU  347
   29778    K3WW  347
   28859  JH0KHR  347
   28662  DL1EFD  347
   27596   KE2PF  328
   27566   G4BJM  ???
   26120  DL5LYM  347
   25474  DL9GOA  328
   24977    K5ZD  312
   24785  SM3OJR  328
   24267  JH0NZN  312
   23915    N3RS  312
   23813  RA9ATW  312
*  23386    KI3L  312
   22736    ND3F  376
   22615  DL1EFD  297
   22418  IT9VDQ  312
   22255    K4XU  297
   22049    KU4J  297 
   21948    KR2Q  284
   21654   ZS6EZ  297
   21281   KJ4VH  284
   21133  JA0FVU  284
   20744  JE1SPY  312
   20571    AD1C  297
   20538  IT9XUC  312
   19646  RA9AEW  297
   19643   DK8LV  312
   19262   G0SYP  297
   19076    K1IU  271
   18974    K3SA  284
   18217  DL8DYL  271
   17977   DK5JI  271
*  17343   DJ6WD  260
   16597  DL1VDL  271 
   16468    K0OD  284
   16516   DJ6WD  250
*  15846  DL1KBB  250
   15318  RA9ANR  260
   13926   UA9AR  240
   13821   DK5QN  240
   13255  DL6RDE  240
   13040  RA9ATU  240
   12850  DL1YAW  240
*  12281   DK1WI  223
*  11800  DL7AVE  240
   11632  WA1ZUH  223
*  11258  DL6ECA  240
   11013   UA9AU  240 
    9742  DL8DCY  223
    9236  DL1DSA  231
    9166  DL1DSF  215
    8218   DL7DE  189
    8201  RA9AUC  201
    7356   DJ5KX  201
    7128   DK5IF  168
*   6957  DL2SDS  183
    6184  DL4JWU  178

Where to send the score
 2) DL4MM in DX-Cluster
 3) Mathias Kolpe, DL4MM
    Breitscheidstr. 17, D-01237 Dresden, GERMANY
 4) Tel: +49 -351 223 10 84 Fax:+49 -351 252 63 13
 5) INTERNET: mailto: je1cka at nal.go.jp or 2231084-001 at t-online.de

How to get "RUFZ" CW-callsign-practice-program/contest simulation
 1) search for RUFZ at @IBM in any PacketRadio-Mailbox
 3) email info-server
      with the command in the body;
#get rufzpack.uue
	if you get the reply, you uudecode the body then 
	rufzpack.exe wil be generated. Run "rufzpack" at 
	the DOS prompt, you'll be able to get all RUFZ 
	related files.
4) free disc from DL4MM (cover handling/mailing costs only)
 ask for info

How to use RUFZ for Top-List
 1) use RUFZ version 2.12 or higher at DOS (not under Windows or DOS-Emulat.)
 2) use 50 Calls per attempt
 3) initial speed is up to you !

New scores will be issued every tuesday in PR-Mailboxes at @CONTEST
and in DX-Cluster ..

>From jamesm at sw2.canberra.edu.au (Jim Muller VK1FF/WB2FFY)  Wed Nov 29 04:31:28 1995
From: jamesm at sw2.canberra.edu.au (Jim Muller VK1FF/WB2FFY) (Jim Muller VK1FF/WB2FFY)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 95 23:31:28 EST
Subject: 1995 CQ WW CW Results
Message-ID: <9511281231.AA15735 at Sw2.canberra.edu.au.noname>

Contest:  1995 CQ WW CW Contest
Call:	  VK1FF 
Category: Single Operator / Single Band - 40 Meters

Valid QSOs = 618  
QSO Pts    = 1807  
Zones 	   = 31  
DX Mult    = 87
Total	   = 213226

Continent Report:
                   160    80    40    20    15    10    ALL
                   ---    --    --    --    --    --    ---
  USA calls   =      0     0   273     0     0     0    273
  VE calls    =      0     0    10     0     0     0     10
  N.A. calls  =      0     0    15     0     0     0     15
  S.A. calls  =      0     0     4     0     0     0      4
  Euro calls  =      0     0   178     0     0     0    178
  Afrc calls  =      0     0     5     0     0     0      5
  Asia calls  =      0     0    29     0     0     0     29
  JA calls    =      0     0    83     0     0     0     83
  Ocen calls  =      0     0    21     0     0     0     21

  Unknowns    =      0     0     0     0     0     0      0

  Total calls =      0     0   618     0     0     0    618

	Summary of number of stations worked in each zone

	    Zone			QSOs
	    ----                        ----
             05  			112    
             03   			 90
             25   			 83  
             04   			 82  
             15   			 79  
             14   			 68  
             16   			 24  
             32   			 10  
             08    			  9  
             17    			  7  
             20    			  6  
             19,21,22,24,30               4  (each zone)
             26,28,29,33                  3  (each zone)
             06,09,10,27,31               2  (each zone)
             01,07,18,23,34,39            1  (each zone)

Hourly Rate Chart:
  HOUR   40CW    TOTAL   ACCUM  Primarily Worked
  ----  ------   -----   -----  ----------------
    7      13      13      13	(Europe/US)
    8      38      38      51	(US)
    9      42      42      93   (US - some Japan)
   10      69      69     162	(US/Japan)
   11      41      41     203	(N.A./Japan)
   12      13      13     216	(Europe)
   13      14      14     230   (Europe)
   14      14      14     244   (Europe)
   15      27      27     271   (Mid East/Asia/Europe/US)
   16      14      14     285   (Mid East/Asia/Europe)
   17       8       8     293   (Europe)
   18       7       7     300   (Europe)
   19      15      15     315   (Europe/N.Africa)
   20       8       8     323   (W.Europe)
   21       1       1     324   (Europe)
   22       0       0     324
   23       0       0     324

    0       0       0     324
    1       0       0     324
    2       0       0     324
    3       0       0     324
    4       0       0     324
    5       1       1     325	(US)
    6       1       1     326	(US)
    7       9       9     335	(US/Carribean)
    8      40      40     375	(US/Canada)
    9      48      48     423	(Japan/some US)
   10      18      18     441	(US)
   11      38      38     479	(US)
   12      10      10     489	(Pacific)
   13       9       9     498	(Europe/Asia)
   14       5       5     503	(Asia/Mid East)
   15      10      10     513	(Europe)
   16       2       2     515	(Europe / sleep zzzzzz - oops)
   17      45      45     560	(Central Europe)
   18      42      42     602	(Western Europe)
   19      14      14     616	(Europe)
   20       2       2     618   (W.Europe/Africa)

  TOTAL   618

Station:	Kenwood TS520SE - 80 Watts
		Dipole up 30 ft
		Homebrew ACCU Keyer / Bencher Paddles

Comments:	I had a great time again this year.  Band
conditions seemed very good.  Lots of loud signals and 
worked everyone I heard (except a couple of A61 stations 
that got away) - never did hear the TY DXpedition.   I 
usually have a couple of good runs into the US during 
most contests and then spend the rest of the contest in S&P.  
But this year I managed to get a couple of runs into Japan 
and Europe which was fun and helped bring up the score.


73, Jim Muller            Packet:   VK1FF at VK1KCM.ACT.AUS.AUNZ
VK1FF/WB2FFY              Internet: jamesm at sw2.canberra.edu.au

>From Paul D. Walker II" <pwalker at niia.net  Tue Nov 28 13:26:27 1995
From: Paul D. Walker II" <pwalker at niia.net (Paul D. Walker II)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 1995 07:26:27 -0600
Subject: Slow code CQing
Message-ID: <199511281326.HAA25128 at silver.niia.net>

At 20:14 11/23/95 EST, you wrote:


>On the subject of encouraging SS entries by newer licensees, 
>I wonder if an effort organized on the Internet to get stations who
>usually operate S&P to try occasional runs in the slow speed CW 
>segments would help?  It occurs to me that my QSO rates are so low 
>that I probably wouldn't do any worse to call CQ SS on a frequent 
>basis on the slow speed frequencies.  I tried it a couple of times
>this year, but gave up after a minute or two each time with no 
>response.  The answer may be to persist for 5 or 10 minutes in the 
>hope of attracting some activity.  If S&P'ers who have Net access 
>could put out the word before the contest that we'll be doing this, 
>it might create a more attractive atmosphere for the casual or newer 
>contesters.  When I tune the QRS frequencies now, there's usually no 
>one active.


>73, Bill KN6RQ


I had thought the same thing.  Since I am in the for fun category (unless I
get asked to guest op), I have tried "running" (actually it is probably
nothing more than a brisk walk) in the slow-code frequencies.  What always
gets my goat is not long after I start, some OF calls and ends up wanting to
ragchew.  >:-|  This occurs most often on 40 meters - my best band station
wise.  So, ultimately I just crank the speed knob to the right and go back
down into the express lanes.

Anybody have good experiences in the slowcode segments?


Paul Walker, N9WHG

Paul D. Walker II                 e-mail: pwalker at niia.net
Amateur Radio: N9WHG		  packet: n9whg at kb9kri.#nwin.in.usa.na

>From Alexandr I. Bespalchik" <aibes at aibes.ksu.ras.ru  Tue Nov 28 14:07:44 1995
From: Alexandr I. Bespalchik" <aibes at aibes.ksu.ras.ru (Alexandr I. Bespalchik)
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 95 17:07:44 +0300
Subject: Pse help me
Message-ID: <ABmUnkmu14 at aibes.ksu.ras.ru>

   CQ Dear Friends de UA4RO!
I'm looking for International Callbook available by E-mail.
Is anybody able to help me? Thanks in advance. Alex.

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