K8DO at aol.com K8DO at aol.com
Tue Nov 28 14:52:52 EST 1995

Thanks for the post, Tack.... I agree completely...  I send my call at the
end of every separate contact... and I send your call   < plus the exchange,
of course >  when I work you, which is a requirement of our FCC
regulations... which is TOTALLY ignored by most of the big gun stations I
listened to...

I am not a fanatic, nor a nit picker, nor do I have an axe to grind...  But I
do not see the CQ nor ARRL contest committees enforcing the contest
regulations... I consider this poor behavior on their part, bordering on the
unethical...  I would like to see a greater outcry among this contest
fraternity for rules enforcement by the contest committees... If some of the
big egos whine about it, tough rocks...  Following the regulations slows my
rate just as much as it slows them...

Denny  ...  k8do at aol.com

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