UNconfirmed calls

ann at ifn.ing.tu-bs.de ann at ifn.ing.tu-bs.de
Thu Nov 30 18:20:20 EST 1995

Hello everyone,

there is another topic that really strikes me besides not signing every
one to three contacts. It's the way that some stations confirm or better
don't confirm the caller's callsign. This year it was extremely bad as I 
operated QRP and several times it was like this:

  XX1XXX: DL2?  5NN00

I could just guess from the timing that the contact had been ok but 
often there were some other stations in the background that might also 
have been DL2's or just DL's or whatever...

So please...


And by the way: There were neither DL2SBX, nor DL2HDX, nor DL2SDX, nor
DL2HBN, nor DL2VBX, nor DL2HBQ, nor DL2IBX, nor DL2HB, nor DL2HTX, nor
DL1HBX, nor DL2HBA QRV this weekend! As my computer did most keying
this weekend I am sure that this is not what I had sent...

In my .NOT file there are 15 stations that *definately* miscopied my 
callsign (see above) and several attempts to correct it failed due to 
stronger stations answering the next CQs. I am sure there are many of 
the non-confirming stations that miscopied my call as well.

73! Uli, DL2HBX

P.S.: I had a great time as SO/QRP/All band this year (at DA0IU site):
      42 hrs, 1030 Q's, 87 Z, 283 C => 757k raw score

P.P.S.: Can anyone name me some person's email address responsible for
        the ARRL DX contests? Tried BLUNT at ARRL.ORG ten days ago and 
        CONTEST at ARRL.ORG three days ago with no reply at all...

 Ulrich Ann (DL2HBX)                   | Internet: ann at ifn.ing.tu-bs.de
 TU Braunschweig                       |           u.ann at tu-bs.de

>From Sig <0006481603 at mcimail.com>  Thu Nov 30 18:32:00 1995
From: Sig <0006481603 at mcimail.com> (Sig)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 13:32 EST
Message-ID: <85951130183258/0006481603PK2EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

The following is the N3RS M/S story for the CQWW CW Contest:
The operators who worked so hard and kept an optimistic view despite the
fact that K1AR was in our class again were N3ED, N3RD, KY2T and N3RS.  
We had 3 stations set up.  Two are permanent operating positions with full
flexibility to be on any band that is not already in use.  These positions
are fully automated, with the exception of amp tuning, which is still
accomplished by using a lookup table to set the two controls.  W3LPL rx fil-
ters are automatically switched as the radio changes bands (thanks to a TOP 
TEN Devices decoder), as are the ICE bandpass filters that eliminate the last 
residual interference between the 20M and 15M stations.  The antennas on 
these bands are very close together and white noise generated in the last 
stage of the transceiver raises the noise floor of the other station unless 
something is done about it.  The ICE filters work exceedingly well.
The third station was only capable of going on 160M or 20M.  It also had ICE
filters switched by the radio and a set of manually switched W3LPL Rx filters.
Beverage antennas are available to all three stations via ICE Signal Split-
Although we all shared operating responsibilities on all bands, the principal
operators on each band were:
                160M  N3ED/KY2T
                80M   N3RD
                40M   N3RS
                20M   N3ED
                15M   N3RD
                10M   KY2T
The score breakdown is:
160      64         171        2.67       17           62
 80     303         850        2.81       25           86
 40    1439        4139        2.88       39          135
 20     957        2787        2.91       39          148
 15     770        2243        2.91       28          122
 10      30          73        2.43       13           28
TOTALS 3563       10263        2.88      161          581   
Score => 7,615,146 Points
Station Equipment:
        Station 1    IC-775DSP/ALPHA 76PA
        Station 2    IC-765/ALPHA 76PA
        Station 3    TS-950SDX/ALPHA 76PA    
       160M     105 ft tall top loaded vertical with 4 elevated (15') radials
        80M     EF-180A Rotary Dipole @ 140' and 4V Phased Array 
        40M     3 element HyGain 402B Long John @ 140'
        20M     3 Stack of Home-brew 5 element 36' boom Yagis @ 117'/77'/37'
        15M     3 Stack of Home-brew 4 element 30' boom Yagis @ 130'/87'/46'
        10M     2 stack of Home-brew 4 element 24' boom Yagis @ 50'/22' and
                a single 4 element Cushcraft Yagi at 87'
        Beverage antennas for NE (550'), S (400') and W (400')
HOUR      160      80       40       20       15       10    HR TOT  CUM TOT  
   0     6/6     23/23    90/27    11/9     .....    .....   130/65  130/65 
   1    13/13    26/9     47/19    12/10      .        .      98/51  228/116
   2     5/5     24/11    30/18     2/2       .        .      61/36  289/152
   3     7/7     26/4     43/8       .        .        .      76/19  365/171
   4     2/2     23/6     32/12    12/12      .        .      69/32  434/203
   5    12/12    85/4       .       4/4       .        .     101/20  535/223
   6     1/1     46/3     17/9      2/2       .        .      66/15  601/238
   7      .       8/8     55/8      2/2       .        .      65/18  666/256
   8    .....     2/2     82/4     .....    .....    .....    84/6   750/262
   9     2/2      1/1     51/2       .        .        .      54/5   804/267
  10     1/1      1/1     27/5      4/4       .        .      33/11  837/278
  11      .       2/2      4/4     45/16     5/5       .      56/27  893/305
  12      .        .       1/1    136/21    24/24      .     161/46 1054/351
  13      .        .       1/1     86/14    94/24      .     181/39 1235/390
  14      .        .       1/1      7/7    137/12      .     145/20 1380/410
  15      .        .        .       5/5     87/9      6/6     98/20 1478/430
  16    .....    .....    .....     8/3     47/8      5/5     60/16 1538/446
  17      .        .        .      61/4     10/10     1/1     72/15 1610/461
  18      .        .        .      39/5      7/7      2/2     48/14 1658/475
  19      .        .      46/0      7/5      2/2      2/2     57/9  1715/484
  20      .        .      99/5       .       4/4      5/5    108/14 1823/498
  21      .        .      56/1     16/2      2/2      1/1     75/6  1898/504
  22     2/2       .      48/2     24/6       .        .      74/10 1972/514
  23     3/3      2/2     52/1      2/2       .        .      59/8  2031/522
   0     3/3      4/4     35/3     .....    .....    .....    42/10 2073/532
   1      .        .      14/0     11/0       .        .      25/0  2098/532
   2      .       1/1     24/1      4/3       .        .      29/5  2127/537
   3     1/1       .      34/1       .        .        .      35/2  2162/539
   4      .      11/1     38/1       .        .        .      49/2  2211/541
   5     3/3     10/0     29/0       .        .        .      42/3  2253/544
   6     1/1      1/0     73/0       .        .        .      75/1  2328/545
   7     1/1      1/1     76/1       .        .        .      78/3  2406/548
   8    .....     1/1     75/1      1/1     .....    .....    77/3  2483/551
   9      .        .      71/0       .        .        .      71/0  2554/551
  10      .        .      47/0       .        .        .      47/0  2601/551
  11      .       1/1     14/0     66/1       .        .      81/2  2682/553
  12      .       1/1      1/1    137/4      3/3       .     142/9  2824/562
  13      .        .       1/1     16/0    130/4      1/1    148/6  2972/568
  14      .        .        .       1/1    118/4      4/4    123/9  3095/577
  15      .        .        .       1/1     73/3       .      74/4  3169/581
  16    .....    .....    .....    79/1     10/1      1/1     90/3  3259/584
  17      .        .        .      74/0      2/2      1/1     77/3  3336/587
  18      .        .        .      13/0     15/1       .      28/1  3364/588
  19      .        .      24/1      4/2       .        .      28/3  3392/591
  20      .        .      39/1      2/2       .       1/1     42/4  3434/595
  21      .        .      41/0      9/1       .        .      50/1  3484/596
  22      .       2/2      6/1     49/0       .        .      57/3  3541/599
  23     1/1      1/1     15/0      9/1       .        .      26/3  3567/602
DAY1    54/54   269/76  782/128  485/135  419/107    22/22    ..... 2031/522
DAY2    10/10    34/13   657/13   476/18   351/18     8/8       .   1536/80 
TOT     64/64   303/89 1439/141  961/153  770/125    30/30      .   3567/602
I am sending this via a secondary Internet interface that I have and do not
usually use.  If you have any comments or questions, please send them to me
at   Sig at Locke.CCIL.org  This is my normal address.  For some reason (my un-
familiarity with E-Mail) I was unable to get this message out after repeated

73 & CU in the ARRL Contest.
de Sig, N3RS

>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM)  Thu Nov 30 18:36:10 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 11:36:10 -0700
Subject: N2IC/0 CQWW CW M/S Writeup
Message-ID: <9511301136.ZM4839 at dr.att.com>

Even from the black hole, it was a remarkably fine weekend.

160:  63/18/46  Antenna:  1/4 wavelength sloper, 600' beverages NE, E, SE, SW,
Without question, the best 160 meter propagation ever experienced for a major
contest.  Worked 28 EU - could have worked more if we put the RUN station on
160 more often to work other EU who weren't a new multiplier.  Could tell no
difference in condx between Friday night and Saturday night - just ran out of
new mults we could hear the 2nd night.  JA opening was very average.  Never
heard VK, ZL or AH0T, despite lots of listening.  Also missed ZD8Z - the other
locals say the only time they heard him, he opened up on top of HH2PK, causing
nothing but confusion.

80:  119/24/64  Antenna:  1/4 wave GP with 4 elevated radials, 600' beverages
Good condx, but not exceptional.  The usual big gun western EU stations were
worked, while the usual alligator eastern EU stations CQ'd in our face.  If you
are a big gun EU station, and did a lot of CQing and didn't work us, you most
likely fall into the "alligator" category.  Could have worked more JA, but the
rate on 40 and 20 was always better.  Don't think we worked more than 1 VK and
1 ZL.  Nothing heard from the usual VK6 gang.  What happened ?

40:  883/37/108  Antenna:  3 element KLM at 120'
Big Wow !  With this antenna, EU has seldom been runnable in the past.  This
weekend - we could run EU at 2100Z.  The MUF was too low to work much EU during
the night (0200Z-0700Z), but more runnable EU from 0800Z-1200Z - being able to
beam to both EU and JA simultaneously would have been a big help.  Sunday
afternoon was fun running EU the last 3 hours of the contest, but the rate
wasn't that good.  500+ JA stations - thanks !  Paid to keep checking 40 for
mults into late morning (1700Z) - VS6WO, HS7AS and DX9C were copyable right
through midday.

20: 1230/38/128  Antenna: Stacked KT-34XA's @ 115', 65'
Good condx and great rates while the band was open, but closed to EU before
1800Z both days.  Had personal best 147 hour to EU at 14Z Saturday.  Kept
having to pinch myself to remind myself I wasn't operating at K1EA !  Early
opening to EU on Sunday AM (began around 1130Z) cut short running JA on 40.
 Thanks again to the JA gang for 400+ QSO's.

15: 180/27/83   Antenna: Stacked KT-34XA's @ 115', 65'
The black hole really got us on 15.  Short, weak western and southern EU
openings provided mults, but no rate.  Surprised to work a few eastern EU
Sunday at 1245Z (1 hour before sunrise), but band never really opened for
running.  Frustrating to have SU2MT CQ in our face (K0RF couldn't get his
attention either).  Surprised at how many hours of propagation we had to
3B8/N6ZZ each day.  JA openings were no better than EU openings.  Never heard

10: 21/10/15  Antenna:  Stacked KT-34XA's @ 115', 65'
A VHF band ! The morning east coast packet postings of ZS and other goodies
were totally inaudible here.  VP5FOC and NL7G pretty loud on Sunday.  Never
heard VK, ZL or KH6.

In summary, you couldn't ask for a better weekend at the bottom of the sunspot
cycle.  Thanks to NQ0I and N2PNG for their fine operating.

Steve, N2IC/0
n2ic at dr.att.com

>From claver at noao.edu (Chuck Claver)  Thu Nov 30 18:44:02 1995
From: claver at noao.edu (Chuck Claver) (Chuck Claver)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 11:44:02 MST
Subject: N7DD (NJ6D) 40M CQWW score
Message-ID: <9511301844.AA08396 at taco.tuc.noao.edu>

N7DD 1995 CQWW Score:
from Tucson, Arizona.

40M single band, single-op, high power, unassisted, Zone 3:

1047 QSO     37 Zones     108 Countries = 432673

Guest op: NJ6D

Equipment: FT1000MP + Henry 3K Ultra
Antennas : 3elm full size @100ft, 3elm KLM at 70ft


My first single op effort ever, and first contesting in more than 10 years.
It was LOTS of fun!!!  I learned much and hope to do better next time around.
Jim (N6IG)... give me a little more experience... ;-)  fabulous effort!!

As far as the conditions go...  It was the weekend the Earth ('s geomagnetic
field) stood still.  I had a good 6 hour JA run the first night, but the second
night was not as good. However, good propagation on the second night made
up for it.  I spent all of the second night splitting between JA and Europe.

Where was zone 12?  Is there any political unrest in Chile? or do Chilean's
not like CW?

Cheers to all,
de NJ6D
Chuck Claver
claver at noao.edu

>From Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>  Thu Nov 30 18:51:48 1995
From: Trey Garlough <GARLOUGH at TGV.COM> (Trey Garlough)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 10:51:48 -0800 (PST)
Subject: signal to noise ratio
Message-ID: <817757508.706672.GARLOUGH at TGV.COM>


A CQ-Contest subscriber writes:

> I am personally getting tired of reading continual inane attempts
> at one-upsmanship by these people who have nothing to contribute
> except allusions to the size of their penises and how they eliminate
> bodily waste during contests.  Is this really the purpose of this
> forum?  Maybe once is funny, I'm not sure, but over and over again
> I am sure is not funny.  

His point is well taken.  I think the following excert from the
Freqently Asked Questions list addresses this issue well:

"Unlike PacketCluster, many people pay $$$ when they receive messages.
Some people pay per message, some per byte.  Therefore, please take
this into consideration when writing a response.  Would you pay $0.50
to read the message that you just wrote?"

Because of the number of subscribers to this list, it's up to each and
every one of us to think twice about whether we are really adding
anything of value to the discussion before posting a message to
mailing list.  Thank you for your consideration in this matter.

--Trey, WN4KKN/6

>From jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid)  Thu Nov 30 18:45:42 1995
From: jreid at aloha.net (Jim Reid) (Jim Reid)
Date: Thu, 30 Nov 1995 08:45:42 -1000
Subject: Vanity calls
Message-ID: <199511301845.IAA27340 at hookomo.aloha.net>

Aloha to All,

I made a terrible error when writing in a way which seems to
have blamed the ARRL for delaying the Vanity Call program
implementation.   I  was  wrong,  and I apologize.  See the
great note I got from Norm,  WA1CCQ at ARRL below.

Jim,  AH6NB

>From: "Bliss, Norman,  WA1CCQ" <NBLISS at arrl.org>
>To: "Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org>,
>        "'Jim Reid'" <jreid at aloha.net>
>Subject: RE: Vanity calls
>Date: Thu, 30 Nov 95 10:27:00 EST
>Encoding: 78 TEXT
>Hi Jim,
>your message concerning the petitions for reconsideration in the vanity call 
>sign program was passed on to me. Just for the record, you were incorrect in 
>stating "ARRL has requested,  and FCC approved that in order to obtain a 
>deceased relatives call,  one had to have a license grade equal to or higher 
>than the long gone relative's class". ARRL's only petition for 
>reconsideration in the Vanity program was, except for persons eligible to 
>apply in gate 1, to require that applicants be limited to call signs from 
>the call area appropriate for their mailing address. The FCC granted that 
>only for regions 11, 12, and 13, that is, Alaska, Hawaii, and the Caribbean 
>and Pacific Insular Areas. It denied it for the continental US. Our petition 
>would not have delayed the onset of the program. There were four other 
>petitions filed by individuals or clubs dealing with other issues.
>The petition dealing with license class necessary to get a deceased 
>relative's call sign was filed by a private individual; ARRL had nothing to 
>do with it. That individual has also filed one of the four new petitions for 
>reconsideration. By the way, the change does not require that an applicant 
>have a license class equal to or higher than the original holder, it 
>requires that they have a license class eligible to hold that call sign now. 
>The difference is that many old timers holding 1x2 call signs issued in the 
>1920s had only General or Advanced class licenses, since (except for the 
>Novice class) it wasn't until 1978 that the FCC introduced a system that 
>differentiated call signs by license class. So even if somebody's 
>grandfather only had an Advanced class license, under the new rules the 
>applicant would still have to have an Extra class license to get it.
>Norm Bliss, WA1CCQ
>Regulatory Information Branch Supervisor
>nbliss at arrl.org
>Telephone: (860) 594-0200
>FAX (860) 594-0259 (att. NFB)
> ----------
>>From: Swanson, Glenn,  KB1GW
>>To: Hennessee, John,  KJ4KB; Bliss, Norman,  WA1CCQ
>>Subject: FW: Vanity calls
>>Date: Thursday, November 30, 1995 10:01AM
>>(From the CQ-Contest Reflector...)
>> --GS
>> ----------
>>From: Jim Reid
>>Cc: cq-contest
>>Subject: Re: Vanity calls
>>Date: Wednesday, November 29, 1995 12:02PM
>>Return-Path: <jreid at aloha.net>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> --
>>The  vanity system was approved by Congress in August, 1993!
>>The FCC beauocrats/Comments/Response and new form 610V
>>generation approval has been going on all this time.  Somebody
>>else has recently filed another request to overturn a recent
>>FCC decision in this area.  ARRL has requested,  and FCC approved
>>that in order to obtain a deceased relatives call,  one had to have
>>a license grade equal to or higher than the long gone relative's class,
>>Now an appeal has been entered against that decision!
>>This appeal  and review process can evidently go on forever.
>>So.  though the vanity program is still approved and viable US
>>law,    God alone knows when the final review and form and program
>>and etc.,  etc.,  etc.  will be over and Gate  1 will open.
>>73,  Jim,  AH6NB
73 and Aloha,
Jim Reid, AH6NB (Happily retired on the Island of Kauai)
Hawaii,  USA     Email: jreid at aloha.net

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