My First CQWW
KK5EP at
KK5EP at
Tue Oct 31 19:18:37 EST 1995
I thoroughly enjoyed my first real effort at contesting. I won't bore you by
posting my miserable scores, just let it suffice to say that I only made 350
or so QSOs. On Friday evening I decided that I would ride 20 for all she was
worth and operated until about 9pm local time working mostly KH6 land and one
VK. I then switched from my C3 to my 40 & 80 mtr windom...nothing but a
sickening silence. Radio Shack and the local ham store are both closed and
its dark now anyway. I CAN tell, however, that my windom feedline is hanging
suspiciously lower than normal. Oh well, may as well turn in early & see
what the problem is in the a.m. First light reveals that Murphy (you know,
the beast on the wing of the plane in that old episode of The Twilight Zone)
has been at work on my dipole center conductor and half of my dipole is stuck
dangling above the ground at about 50 feet. I have learned that even if a
dipole has been up just fine for close to a year, at contest time it WILL
fall. I'll have an extra on hand next year just in case I want to work 40 &
75, and hopefully will also have an amplifier sometime in the next month
because 20 meters without one is terribly frightening. Happy Halloween & see
ya'll in CQWW CW!! 73, Mike KK5EP
>From floydjr at (jim floyd) Wed Nov 1 00:39:40 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:39:40 -0400
Message-ID: <199511010044.TAA26211 at>
Compiled by
Single Op/All Band
Call Age
AA5AU 38 203,337 572 1329 81 72
OH2GI ? 131,131 403 917 31 112
N1RCT ? 128,982 500 1162 54 57
JR5JAQ ? 119,301 323 897 133
WA4ZXA 47 79,968 344 816 50 48
W7LZP 52 78,213 374 841 67 26
OH2LU ? 76,738 282 629 26 96
PA3ERC 34 61,560 235 540 27 87
W6/G0AZT ? 51,824 279 632 63 19
OH3NLP 28 49,344 232 514 96
JH7QXJ 34 45,780 205 545 46 38
W9KVF 54 33,672 223 488 44 25
K7DSR ? 32,980 202 485 48 20
W6OTC 51 32,240 219 496 51 14
YO3FRI 00 28,016 200 412 68
VE6KRR 33 18,315 151 333 45 10
KQ4QM 33 14,190 111 258 55
N2VYU 42 14,122 133 307 30 16
N0AB 46 13,776 141 328 33 9
NA4M 13,373 146 311 40 3
KB5HVN 41 12,960 139 288 37 8
JR2BNF/1 36 11,750 93 250 24 33
WN1E 55 11045 102 235 32 15
KF2OG 38 10,742 119 262 29 12
K0BX 48 5,304 71 156 24 10
Call Age
AB5KD 99 246,450 742 1643 85 65
OH3MMF 99 82,455 317 717 115
N1JIT 99 18,480 152 330 40 16
Well I only have received about 3 scores in the last week so this is
going to be the last post on this contest. Please do not send me
anymore scores. Look forward to working everyone in ARRL RTTY
Thanks to everyone who gave me a contact and for anyone reading this
who does not know about RTTY contesting feel free to email me about
it. It is one of the best tuneup tools for the SSB and CW contests
73's Jim // WA4ZXA
Packet: N4ZC
E-Mail: floydjr at
>From floydjr at (jim floyd) Wed Nov 1 00:40:11 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:40:11 -0400
Message-ID: <199511010044.TAA26273 at>
Compiled by
Single/OP/High Power
KM3T 4,058,000
W9RE 3,090,000 2041 129 409
N2IC/0 3,077,921 2207 136 361
W6XR/2 2,060,154 1591 113 358
K3ZO 2,903,196 2252 104 348
K1RU 2,686,170 2124 114 344
VK5GN 2,150,000 2021 110 258
NQ4I 2,080,000 1659 119 348
N3BB 2,058,162 1770 4699 123 315
K0KX 1,619,838 1210 127 359
KC7V 1,325,676 1390 114 249
AA1ON 1,320,660 1360 88 260
W1WEF 19.7 1,010,000 1051 88 261
K4XU 36 943,423 877 103 300
WB0O 35 845,856 783 116 280
KF0DJ 453,968 618 1669 89 183
K3SA 21 271,184 360 71 201
W2UP 6 260,928 333 906 77 211
W6RCL 217,047 385 80 133
KB0EBH 12 98,340 327 894 29 81
KI6VY 15,921 70 183 36 51
Single/OP/Low Power
KR2Q 33 1,179,980 1039 101 309
WA7BNM/6 34.5 790,020 928 98 210
WA4ZXA 36 655,596 730 1918 90 252
NZ3I 28 228,620 382 994 68 162
K1TN 64,192 172 39 97
KS4XG 15 42,874 159 30 67
KC5DVT 24,104 114 262 37 55
N1LJA 11 14,187 149 28 68
KD0AV 9,472 53 25 39
W9SZ 1,485 33 14 19
K3WW 2,462,898 1465 4098 129 472
S50D 1,608,689 1617 3041 126 403
VS6BG 28 1,344,350 2078 111 211
N1CC 21 964,843 926 2629 90 277
AA6MC 408,216 525 94 198
K1FWF 16 303,800 359 980 91 219
WA2CJT 14 301,910 472 1330 56 171
N9BXM 7 154,700 355 910 45 125
N4XSE 80,055 220 42 93
Single Band
KC2X HP 694,048 1472 31 133
KM9P HP 465,322 1124 28 115
W5ASP HP 22 321,750 756 2145 33 117
N4BP HP 310,310 843 2387 29 101
KC9LA HP 241,300 702 27 100
KO9Y HP 96,188 692 28 111
KJ6HO LP/U 253,930 674 32 102
WA0RJY LP/A 98,576 345 976 26 75
XE2AC LP 4,522 55 133 14 20
K2SS 1,010,000 2080 36 130
K9UWA HP 548,184 1059 39 143
OH1JD 18 484,092 1536 31 88
OH8BQT 68,000 397 25 70
AA3JU HP 35,948 227 473 15 61
OZ1AXG 18,792 313 324 9 49
TM1C 9,900,000
TM2Y 9,700,000
KC1XX 6,610,000 3257 146 555
XE2DV 5,571,940 5892 129 289
KS9K 4,764,500 2664 7330 150 500
K8AZ HP 4,149,000 2359 146 489
K5XI 3,946,362
VE6JY 3,300,345 3168 7587 117 318
NC0P 2,611,075 1775 140 435
PI4CC 1,967,418 2223 107 415
W0CP 1,933,312 1625 4096 131 341
W1FJ 1,783,140 2630 144 534
NS2K 1,744,500 1254 112 388
K3II 1,286,560 859 2365 119 425
K3DI 1,185,001 945 107 350
DK0UB 1,184,967 1453 2687 95 346
S57NW HP 1,174,855 1376 2605 103 348
RK9AWM 1,063,986 1248 3234 81 248
K6XO 388,046 567 82 115
AE0M 262,752 488 1288 74 130
PI4COM 8,451,657 6275 11887 149 562
N4ZC 6,100,000 3185 152 540
GM4DMZ 4,615,497 4338 128 511
AA2Z 4,100,000 2367 129 478
W0AIH 2,619,440
VG6FI 2,135,286 3228 6822 101 212
Here is another day of scores for everyone to ponder. I did not have
time to put the name of guest ops on this sheet. I will try my best
to get them on the sheet tomorrow night. You will just have to bear
with us a little since this is the first time and lots of time has
been wasted trying to make things work. For CQWW CW there should be
no problem since now I have the basic forms to work with. Thank you
for your patience.
73's Jim // WA4ZXA @N4ZC <> floydjr at
>From floydjr at (jim floyd) Wed Nov 1 00:40:01 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 20:40:01 -0400
Message-ID: <199511010044.TAA26252 at>
Compiled by
160 80 40 20 15 10
W9RE 3,090,000 2041/129/409
36/10/23 136/17/53 195/27/76 668/37/120 913/28/112 93/10/25
N2IC/0 3,077,921 2207/136/361
40/11/20 79/17/38 394/30/70 827/36/115 776/30/94 90/12/24
K3ZO 2,903,196 2252/104/348
13/7/10 148/15/51 187/20/66 1118/32/119 769/27/96 17/3/4
K1RU 2,686,170 2124/114/344
12/4/4 94/13/49 124/21/67 882/36/100 936/27/94 76/13/30
VK5GN 2,150,000 2021/110/258
2/2/1 44/13/14 312/20/63 240/28/77 1261/24/69 162/17/34
NQ4I 2,080,000 1659/119/348
22/8/16 62/13/34 162/26/68 777/36/113 566/26/93 76/10/24
W6XR/2 2,060,154 1591/113/358
18/6/9 65/13/41 151/25/71 492/32/104 802/28/113 63/9/20
N3BB 2,058,162 1770/123/315
25/9/17 61/17/35 464/27/65 243/28/77 924/32/105 53/10/16
K0KX 1,619,838 1210/127/359
33/10/17 75/18/43 155/25/65 386/34/111 489/29/106 72/11/17
KC7V 1,325,676 1390/114/249
11/6/10 38/15/20 206/29/52 257/26/61 802/26/79 76/12/27
K4XU 943,423 877/103/300
29/8/13 55/13/31 94/20/56 381/30/97 251/24/86 67/8/17
WB0O 845,856 783/116/280
17/8/9 81/21/37 131/27/66 249/30/85 252/24/73 53/6/12
K3SA 271,184 360/71/201
2/2/2 4/4/4 16/6/15 197/30/91 104/20/68 37/9/21
W2UP 260,928 333/77/211
10/6/7 35/10/28 50/14/43 115/22/71 116/20/57 7/5/5
KI6VY 15,291 70/36/51
0/0/0 0/0/0 11/8/7 15/10/12 40/16/29 4/2/3
KR2Q 1,179,980 1039/101/309
17/6/11 62/12/34 110/19/56 380/29/94 391/25/91 79/10/23
WA7BNM/6 790,020 928/98/210
5/4/3 29/9/9 93/29/39 315/25/73 427/32/76 59/7/10
WA4ZXA 655,956 730/90/252
8/3/3 33/12/25 81/19/49 236/24/72 304/23/84 68/9/9
NZ31 228,620 382/68/162
0/0/0 21/8/13 39/13/27 115/18/49 181/21/60 26/8/13
K1TN 64,192 172/39/97
0/0/0 5/3/3 1/1/1 51/14/37 106/16/49 9/5/7
KS4XG 42,874 159/30/67
0/0/0 0/0/0 15/8/13 134/17/46 10/5/8 0/0/0
W9SZ 1,485 33/14/19
O/O/O 1/1/1 0/0/0 20/8/10 12/5/8 0/0/0
K3WW 2,462,898 1465/129/472
45/10/32 101/16/68 120/25/78 614/34/129 517/29/126 68/15/39
S50D 1,608,689 1617/126/403
56/5/34 461/14/63 73/13/48 282/31/83 635/38/117 110/25/58
VS6BG 1,344,350 2078/111/211
0/0/0 87/11/14 85/19/27 483/33/61 1105/30/82 318/18/27
N1CC 964,843 926/90/277
2/2/2 26/9/17 37/9/30 341/30/99 472/29/110 48/11/19
K1FWF 303,800 359/91/219
17/7/0 26/11/18 41/16/34 104/21/58 119/23/68 52/12/31
WA2CJT 303,240 473/57/171
0/0/0 8/3/4 12/5/11 180/17/67 238/23/76 34/8/13
N9XBM 154,700 355/45/125
0/0/0 0/0/0 8/5/8 193/20/65 153/19/51 1/1/1
KC1XX 6,610,000 3257/146/555
47/10/42 338/21/84 176/28/88 1476/40/155 1166/30/140 54/17/46
XE2DV 5,571,940 5892/129/289
229/11/21 520/16/31 1396/28/60 1729/29/70 0/0/0 127/12/17
KS9K 4,764,500 2664/150/500
36/11/25 139/26/68 218/32/92 1204/39/151 1008/31/141 59/14/23
K8AZ 4,149,000 2359/146/489
32/12/28 243/21/75 171/31/85 852/39/137 982/30/132 79/13/32
VE6JY 3,300,345 3168/117/318
52/8/7 86/17/27 331/25/65 1036/36/116 1631/29/101 2/2/2
NC0P 2,611,075 1775/140/435
32/11/21 113/23/61 193/31/77 696/36/133 656/27/118 85/12/25
PI4CC 1,967,418 2223/107/415
133/5/39 475/10/56 327/19/84 707/31/102 551/33/109 30/9/25
W0CP 1,933,312 1625/131/341
24/9/15 76/18/36 272/30/73 826/36/109 384/28/92 43/10/16
W1FJ 1,783,140 2630/144/534
47/10/44 438/19/85 205/28/93 803/40/132 1088/29/137 49/18/43
NS2K 1,744,500 1254/112/388
8/3/7 73/14/50 162/22/72 470/32/112 432/28/117 109/13/30
K3II 1,286,560 859/119/425
27/10/23 83/13/59 118/20/70 285/35/128 297/27/114 49/14/31
DK0UB 1,184,967 1453/95/346
45/4/28 351/11/55 137/13/53 440/25/86 433/33/93 47/9/31
S57NW 1,174,855 1376/103/348
31/5/22 119/7/22 203/21/81 449/26/83 500/32/97 68/12/23
RK9AWN 1,063,986 1248/81/248
51/7/19 96/7/32 142/14/41 615/32/94 344/21/62 0/0/0
K6XO 388,046 567/82/169
12/5/5 29/11/16 28/12/14 255/27/75 242/26/58 1/1/1
AE0M 262,752 488/74/130
0/0/0 20/10/10 162/21/33 134/21/39 172/22/48 0/0/0
PI4COM 8,451,657 6275/149/562
515/10/55 928/16/67 1520/30/115 1961/40/140 1077/35/126 274/18/59
N4ZC 6,100,000 3185/152/540
50/14/35 257/21/81 400/31/97 1368/40/154 924/29/138 185/17/35
GD4DMZ 4,615,497 4338/128/511
450/8/53 667/17/70 757/22/91 1023/32/114 1155/34/127 286/15/56
W0AIH 2,619,440 1922/134/414
57/9/21 103/17/50 238/31/84 941/38/128 493/28/110 0/11/21
F7FR 648,540 885/81/189
0/0/0 18/5/5 62/16/32 348/29/81 422/27/66 35/4/5
Well here is the new form on the breakdown. I hope this is to everyones
liking. This job is worse than trying to make my wife happy at times.
XE2DV did not send me a breakdown on their 15 meter band. That is the
reason for the 0's.
73's Jim // WA4ZXZ @N4ZC <> floydjr at
>From barry at (Barry Kutner) Wed Nov 1 00:31:29 1995
From: barry at (Barry Kutner) (Barry Kutner)
Date: Wed, 01 Nov 95 00:31:29 GMT
Subject: South America
Message-ID: <7a4uDD1w165w at>
Since one of our COntest brethren in PY-land brought up the point about
listening down south...
I wonder if anyone has success running South America? My experience has
been poor. Seem to be a fair number of LUs, CEs, PYs, etc. calling CQ,
and having good signals, but my own CQ brings a very limited response.
I've heard stories about guys running them when CQing and sending
exchange in Spanish, but, like Newt, English is my forte. (I do speak
some French, but can't imagine generating too much of an FY pileup :.) )
Barry N. Kutner, W2UP Internet: barry at
Newtown, PA Packet Radio: W2UP @ WB3JOE.#EPA.PA.USA.NA
Packet Cluster: W2UP >WB2R (FRC)
>From floydjr at (jim floyd) Wed Nov 1 01:10:23 1995
From: floydjr at (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 1995 21:10:23 -0400
Subject: Overload of Reflector
Message-ID: <199511010115.UAA02741 at>
I was not going to comment on this because I feel like most due. The problem
is on your end. You need to get a better connection to Internet. I know
companies frown on the employee's using the Internet for personal use but
that is still your choice to do.
Now to the gentlemen who made the comment about the 100 W station with a 40
foot tower. I am one of those stations and I scored 656K this weekend. I
have won a divisional leader award in the 10 meter contest and came in 6th
this year. Also am very active in RTTY contesting. I love the thrill of
contesting and running stations and that is why I do it. I do not have the
money or the land to build a super station. That is nobody's fault but just
a fact. I do the best I can with what I have.
According to your comments us little pistols do not mean anything to the
contest except a contact. What we did and how we did it means nothing to you
according to your statement. Remember that if not for the little guys in the
contests giving the big guns the contacts then their scores would not be as
good. I have worked at a MM station and it is something else to give the
call in the pileup and they come back to you on the first call. I am used to
spending as much as 15 to 30 minutes to work a station. Imagine trying to
run stations on 20 with 100W. It becomes quite a challenge and I thought
that was what contesting is all about.
I have always said one thing about a contester and it is not reflecting or
bragging on myself. You can take an average contester and put him on a big
gun station and he will do good. Put him on the same little pistol station
and lets see if he knows his way around. I really believe there is more to
contesting than just plopping the key down on 1500W and calling CQ. This is
not to say that the big gun operators are not good because they are, but you
need to put everything in perspective.
Finally it is an attitude like yours that is really hurting contesting right
now. I have for years tried to get CQ and QST to breakdown the US part of
the contest by call areas. Say the top three from each would be listed in
the main body of the article and not just at the back. It is a known fact
that nobody should beat a 1,2 or 3 in a contest on a regular basis. Even in
4 land I cannot give them much of a run. I really feel for the guys in the
midwest. I know there are super stations out there that can get through but
I am talking about the majority. You would be amazed what seeing your call
in print can do for a new ham or contester.
At a time when it seems that contesting is picking up some real steam we
need to drop this better than thou attitude and not forget the past we came
from. I do not know of many hams who start out with 6/6/6 at 150' and an Alpha.
Well better stop before I overload somebody, but that comment really riled
me. Of course these are just my opinions and thoughts.
73's Jim // WA4ZXA @N4ZC <> floydjr at
>From Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at Wed Nov 1 01:12:58 1995
From: Tim Coad" <Tim_Coad at (Tim Coad)
Date: 31 Oct 1995 17:12:58 -0800
Subject: To post or not to post.....
Message-ID: <n1396962668.29543 at>
Reply to: To post or not to post........
> but how little a 100 w US stn with a 40 ft tower worked has little
> interest to other than that stn.
OK, So maybe it is interesting what someone with a 100 watts to a tribander
could do...if he went full bore-all out...
What I dont get are the postings that start out something like this:
"Only got 8 hours in due to gall bladder operation.....
Heres my breakdown......"
This score is almost meaningless to me.
Id rather wait to see it in the summary of scores that is being collected.
On the other hand, I do like to see and hear stories from the people
who really were competing in the contest.
Tim - 6S (or should it be NU, or is it US since 6 is not a letter, or maybe
All heck. How about last 4 letters only....NU6S
>From docnet!zs6brh at (keith radue) Wed Nov 1 01:30:34 1995
From: docnet!zs6brh at (keith radue) (keith radue)
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 95 03:30:34 +0200
Subject: ZS6SA CQWW SSB M/S Score
Message-ID: <9511010130.AA04156 at>
Call: ZS6SA Country: South Africa
Mode: SSB Category: Multi Single
160 2 0 0 1 1
80 7 9 1.29 6 5
40 50 138 2.76 15 23
20 503 1459 2.90 33 91
15 1424 4195 2.95 34 105
10 421 1121 2.90 20 70
Totals 2407 7022 2.92 109 296 => 2,843,910
Operator List: ZS6SA + ZS6YA
I (ZS6BRH) had to retire due to a bad dose of gastric flu. Next I'll build
a bathroom in my shack! Will send in more S.A results as I hear them.
>From srkelly at (Steve Kelly) Wed Nov 1 02:23:24 1995
From: srkelly at (Steve Kelly) (Steve Kelly)
Date: Wed, 1 Nov 1995 02:23:24 +0000
Subject: KC7EM SOSB 40m CQWW Score
Message-ID: <v01510105acbc8a57283d@[]>
Call: KC7EM Country: United States (Oregon)
Mode: SSB Category: Single-op, Single-band, 40 meters
BAND Raw QSOs Valid QSOs Points Countries Zones
40SSB 1095 1095 3206 93 34
Final Score = 407,162 points.
Rig: FT-1000D
Amp: Henry
Antennae: 3/3 full size yagis (DX Engineering) @ 160' & 80' on TIC RingRotors
Software: TR Log
Phenomenal! Astounding! Superb! These are a few of the ways I would
describe 40m band conditions over the weekend. The JA runs never stopped.
There usually comes a time a couple hours before sunrise when the BC
interference is so great that even we left coasters have trouble being
heard over the crud. This never happened. Another positive was the total
absence of DIGITAL qrm below 7.100. I'm used to dealing with Pactor, Amtor
and RTTY signals that are 20 and 30dB over 9 when our propagation peaks
into Asia.
There was sooo much activity from Europe it made weeding out mults from
beneath the big sigs a real challenge.
One major highlite was working TR, EA6, SV5 and my old pal ZD8Z with about
15 minutes to go. The SV5 and ZD8Z in the last 2 minutes!
I come away with the impression that had there been more mult activity huge
scores would have been possible. Some of the mults I would have expected
to work, but didn't (not in any particular order):
4U1UN, 6Y5, CP, J6, J7, J8, OA, TF, TG, FM, OX, PZ, VP2E, VP2M, VP2V,
VP9, 7P8, A2, C5, CN, D44, FR5DX, V5, 4X, 9K2, 9M2, BY, HS, HZ, JD1, 3D2,
FO, KH8, V6, V7, VK9NS, 4U1ITU, GM, GW, LX, LY, PA, SV, YL.....
Zone 17 was the only one I heard and did not work.
Zones not heard: 21, 22, 23, 37, 39
Continent List 160 80 40 20 15 10 ALL
--- -- -- -- -- -- ---
USA calls = 0 0 2 0 0 0 2
VE calls = 0 0 37 0 0 0 37
N.A. calls = 0 0 36 0 0 0 36
S.A. calls = 0 0 33 0 0 0 33
Euro calls = 0 0 107 0 0 0 107
Afrc calls = 0 0 12 0 0 0 12
Asia calls = 0 0 26 0 0 0 26
JA calls = 0 0 803 0 0 0 803
Ocen calls = 0 0 39 0 0 0 39
Total calls = 0 0 1095 0 0 0 1095
I'm so pumped for the CW test I wish it would have started right after the
end of the Phone test...
73, Steve
srkelly at
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