py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org py2ny at SP-gw.ampr.org
Thu Oct 12 13:02:35 EDT 1995

                      California QSO Party -- 1995

      Call: PY2NY                    Country:  BRASIL
                                     Category: Single Operator Low Power

      MODE      QSO    QSO PTS  MULTS

      CW        27       81        0
      SSB       26       52        0
      Totals    53      133       26  =   3,458

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description: Kenwood TS 140 S  - 100 Watts
                       10-15-20 2 el Quad

Comments: "No propagation on 10... No one from CA looking to South.
           Maybe no believe in PY calling in CQP... Well,     let's
           wait next year!! 73 for all"

Club Affiliation: TuPY Dx Group

This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter 
within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules 
and regulations of the contest.

                           Signature _________________________________

               Vitor Luis Aidar dos Santos  PY2NY
               P O Box 190
               Campinas, SP 13001-970   BRASIL

>From Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com  Thu Oct 12 16:34:13 1995
From: Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 08:34:13 -0700
Subject: No more printed contest rules in QST?
References: <307D2C43 at arrl.org>
Message-ID: <9510120834.ZM18144 at hpwsmjh1.cup.hp.com>

On Oct 12, 10:56am, Lau, Zack,  KH6CP wrote:
> Subject: RE: No more printed contest rules in QST?
> My understanding was that newcomers could read "user friendly"
> explanations of how to operate the contest.  See the October 1995
> QST for an example, page 125.
> Of course, the BOOK will be a necessity for serious competitors
> who have invested $$$ into their competitive stations.
> Personally, I think this makes sense.  Why subject newcomers to
> the detailed fine print?  Most beginners just want enough information
> to participate without sounding like a lid.  I think this will result in
> more
> participation.

How much you want to bet that the book of rules will not be a very
hot item in the ARRL book store? Bet most will operate the contest
from memory, or old copies of QST, or the beginers guide to the contest.

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at cup.hp.com

>From Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net>  Thu Oct 12 16:36:20 1995
From: Steven Affens <k3sa at access.digex.net> (Steven Affens)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:36:20 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Web page
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951012113546.8029A-100000 at access5.digex.net>

It is on the PVRC page http://www.access.digex.net/~k3sa/pvrc.html

Steven C. Affens

On Thu, 12 Oct 1995, Greg Becker wrote:

> Apologies in advance - what's the address of KA9FOX's Web page with all 
> the contest -related info?
> Thanks & 73, Greg
> Greg Becker NA2N
> gb546 at bard.edu

>From Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org  Thu Oct 12 16:43:00 1995
From: Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org (Cain, Jim,  K1TN)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 11:43:00 EDT
Subject: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
Message-ID: <307D374D at arrl.org>

>>According to W1WEF, NNY (Northern New York) will be a new ARRL Section
>>multiplier starting in June 1996.

Not exactly. For ARRL administrative purposes NNY is born
January 1, 1996. The first contest after that that counts ARRL
sections as multipliers will be the 1996 November Sweepstakes.

For the purpose of ARRL contest certificates and awards (when
they are awarded by ARRL Section) the start date is January 1, 1996.

Jim Cain, K1TN
ARRL Senior Editor/News Editor

>From k7fr at ncw.net (Gary Nieborsky)  Thu Oct 12 16:48:03 1995
From: k7fr at ncw.net (Gary Nieborsky) (Gary Nieborsky)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 08:48:03 -0700
Subject: No subject
Message-ID: <199510121552.IAA09912 at bing.ncw.net>

                     California QSO Party -- 1995

      Call: K7FR                     Country:  USA, Washington State
                                     Category: Single Operator, Low Power

      MODE      QSO    QSO PTS  MULTS

      CW        72      216      16
      SSB       57      114      19

      Totals   129      330      45  =   14,850

All reports sent were 59(9), unless otherwise noted.

Equipment Description:
TS-850, bunches of aluminum, couple of owls.

Sorry for the limited participation, had many home projects to complete
before Contest season really gets underway.  Had a blast, will do better
next year.

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu  Thu Oct 12 16:54:14 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:54:14 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: zone8-multi-single-records-CW
Message-ID: <199510121554.KAA12785 at ecom4.ecn.bgu.edu>

Here are the top 20 or so scores from Zone 8 in the Multi-Single Class!

CALL       SCORE        QSOs  ZONES  DX    YEAR

J6DX       11,691,029   7180   159   532   93
NP4A       11,648,565   6881   168   515   82
VP2MW       9,041,590   5968   151   426   88
ZF2WW       8,385,030   5697   155   462   93
ZF2PR       8,177,472   5783   139   437   90
NP4A        7,982,576   6100   141   385   79
KP4BZ       7,922,868   5635   139   426   86
NP4Z        7,629,219   5217   141   450   94
HH2VP       7,208,271   5470   145   422   83
VP5Q        6,984,120   5038   143   412   89
VP5P        6,782,160   5505   129   399   91
C6AHX       5,760,495   4162   140   445   94
PJ7A        5,630,310   4766   114   372   83
HH2MC       5,426,104   4776   127   339   79
HH2CQ       5,256,944   4696   133   369   78
C6A/K1XA    5,062,020   4430   122   356   91
KP4BZ       4,992,390   4612   117   325   85
VP2SX       4,859,777   4931   107   296   79
VP5W        4,841,910   5011   112   283   87
VP5P        4,814,810   4524   123   332   90

That NP4A score from 1982 was obviously a great one that stood for 11

73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu  Thu Oct 12 17:04:49 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:04:49 -0500 (CDT)
Message-ID: <199510121604.LAA19600 at ecom3.ecn.bgu.edu>

Here are the CQWW CW records (Last 20 contests) for Zone 8

KP2A       32,325,150   15198   191   631    88
J6DX       26,968,675   13829   171   614    91
KP2A       25,019,982   12387   188   595    87
VP5VW      21,823,275   11740   169   586    94
J6DX       19,320,544   11465   166   515    90
NP4A       17,627,820   10846   171   487    80
KP2N       17,480,855   10152   162   515    86
J6DX       15,623,712    9742   162   480    89
J6DX       14,710,800   10299   141   457    86
J6DX       13,375,437    9833   149   428    87
6Y5YL      11,603,808    9334   141   375    80
VP2MU      10,725,081    7646   134   435    86
J77J        8,599,387    6496   123   424    94
VP2EZA      8,280,048    6479   121   411    94
V2A         7,463,449    6209   134   363    85
KP4EAJ      7,177,275    7017   129   312    77

J6DX has sure gone into lots of logs!

73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

>From Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM  Thu Oct 12 19:49:00 1995
From: Skelton, Tom" <TSkelton at engineer.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM (Skelton, Tom)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 11:49:00 PDT
Subject: FW: No more printed contest rules in QST?
Message-ID: <307D688E at admin.ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM>

Also according to W1WEF, QST will no longer print contest rules in QST.
Instead, you must buy a BOOK (I assume from ARRL) that contains the rules 
all ARRL-sponsored contests.
73 - Jim AD1C
reisert at eng.pko.dec.com


I guess this is an offshoot of having DXCC member stats printed in the 
DXCC book.  If the ARRL wants to get out of the contest biz, this is a great 

way to do it.  How many times did you, as a contest newbie, have to get out 
QST and re-read the rules for the Puxhatawnie QSO party to make sure you
knew the times and dates? Or make sure you have your cheat sheet written
with the correct exchange for SS?

Ladies and Gentlemen, the pen is mightier than the keyboard.  Please write
your directors and K1ZZ if you find this as unsettling as I do.  (NB:  count
the number of pages in Contest Corral and see what a very small percentage
of pages they occupy in a typical monthly issues of QST.)


73, Tom WB4iUX
Tom.Skelton at ClemsonSC.ATTGIS.COM

Looks like a SOA effort with a KW and Butternut vertical!
(Dear God:  A miracle right now would really be OK.  :-))    )

>From David Robbins KY1H <robbins at guid2.dnet.lmco.com>  Thu Oct 12 17:26:06 1995
From: David Robbins KY1H <robbins at guid2.dnet.lmco.com> (David Robbins KY1H)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 12:26:06 EDT
Subject: qst contest rules
Message-ID: <199510121622.MAA19225 at franklin.vf.mmc.com>

I think haveing a simplified guide to a contest instead of the typically
legalese type rules would be a help to getting more contesters.  however
i would hope that the full rules would be available for an sase along with
log and summary sheets for those who want them.  i would also hope that 
they would be available on the www.arrl.org web pages and for download
via ftp or the dialup bbs.

73, Dave KY1H  Robbins at guid2.dnet.lmco.com

>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu  Thu Oct 12 17:29:02 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:29:02 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: CQWWCW-Zone4-Canada-S/op
Message-ID: <199510121629.LAA11309 at ecom2.ecn.bgu.edu>

Here are the top Single Operator scores from Canadian Zone 4

  CALL         SCORE        Qs    Zs    Cs   YR

1  VE3EJ       5,011,815   3308   164   433  92
2  VE3IY       4,140,384   3179   139   377  90
3  VE6OU/3     3,148,977   2334   145   362  89
4  VE6OU/3     2,725,002   2189   144   342  88
5  VE3IY       2,607,795   2563   113   292  81
6  VE6OU/3     2,117,920   1737   145   343  87
7  VE3IY       2,060,180   1959   133   298  87
8  VE6OU       1,839,702   2302   110   217  81
9  VE3IY       1,833,920   1708   131   309  88
10 VE3KP       1,620,504   1955    90   227  89
11 VG3BVD      1,616,670   1990   107   238  85
12 VD3AT       1,534,456   1529    99   272  92
13 VE3KZ       1,484,280   1693   106   254  82
14 XL3AT       1,390,170   1400    85   213  89
15 VD4VV       1,324,050   1727   111   239  92
16 VE3KP       1,231,672   1469   111   227  92
17 VE3IY       1,226,232   1456   113   265  86
18 VE3AKG      1,181,460   1723    91   200  78
19 VE3AT       1,179,720   1249    93   246  90
20 VE3KP       1,174,568   1501    99   229  88

Looks like VE4,5, and 6 need their own zone!  How about the
top ten VE6s?  

73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu

>From Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com  Thu Oct 12 18:11:08 1995
From: Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 10:11:08 -0700
Subject: PED and SS
Message-ID: <9510121011.ZM24457 at hpwsmjh1.cup.hp.com>

Is there a way to get PED to send and recieve SS format messages?

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at cup.hp.com

>From Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org  Thu Oct 12 18:10:00 1995
From: Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org (Cain, Jim,  K1TN)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 13:10:00 EDT
Subject: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
Message-ID: <307D4BD7 at arrl.org>

Jay: Wrong. The RTTY Roundup counts states, not
ARRL sections, as multipliers. See the rules on page
121 of Dec 1994 QST.

Cain, Jim,  K1TN wrote:

> >>According to W1WEF, NNY (Northern New York) will be a new ARRL Section
> >>multiplier starting in June 1996.
> Not exactly. For ARRL administrative purposes NNY is born
> January 1, 1996. The first contest after that that counts ARRL
> sections as multipliers will be the 1996 November Sweepstakes.

Ah...does that mean that ARRL RTTY Roundup won't use NNY in Jan '96 ? As
that is the first contest after Jan 1.

Your explanation is NOT clear.

Please let me know as several software authors are preparing changes.


Jay Townsend, WS7I  < jayt at iea.com >

>From KAY, LEONARD" <LKAY at pria.com  Thu Oct 12 21:36:00 1995
From: KAY, LEONARD" <LKAY at pria.com (KAY, LEONARD)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 13:36:00 PDT
Subject: No more printed contest rules in QST?
Message-ID: <307D7C10 at pria.com>

>> Of course, the BOOK will be a necessity for serious competitors
>> who have invested $$$ into their competitive stations.
>> Personally, I think this makes sense.  Why subject newcomers to
>> the detailed fine print?  Most beginners just want enough information
>> to participate without sounding like a lid.  I think this will result in
>> more participation.
>How much you want to bet that the book of rules will not be a very
>hot item in the ARRL book store? Bet most will operate the contest
>from memory, or old copies of QST, or the beginers guide to the contest.
>73, Jim, WA6SDM
>jholly at cup.hp.com

Or how about sticking *all* the contest rules for the whole year in the
annual 'pull-out' section, with the schedule of operating events, band
allocations, etc. in the January issue?

Maybe I missed an earlier post... what is HQ's argument for removing
the rules? To make more space for advertising? Because 'most people'
aren't interested? I mean, if you stretch the point, why put in all
those mathey-matical details and ekwa-shuns in those technical
articles? Why not just describe what the circuit does in one-syllable
words and say, 'see the 1995 Circuit Book for details?'

73, Len

 Leonard Kay, KB2R                | "But we are not dealing with the
 PRI Automation, Inc.             |  normal world. We are chasing DX."
 Billerica, MA 01821              |    -- W9KNI, 'The Complete DXer'
 lkay at pria.com  or  KB2R>K1EA     |
 Editor, YCCC Scuttlebutt         | #include <disclaimer.h>

>From Ken Silverman" <ken.silverman at CCMAIL.AirTouch.COM  Thu Oct 12 19:50:42 1995
From: Ken Silverman" <ken.silverman at CCMAIL.AirTouch.COM (Ken Silverman)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 10:50:42 PST
Subject: CQP Score de WM2C/6
Message-ID: <9509128135.AA813520514 at CCMAIL.AIRTOUCH.COM>

     CQP 1995:  WM2C/6 in Contra Costa County
     Band       CW      SSB
     20         151     16
     15          16     23
     Tot        167     40      47 Mults = 27,307 pts
     QTH:  K6ZM Memorial Station, Danville, CA.  
     Only got on for about 4 hours at the start of the contest.  15m opened 
     on Saturday with +20 dB signals from the East Coast, but no takers.  I 
     dumped CT, and lost my CQP.BIN file after 150 QSOs, so I started a new 
     one.. after a few QSOs, I found the original file called "QP.BIN".  
     Back to old file... so a few of you who I worked on multiple 
     modes/bands where surprised with some odd serial numbers.
     73, Ken WM2C/6

>From Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com  Thu Oct 12 20:06:47 1995
From: Daniel R. Violette" <Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com (Daniel R. Violette)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 95 11:06:47 PST
Subject: Re[2]: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
Message-ID: <9509128135.AA813521621 at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com>

     I would guess the software would need to be modified by Field Day.  I 
     know it does not act as a multiplier, but will not go into the log 
     properly otherwise.
     Another thought I have had.  Has it ever been pursued to have sections 
     as multipliers for ARRL DX.  Sure would help the big states out a 
     little bit.  CA is not much of a multiplier, but ORG could be a little 
     better (admit not much).
     Dan   KI6X
     e-mail:  Daniel_R._Violette at ccmail.anatcp.rockwell.com


______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________
Subject: Re: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
Author:  "Cain, Jim,  K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org> at SMTPGTY
Date:    10/12/95 10:58 AM

Jay: Wrong. The RTTY Roundup counts states, not
ARRL sections, as multipliers. See the rules on page 
121 of Dec 1994 QST.
Cain, Jim,  K1TN wrote:
> >>According to W1WEF, NNY (Northern New York) will be a new ARRL Section 
> >>multiplier starting in June 1996.
> Not exactly. For ARRL administrative purposes NNY is born
> January 1, 1996. The first contest after that that counts ARRL 
> sections as multipliers will be the 1996 November Sweepstakes.
Ah...does that mean that ARRL RTTY Roundup won't use NNY in Jan '96 ? As 
that is the first contest after Jan 1.
Your explanation is NOT clear.
Please let me know as several software authors are preparing changes.
Jay Townsend, WS7I  < jayt at iea.com >

>From Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at CapAccess.org  Thu Oct 12 18:48:09 1995
From: Rich L. Boyd" <rlboyd at CapAccess.org (Rich L. Boyd)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 13:48:09 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: No more printed contest rules in QST?
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.951012134700.5081I-100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>

I can see the potential for a negative impact on contesting, but the 
other side is there is an opportunity for others to come out with user 
friendly books, maybe bundled with other things, but in any case 
presented in an eye-catching-to-newcomers way on the book rack at the ham 
stores.  If others pick up the baton not only can negatives impacts be 
overcome but an upturn could be seen.

Rich Boyd KE3Q

>From Neal.Campbell at ping.be (Neal Campbell-ON9CNC)  Thu Oct 12 20:53:31 1995
From: Neal.Campbell at ping.be (Neal Campbell-ON9CNC) (Neal Campbell-ON9CNC)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 19:53:31 +0000
Subject: No more printed contest rules in QST?
Message-ID: <v01510102aca321a9d7ce@[]>

>Guess you can expect a sharp decline in newcomers entering contesting if they
>can't find the rules in their monthly rag!

We should set up a contest rules home page somewhere so that at least those
with internet capability can get to them. Also, we should have the
SH/CONTEST database on the packetcluster expanded so that you can get the
rules from there is needed. I use SH/Contest all the time!


Neal Campbell

>From Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com  Thu Oct 12 20:23:54 1995
From: Jim Hollenback" <jholly at hposl62.cup.hp.com (Jim Hollenback)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 12:23:54 -0700
Subject: No more printed contest rules in QST?
References: <Pine.SUN.3.91-FP.951012134700.5081I-100000 at cap1.capaccess.org>
Message-ID: <9510121223.ZM24787 at hpwsmjh1.cup.hp.com>

On Oct 12,  1:48pm, Rich L. Boyd wrote:
> Subject: Re: No more printed contest rules in QST?
> I can see the potential for a negative impact on contesting, but the
> other side is there is an opportunity for others to come out with user
> friendly books, maybe bundled with other things, but in any case
> presented in an eye-catching-to-newcomers way on the book rack at the ham
> stores.  If others pick up the baton not only can negatives impacts be
> overcome but an upturn could be seen.

Good point ... sort'a like a "Now your contesting" book? Probably be
a bigger impact on the VHF contesting crowd than the HF crowd. Of course,
this can be a good thing. After contesting more on VHF they may decide
that upgrading and doing HF contesting would be fun. This, of course,
is also a good thing.

Actually, the introductory write-ups in QST are quite good for explaining
the contests to new comers. I find it hard to believe that the few pages
a year they run on the detailed rules are that important to take away. I
wonder if this is like the flap this last summer on dropping contest coverage
and the recent flap on the DXCC. Maybe QST will become a shack-on-a-belt
journal. Hopefully NCJ will continue to survive, and hopefully the CQ
magazines will continue to survive. Would be kind'a interesting reading
the ARRL DX results in CQ though. If they go to a separate book for the
detailed rules, rule changes will be very hard to propagate and some
interesting interpretations probably will be the result.

73, Jim, WA6SDM
jholly at cup.hp.com

>From wws at renaissance.cray.com (Walter Spector)  Thu Oct 12 04:21:20 1995
From: wws at renaissance.cray.com (Walter Spector) (Walter Spector)
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 11:21:20 +0800
Subject: Rad Shack DSP
Message-ID: <9510121821.AA16796 at raphael.cray.com>

> I saw a bunch of traffic recently (within the past few months) about the 
> Radio Shack DSP unit, but can't find anything in my archives.

I'd be interested in the conclusions of other people after my experience.

> Local store has them on clearance - any comments for use on the 
> second/S&P contest radio? I have an IC-725, which doesn't have the best 
> filtering...

The local Rat Shaks have had them on sale here for $49.95.
I figured at that price, I couldn't go wrong so tried one.
My station setup includes the following:

	Kenwood TS-930S/AT with extra CW and AM filters
	Cushcraft R-7 Vertical
	David Clark headset/boom mike

I hooked the DSP filter to the headset output of the TS-930 and
used a 12 volt power supply (the expensive regulated Rat Shak one)
to power it.

First impression was a low audio level.  I easily adjusted the output
of the receiver to just flash the lights on the front of the unit as
described in the manual.  But I had to turn the volume WAY up on
the DSP to get any reasonable output.  This with both the internal
speaker and with my headset.  Surprising since the unit advertises
a 5 watt audio amplifier, and the 930 is only rated 1.5 watts.  The
930 can easily drive the headphones to unlistenable output levels.

Once connected, I started critically listening to how the unit
worked.  There is a *marked* difference in audio quality between
turning DSP processing on and off.  I found the processing difficult
to listen to, even at wide settings.

The notching feature seemed to work ok on strong carriers.  On
weak ones it either ignored them or audibly 'searched' trying to
lock onto them.

As far as simple bandwidth reduction, I was very impressed with
the sharpness of the filter.  Signals outside the ranges of the
filter fall off after just a few hertz!  But with the reduction in
audio quality within the passband, I would just as soon not use it.
The slope tuning and VBT on the 930 are much more pleasing.

The 'noise reduction' setting does not actually use a noise reduction
algorithm.  It merely changes the audio cutoff frequencies, so would
do nothing for, for example, power line noise (which is a problem I
have in the evening.)

One other problem I had with the unit was that I found myself constantly
adjusting the audio output on the 930 to match the proper input level
of the filter.  This would be very annoying in a contest.

I much preferred the existing audio quality and filtering in the TS-930
so decided to return the DSP.  Since I had written a personal check,
they needed a few days to let it clear before refunding me the purchase
price.  So he let me try a second unit on the theory that my first one
was defective.  The second attempt was identical to the first with
identical results.  So I took it back and eventually got my refund.

I am definately not biased against audio filters - I played with a
Timewave DSP for about two hours at a ham store and really liked it.
I've also made great use of an analog  Datong filter in contest
situations.  But was very unimpressed with the Rat Shak DSP - even
at $49.95.

My question is:  QST and others have given the unit good marks.
Why was my experience so contrary?


Walter Spector kk6nr
(wws at renaissance.cray.com)
Sunnyvale, California

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