40 m SSB intruders ?
jeh%8.1.dnet.mobitel.telia.se at radux.hk.mobitel.telia.se
jeh%8.1.dnet.mobitel.telia.se at radux.hk.mobitel.telia.se
Mon Oct 16 10:48:18 EDT 1995
Hello and good morning!
There are som SSB activity on th 40 mtr CW band that I haven't
heard previous years and I wounder I anyone out there know what
it might be. They seem to use channels spaced 5 kHz starting
at 7000 and I've heard it up to 7020 so far. The lingo sounds
like indonesian but I'm not sure, beamheading is ok for YB-land
anyway. Will be a mess operating contest down there with all
that crud. Anybody with info ?
73 de Jim SM2EKM email: jeh%kiona.dnet at hk.mobitel.telia.se
>From Cain, Jim, K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org Mon Oct 16 13:12:00 1995
From: Cain, Jim, K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org (Cain, Jim, K1TN)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 08:12:00 EDT
Subject: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
Message-ID: <30824C86 at arrl.org>
FD does not use geographic multipliers.
Never has.
It's in the rules. Every May QST.
As for your header. It's a new section multiplier starting
January 1, 1996. It just does not apply to anything as
an ARRL contest multiplier until Nov SS.
From: WG9L
To: jcain
Subject: Re: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
Date: Thursday, October 12, 1995 9:53PM
Return-Path: <WG9L at aol.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 21:53:37 -0400
From: <WG9L at aol.com>
Message-ID: <951012215336_43237216 at emout06.mail.aol.com>
To: jcain at arrl.org
Subject: Re: New ARRL Section multipler starting June 1996
If the new rule goes into effect on Jan 01, 1996, then won't Field day be
affected ??
73's, Bob WG9L...
>From Cain, Jim, K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org Mon Oct 16 13:19:00 1995
From: Cain, Jim, K1TN" <jcain at arrl.org (Cain, Jim, K1TN)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 08:19:00 EDT
Subject: nny
Message-ID: <30824E1C at arrl.org>
>From the minutes of the latest meeting of the
ARRL Executive Committee. -- JC, Senior Editor/News Editor.
8.5. On motion of Mr. Mendelsohn, effective January 1, 1996, the Northern
New York section of the ARRL was created, encompassing the following
counties formerly a part of the Western New York section: Jefferson, Lewis,
St. Lawrence, Franklin, Essex, Clinton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery,
Fulton, Schoharie, and Otsego.
From: James Janack
To: jcain
Subject: nny
Date: Thursday, October 12, 1995 9:31PM
Return-Path: <n2jj at ix.netcom.com>
Date: Thu, 12 Oct 1995 21:31:17 -0700
Message-Id: <199510130431.VAA28661 at ix3.ix.netcom.com>
From: James Janack <n2jj at ix.netcom.com>
Subject: nny
To: jcain at arrl.org
Hi Jim,
Am curious as to what counties will be making up new NNY section.
Any info?
73, Jim N2JJ
>From James Brooks" <9v1yc at equator.lugs.po.my Mon Oct 16 11:55:00 1995
From: James Brooks" <9v1yc at equator.lugs.po.my (James Brooks)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 10:55:00 +0000
Subject: 40m SSB Intruders
Message-ID: <30822bf7.equator at equator.lugs.po.my>
> There are som SSB activity on th 40 mtr CW band that I haven't
> heard previous years and I wounder I anyone out there know what
> it might be. They seem to use channels spaced 5 kHz starting
> at 7000 and I've heard it up to 7020 so far. The lingo sounds
> like indonesian but I'm not sure, beamheading is ok for YB-land
> anyway. Will be a mess operating contest down there with all
> that crud. Anybody with info ?
> 73 de Jim SM2EKM email: jeh%kiona.dnet at hk.mobitel.telia.se
It IS Indonesian, it is EVERYWHERE from 7000 to about 7060,
and it has been there for about 8 years, only now it is
gone from bad to impossible. 40m CW is just about unusable
from this end. 20m SSB even has radiotelephone traffic (commerical)
from enterprising YB-pirates operating services out of drilling centers
on Kalimantan for the oil companies.
We here in Singapore are only 12km from the nearest Indonesian province
and 40m CW is totally wrecked, as is 10Mhz and 144mhz. The band
is completely covered with these pirate operators, and the Indonesian
government refuses to tackle the problem, citing other more
important concerns. EVERY SINGLE freqency from 144.0 to 148.0 is occupied
by inter-island communications, and non-stop chat groups are scattered
every 3 khz on 40m. WWVH is a joke to even try to hear, as 10.000MHZ
is a major net group now.
By the way, anyone who thinks this can be solved by any amateur
radio groups is mistaken as this issue has been brought up at every
region 3 IARU conference with no success. It is way out of control now/
This problem can be a lesson to any country in the world with
a neighboring nation that doesn't care to police its frequencies.
James 9V1YC
>From Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com> Mon Oct 16 13:47:05 1995
From: Tony Brock-Fisher <fisher at hp-and2.an.hp.com> (Tony Brock-Fisher)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:47:05 -0400
Subject: Returned mail: Host unknown
Message-ID: <9510161247.AA04935 at hp-and2.an.hp.com>
I tried to download the latest CT to test this, but the version I got
crashes. 9.20 DOES work. I'll keep trying to get a new download -
if I can ever get through the busy signal at 8877.
-Tony, K1KP, fisher at hp-and.an.hp.com
>From ryansci at sunbelt.net (Stephen Reichlyn) Mon Oct 16 14:05:48 1995
From: ryansci at sunbelt.net (Stephen Reichlyn) (Stephen Reichlyn)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:05:48 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: 1995 CQWW SSB
My friend, Gay, N4SF, and I will be operating from the heights above
Tintagel, North Cornwall, England, for this year's CQWW SSB test. We will be
multi-single and are using my call G0/AA4V on all bands. Please try to drop
by to say hello if you hear us. 73
Steve AA4V
>From Tom Morrison <t.morrison at liant.com> Mon Oct 16 09:41:00 1995
From: Tom Morrison <t.morrison at liant.com> (Tom Morrison)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 8:41:00
Subject: Contest rules not in QST
Message-ID: <9510161351.AB25331 at rmc.liant.com>
Dick Dievendorff writes:
"It's my belief that contesting is perhaps over-represented in QST, if you
read the results of surveys of QST readers. We are a vocal minority, and
we've been getting more than our share year after year."
While your's is a voice of reason, Dick, consider also that this "vocal
minority" is in the "spending majority" that helps to move a lot of
advertising pages.
I hope that QST _never_ becomes representative of the inactive
majority, of which I am a (somewhat unwilling) member.
73, Tom
Tom Morrison, T.Morrison at liant.com
Relativity (div. Liant Software)
512-719-7019 FAX:512-719-7070 WWW: http://www.liant.com/
>From n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) Mon Oct 16 15:01:58 1995
From: n2ic at drmail.dr.att.com (LondonSM) (LondonSM)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:01:58 -0600
Subject: nny
References: <30824E1C at arrl.org>
Message-ID: <9510160802.ZM3419 at dr.att.com>
On Oct 16, 8:19am, Cain, Jim, K1TN wrote:
> >From the minutes of the latest meeting of the
> ARRL Executive Committee. -- JC, Senior Editor/News Editor.
> 8.5. On motion of Mr. Mendelsohn, effective January 1, 1996, the Northern
> New York section of the ARRL was created, encompassing the following
> counties formerly a part of the Western New York section: Jefferson, Lewis,
> St. Lawrence, Franklin, Essex, Clinton, Hamilton, Herkimer, Montgomery,
> Fulton, Schoharie, and Otsego.
> ----------
Wow ! I smell a rare SS multiplier here. About the only fair size city is
Utica. I would be surprised if the total number of General class and higher
hams is more than 500. Anyone want to check their previous SS logs and the
callbook for WNY and ENY QSO's that fall into one of these counties ?
Steve London, N2IC/0
n2ic at dr.att.com
P.S. How many square inches of valuable QST space will be needed for the NNY
section news ?
>From Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org Mon Oct 16 15:18:00 1995
From: Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW" <gswanson at arrl.org (Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 10:18:00 EDT
Subject: A challenge to contesters...
Message-ID: <30826D43 at arrl.org>
Here are some POSITIVE replies to my challenge to contesters.
The call signs (save one that is referred to) have been modified
since these were sent to me direct. It's the sentiments expressed
that really count! Have fun during JOTA 1995, and THANKS!
73! Glenn, KB1GW
jota at arrl.org
>1) Invite some Scouts over to your killer CONTEST station for the
> Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) next weekend. (Might be a good
> shakedown cruise for CQWW the following weekend...).
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Listen for (N7 - - -) with a dozen or so girl scouts this year. I agree
that we
need to do something interesting with kids. JOTA, School Roundup, Field
Day, SAREX.... all naturally exciting for the kids, and incidentally, for
big guys too.
Thanks for the encouragement. (N7 - - -)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Check out (W5 - -) in 2A FD results! Exactly as you point out, give them a
chance, show them how its done and let them have fun....Look at the results!
We had 6 of our 12 ops were KC5's (new novices and no-codes) They ran the
novice station which made over 500 Q's! and all the vhf/uhf stuff!
73 (K - 5 - - -)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Thanks, Glenn. This information is exactly what I needed.
73, (K - 4 - - -)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My wife, (K - 6 - - -), just showed me your article in the June 1995 QST.
I am going to try and find someone locally, probably Simi Valley since I
heard they participate in JOTA...
volunteer scout leader
Ventura County Council, B.S.A.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Greetings from the Land of the Morning Calm!
We are getting ready to participate in JOTA here at Osan Air Base,
South Korea. If our license has been approved, listen for HL9BSO (at Osan)
and HL9BSA (at Yongsan Army Garrison) on the air!
73, (N0 - - -)/HL9
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Hi Glenn - Good timing! I have the Cub Scout den over at my place next
weekend. Might change the program a little bit to take advantage of the
73, (N0 - -)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Great idea: I usually have the scouts over here to my modest shack.
When Frank, W3LPL, heard, he immediately offered his super station
for the event.
Although our turnout is usually small (many troops have a camping or hiking
event that weekend, too). We will have fun, promote amateur radio, and maybe
recruit a few new contesters!
It is a blast for me, too, to watch the kids' (we get both GSA and BSA
involved) eyes light up when we work the world headquarters
or even when we pull up a welcome message planted in our packet
cluster mailbox and addressed to the troop....And every year so far, at
least one person has completed their license requirements after visiting for
JOTA. Contesting is fun!!
73 (N - 3 -)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
"Contesting" sure is fun !! --Glenn, KB1GW
>From rwerner at usit.net (Robert Werner, Jr.) Mon Oct 16 16:29:54 1995
From: rwerner at usit.net (Robert Werner, Jr.) (Robert Werner, Jr.)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:29:54 -0400
Subject: ftp file server for contests
Message-ID: <199510161529.LAA01509 at use.usit.net>
There is an anonymous FTP site available to download all the forms and rules
for all ARRL contests.
FTP to OAK.OAKLAND.EDU logon as anonymous with your email as password.
The path for all the forms and rules is:
rules have a .rls ending, and forms have a .frm ending.
I hope this is usefull information.
73 es gud luck in the contest.
Bob Werner
UTK Help Desk
rwerner at usit.net
rwerner at utk.edu
>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu Mon Oct 16 16:51:35 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 10:51:35 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: N6AA-completed
Message-ID: <199510161551.KAA10096 at ecom2.ecn.bgu.edu>
N6AA in CQWW CW. At least these are his single-ops where
listed! This doesn't count efforts where he was a multi-op
nor anything before 1974!
KH6RS 2738904 3157 123 171 W6DGH 74 Zone 31
YV4AGP 2816094 2752 101 245 W6DGH 75 Zone 9
9Y4VT 3438644 3400 93 248 W6DGH 76
9Y4VT 4697304 3992 122 275 N6AA 77
N6AA 753280 843 118 202 78 Zone 3
9Y4VT 3769259 3152 117 286 N6AA 79
9Y4VT 6116945 4505 128 329 N6AA 80
9Y4VT 5803776 4288 133 325 N6AA 81
9Y4VT 6929450 4927 131 342 N6AA 82
9Y4VT 7153434 4961 127 359 N6AA 83
9Y4VT 5595040 4290 124 316 N6AA 84
EA9IE 5731360 4252 113 339 N6AA 85 Zone 33
9Y4VT 8191246 5099 146 396 N6AA 86
9Q5NW 7586300 4768 150 385 N6AA 87 Zone 36
SU1ER 6134568 4519 124 332 N6AA 88 Zone 34
TU4B 6668200 4097 152 398 N6AA 89 Zone 35
FR5DX 5788041 3737 153 366 N6AA 90 Zone 39
4S7/N6AA 3567320 2805 143 362 N6AA 91 Zone 22
A61AC 5847840 3736 148 410 N6AA 92 Zone 21
7Q7OO 7173846 4630 134 388 N6AA 93 Zone 37
VK8TM 3475170 2830 135 287 N6AA 94 Zonw 29
Added 1978 and 1991! 80,740 total QSOs.
73, Dave Patton, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
>From H. L. Serra" <hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu Mon Oct 16 16:59:42 1995
From: H. L. Serra" <hlserra at pwa.acusd.edu (H. L. Serra)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 08:59:42 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: SS CW Dates
Message-ID: <Pine.3.89.9510160815.A4243-0100000 at pwa.acusd.edu>
Anyone know exact SS CW weekend date? (I'm in ofc and don't have QST here.)
73, Larry N6AZE
>From George Cook <george at epix.net> Mon Oct 16 17:07:15 1995
From: George Cook <george at epix.net> (George Cook)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 12:07:15 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: PA QSO Party Pre-Lims
Message-ID: <Pine.SUN.3.91.951016120214.11805E-100000 at peach.epix.net>
Call used: AA3JU Location: NHA
Category: Multi-Multi Unlimited Mode: MIXED Power: 1500
Callsign of Operator: AA3JU
If multi-operator, show calls of all operators and loggers:
Exchanged Information: AA3JU nr NHA
Hours of Operation: 99:59
band CW QSOs CW pts SSB QSOs SSB pts
160 29 58 42 42
80 170 340 229 229
40 158 237 457 457
20 78 117 494 494
15 1 1.5 4 4
10 2 3 45 45
2 0 0 80 fm 80
.70 0 0 10 fm 10
TOTAL 438 756.5 1371 1371
( 2,127.5 ) QSO points X ( 143 ) Multipliers = 304,235.5 points
W3YA Bonus = 800 points
TOTAL = 305,035.5 points
Club or Team Name: DLARC
High Lites: Running Europians for hours on end in a stateside test
Running west coast guys for more hours on 20 meters. Left
a pileup 40 deep at the end of the test. Working Alaska at
21:58 Sunday for a final mult. Having the whole team and
my whole family including the 2 German shepards in my
bedroom at 22:15 waiting for the first preliminary score.
Low Lites: RF into computers hopelessly locking them up. Interstation
interference that required running one of the stations from
the driveway in a car. And fixing that blasted 160 meter
antenna in the driving rain!!!!!!!
Radios: Kenwood TS 940, Kenwood TS 930, Kenwood 613, Icom IC-761,
Ten Tec Scout, Icom IC-275 and an Alinco 580 Hand held!
Amps: Henry 2K Classic-X, Drake L4-B, Amp Supply
Antennas: 160 Folded Dipole
80 2, 2 element wire Yaggis
40 Dipole, Loop
20 Gem Quad, Groundplane, 5 el wire yaggi
15 Ground plane, Gem Quad
10 Antron 99
2 14 el Cushcraft
440 Rubber ducky on the HT
Internal power supplied by copious amounts of Kim Chee and Hot Bolognas.
Canine protection by Jill the snack hound and Zalla the Hairless
* George Cook AA3JU Bangor, PA FN21 *
* george at peach.epix.net AA3JU at N3IQD.EPA.USA.NA *
* If you're not FRC remember:............... *
* .......There's no shame in being 2nd best! *
>From rwerner at usit.net (Robert Werner, Jr.) Mon Oct 16 17:02:09 1995
From: rwerner at usit.net (Robert Werner, Jr.) (Robert Werner, Jr.)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 12:02:09 -0400
Subject: Woops!
Message-ID: <199510161602.MAA03177 at use.usit.net>
I forgot an important part of the ftp path.
The path should read: pub3/hamradio/arrl/infoserver/contests
Sri about the typo.
Bob Werner
UTK Help Desk
rwerner at usit.net
rwerner at utk.edu
>From David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu Mon Oct 16 17:09:01 1995
From: David C. Patton" <mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu (David C. Patton)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:09:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: NNY and other new possibilities?
Message-ID: <199510161609.LAA12621 at ecom2.ecn.bgu.edu>
The institution of NNY as yet another NY ARRL section reminded me of
a thought I have had every year at SS time: How or when do these new
sections come to life? Population/member-based issue, political
issue, or some sort of gerrymandering?
It seems that Illinois should long ago have been split into at least
North and South Illinois.
73, Dave, WX3N
mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
>From George McCrary <geo at nando.net> Mon Oct 16 17:58:25 1995
From: George McCrary <geo at nando.net> (George McCrary)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 12:58:25 EDT
Subject: Contest software recomendations?
Message-ID: <9510161658.AA05558 at merlin.nando.net>
Hi Folks,
I've decided to try a not serious effort in the CQWW SSB and/or CW
contests this year. Since I'm not even a little pistol and am not sure that
I will try this again, spending 50 to 100 bucks on software to use once or
twice is out of the question.
Any advice on shareware or freeware. I've seen that an old shareware
version of CT is available, but the countries list is very out of date, can
this list be updated?
Any advice, recommendations would be appreciated.
73 DE KQ4QM (George)
>From peterj at netcom.com (Peter Jennings) Mon Oct 16 17:33:56 1995
From: peterj at netcom.com (Peter Jennings) (Peter Jennings)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 09:33:56 -0700
Subject: Voice Keyer PCBs
Message-ID: <199510161633.JAA26162 at netcom10.netcom.com>
I guess the price was right. All 50 voice keyer PC boards
are spoken for and will be mailed this morning.
-- peterj at netcom.com
URL: http://mall.turnpike.net/~jc/
Stereograms - Shareware - Amateur Radio - WWW Camera Map - Delphi Mysteries
>From Fred Cady <cady at mainman.ee.montana.edu> Mon Oct 16 18:56:03 1995
From: Fred Cady <cady at mainman.ee.montana.edu> (Fred Cady)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:56:03 -0600
Subject: SS stations in Atlanta?
Message-ID: <199510161756.LAA04126 at mainman.ee.montana.edu>
Gotta go to a conference in Atlanta 1 Nov and have to stay over Saturday
night. Does anybody in the Atlanta area need or want an op for SS saturday
night? Or just want to get together for a hamburger and beer?
Fred KE7X
Fred Cady (ieefc at msu.oscs.montana.edu)
>From km9p at is.net (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) Mon Oct 16 18:50:33 1995
From: km9p at is.net (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.) (Bill Fisher, KM9P Concentric Systems, Inc.)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 13:50:33 -0400
Subject: Generator experts?
Message-ID: <199510161750.NAA14174 at mail1.is.net>
I'm getting ready for my first efforts off the Honda 5KW generator. Anyone
have any timely advise that might help me from debugging a problem the day
of the contest?
Bill Fisher, KM9P - Concentric Systems, Inc.
>From Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com Mon Oct 16 19:27:42 1995
From: Dick Dievendorff" <dieven at almaden.ibm.com (Dick Dievendorff)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 11:27:42 -0700
Subject: Survey results: Partial corrected calls
Message-ID: <9510161127.ZM22275 at penguin.almaden.ibm.com>
On October 9 I posed this query:
How much do you send when correcting an incomplete or busted call?
On CW, my relatively recent practice has been:
Him: K1ABC
Me: K2ABC 5NN3
or on SSB:
Him: (garble) ABC
Me: ending ABC, 59 3
Him: K1ABC 59 5
Me: K1, thanks, QRZ?
But one contester I greatly respect abbreviates this still further, as:
Him: (garble) ABC
Me: ABC, 59 3
Him: K1ABC 59 5
What's your practice? Do you send the entire corrected call, the part you
missed, or just invite the next QSO?
I received 37 responses:
First, what is the minimum exchange permitted by the regulatory authority and
by the contest rules?
The FCC wants YOUR call, not the call of the station you're working, so there's
no requirement from the FCC's perspective to utter the other station's call all
in one transmission. (I verified this with the ARRL's Regulatory Branch). Of
course if I operate outside the US, I must comply with the local regulations.
FCC regulations mean little outside the United States. (Argument on this point
to me directly please, not the reflector).
The contest rules may not require the sending of the other station's call.
CQP, for example, says that the exchange is a serial number and county or
the sending of the other station's call isn't a required part of the exchange.
Other contests differ. Few contest rules say that the callsign must be sent all
at once.
About half of the respondents agreed with my new practice, responding with the
part of the call that was omitted or busted suffices, and it is quicker.
Another half felt it important to respond with a full call, many for pragmatic
reasons. It doesn't speed things up much if you have to go back AGAIN to
someone who isn't sure you have his call correct because you came back with a
partial correction.
A smaller group indicated that "it depends" on rate, perceived skill level at
the other end, and/or signal strengths. If you're sure that the op at the
end will understand what's happening, you can make it very brief.
N6TR, and KA9FOX agreed with my new practice; send what I've missed or blown.
and NI6T think that sending the entire call is more appropriate or is required.
CT's CORRECT feature will send the entire call. TRLOG can send either the
entire call or the corrected portion, based on your preference.
WN4KKN, WX9E, KI5EZ, K7GM, K1VR, K5ZD, and VK5GN gave more involved "it
depends" responses. On CW, send the entire call. Maybe "ROGER, K1" is enough
on SSB.
But unless the rate is high, it doesn't matter much, so you might as well send
the entire call.
W2UP used to not send any corrections, (my third example), but isn't entirely
sure he wants to continue that because others bust HIS call.
No one thought it a good idea to skip acknowledging the correction, as in my
third example. One admitted to using this technique with contesters that
they're confident will understand, but not as a general case.
The net is, the station at the other end must be confident enough that his call
is in my log that he won't call again to hear his entire call.
Once again, thanks to those that participated in my survey. I now know better
how to read the rules, and I may change my practice, probably to the "it
depends" category, depending on the contest rules and rate. If I can remember
in the heat of battle!
Best regards to all.
Dick Dievendorff, AA6MC
>From ericr at access.digex.net (Eric Rosenberg) Mon Oct 16 19:51:31 1995
From: ericr at access.digex.net (Eric Rosenberg) (Eric Rosenberg)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 1995 14:51:31 -0400
Subject: NNY and other new possibilities?
Message-ID: <199510161851.OAA19274 at access5.digex.net>
Those of us in the District of Columbia have been interested in forming (at
least for contest
purposes) a separate section for quite some time. It would appear that the
legislative status of the District (we are *not* a state -- we don't have a
voting member of Congress, only a delegate) would be in our favor.
Apparently this is not the case!
At 11:09 AM 10/16/95 -0500, David C. Patton wrote:
>The institution of NNY as yet another NY ARRL section reminded me of
>a thought I have had every year at SS time: How or when do these new
>sections come to life? Population/member-based issue, political
>issue, or some sort of gerrymandering?
>It seems that Illinois should long ago have been split into at least
>North and South Illinois.
>73, Dave, WX3N
>mudcp3 at uxa.ecn.bgu.edu
Eric Rosenberg, WD3Q ericr at access.digex.net
Washington, DC wd3q at amsat.org
>From Danley, Tad" <Tad.Danley at dialcall.com Mon Oct 16 15:46:00 1995
From: Danley, Tad" <Tad.Danley at dialcall.com (Danley, Tad)
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 95 10:46:00 EDT
Subject: PA QSO Party -- NZ3I
Message-ID: <3082AE13 at alcnwgw1>
My results from the Pennsylvania QSO Party last weekend:
Band: QSOs:
80 66
40 107
20 10
Totals: 183 Qs, 55 multipliers (Counties), 10,465 points -- operated
about 10 of the 22 hours in the contest.
Equipment: IC-765 barefoot, windom type antenna at 25 feet and NA v9.12
This is a fun contest! It was great to work some people from my home town
(Pittsburgh). I think the State QSO Parties are a great way to introduce
hams to contesting because of the rates involved. They are also wonderful
for hams relatively new to contesting (like me!) to help build their
contesting skills. Maybe a contester in each County could use their State
QSO Party as an opportunity to introduce someone to contesting each year.
That would be a great way to grow our ranks and Elmer the new people for
good contest operating at the same time. I certainly appreciate all the
guys who have helped me along the way!
73, Tad, NZ3I
tad.danley at dialcall.com
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