Hornet's Nest of Controversy...
n0dh at comtch.iea.com
n0dh at comtch.iea.com
Wed Oct 18 21:25:13 EDT 1995
Somethings about WASP's I have learned over the years which may help.
They become relatively docile at night and they are all "on the nest" at that
time, also
since it is much cooler they are more sluggish and will not "swarm" in the
Here is a possible plan, proceed at your own risk!
1) Put on some protective clothing, including Hat , gloves, medium wieght coat
etc. A
piece of fine netting over the hat and your head tucked in the jacket collar
would be a nice touch.
2) Well after dark climb the tower shine the light on the WASPS at the last
minute,spray quickly with your Bug spray, then quickly turn off the light.
3) At this point WAIT ! If you climb down now the dying WASPs will likely fall
on you.
Just stay put and be very still for about 2 minutes.
4) Turn on the light again quickly after 2 minutes check for survivors . 2nd
sparying as required. If they are all gone then quickly pull down the nest
and carefully climb down.
I have used this approach for hornet and yellow jacket nests in eves and trees
with success.
Thee only thing I dont like is having you climb the tower in the dark but it
is the only time that I know they will all be there and they will be
relatively inactive.
You could also wait till this winter then the problem will solve itself
>From s974878 at umslvma.umsl.edu (KC9AL) Wed Oct 18 22:56:03 1995
From: s974878 at umslvma.umsl.edu (KC9AL) (KC9AL)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 15:56:03 -0600
Subject: Henry 2k-3 mods
Message-ID: <v01520d00acab26dcb238@[]>
I am interested in any modifications for the old Henry 2K-3.
Especially a mod for 160. I understand that there is a schematic for a 160
mod floating around out there. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
It already has a step start delay circuit .
This is the old floor model with 3-500's and a 3kv supply. I would
be happy to send an SASE for any mod plans.
Thanks....Bill Thomas KC9AL
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Audio Visual Helpers 214 Lucas Hall
Phone 6183
>From aa4lr at radio.org (Bill Coleman AA4LR) Wed Oct 18 21:59:14 1995
From: aa4lr at radio.org (Bill Coleman AA4LR) (Bill Coleman AA4LR)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 16:59:14 -0400
Subject: 40m SSB Intruders, 40 meter digimodes, etc.
Message-ID: <v01520d01acab1779d97c@[]>
>As for the digital modes in 40 meters and SSB at the low end, etc., this
>has long been a topic which generates considerable heat at IARU Region 2
>Conferences and the situation was no different at the recent IARU Region
>2 Conference at Niagara Falls. Latin American SSB operators consider
>7050-7100 their prime DX territory and don't appreciate digital stations
>from North America sitting there wiping out their DX QSO's. However they
>also complained about their own SSB rag chew nets operating in the same
>area. Basically the Conference agreed to try to get SSB and digital
>traffic between stations in Region 2 (North, Central and South America
>and the Caribbean) moved up above 7100 KHz. during the hours of darkness
>so that the area below 7100 can be left for communications between Region
>2 and Regions 1 and 3.
Yeah, right. Just make sure that all the SW broadcasting in Regions 1 and 3
stays within the Region 1 or 3 boundaries.
7100-7150 kHz is pretty sparsely populated with hams at night. Sure, that's
the Novice segment, but digital modes are permitted there. The reason it is
underused is simple -- all the Region 1 SW Broadcast Interference. Why slug
it out with Megawatt signals above 7100 kHz when 7000-7100 kHz is
40m is just too small. In Region 1 it is truely tiny. What we need is a 40m
expansion of our Primary allocation in all regions. Then a lot of these
problems would be ameliorated, if not eliminated. Otherwise, everyone just
as to tough it out.
Bill Coleman, AA4LR Mail: aa4lr at radio.org
Quote: "The same light shines on vineyards that makes deserts." -- Steve
>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) Thu Oct 19 00:01:42 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:01:42 -0400
Subject: Bandpass Filter Control
Message-ID: <199510182301.TAA12715 at cais.cais.com>
>I've asked this question on what I thought was the NA Reflector but got no
>answers. (Is there really an NA Reflector?) Perhaps some one can help.
>I have managed to get N6TR's software to control (via LPT) the Top Ten
>Devices decoder switching a Dunestar BPF on the output of my Yaesu. The BCD
>information is on pins
>2,7,8 & 9. All seems to work as expected.
>My question is about the use of NA to provide the BCD output to the Top Ten
>Box. Do I simply use LPT pins 2,3,4 & 5 when running NA? Or is there more to
>it? No mention is made in either the Top Ten manual or the Dunestar manual.
>I hope to get any answer before attempting to build yet another
>cable/adapter. (Did anyone ever tally up the number of separate cables,
>connectors, adapters, etc. that "computers" have added to the "radio station"
>....and they call this wireless!)
>Also, my Ver. 8 CT manual says nothing about controlling switches via LPT
>port. Yet Top Ten says the feature appeared with Ver. 8.38....so CT Ver. 8.52
>ought to do it. If so how do I enable the feature when use CT?
>Any help would be appreciated. PLEASE direct relpies to me, NOT the
>Reflector. Tnx!
>73, Joe W5ASP
>jasstaples at aol.com
I used to do the band select that way, but a far better way with the band data
radio output available, is to use IT to drive the Top Ten box...It's totally
foolproof, NA proof, and CT proof! The best part is that it works FULL
TIME! So you dont have to run a program to get your Top Ten driven stuff
to work...
73, Tyler KF3P
"...working smarter, not harder!"
>From kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) Thu Oct 19 00:01:51 1995
From: kf3p at cais.cais.com (Tyler Stewart) (Tyler Stewart)
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 1995 19:01:51 -0400
Subject: CQ WW SSB Tip
Message-ID: <199510182301.TAA12739 at cais.cais.com>
>Credit this gem to N6AA:
>Fi Ni is much easier to say than Five Nine and sounds the same over
>the air. Cuts down on fatique.
>Have fun!!
>Tree N6TR
>tree at cmicro.com
So from zone 9 that's Fi Ni Ni!
and zone 8 is Fi Ni Ay!
We should shorten the acknowledgement from Thanks! to Tha!..or maybe just
grunt a little...
73 es GL, Tyler KF3P > V26B
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