Hornet's Nest of Controversy...

JPontek at aol.com JPontek at aol.com
Thu Oct 19 12:00:49 EDT 1995

I hope you are correct in identifying the buggers as wasp. If so, there are
some very effective sprays that shoot a very long distance, some do 25 feet
on the first few shots. These sprays shoot a stream, not the normal household
shotgun spray, but a stream. It lasts awhile on the nest, so late returners
get their due reward. Wear goggles to keep it out of the eyes, dropping wasps
are dead, go back later with a stick and knock the nest out. Good Luck,

73, K8Joe"Palooka"
jpontek at aol.com

>From i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it (Fabio I4UFH)  Thu Oct 19 16:07:02 1995
From: i4ufh at contest.dsnet.it (Fabio I4UFH) (Fabio I4UFH)
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 1995 16:07:02 +0100
Subject: CQWW 160 m Activity !!!
Message-ID: <9510191507.AA27227 at maggiore.dsnet.it>

I send this message for my friend I4JMY :

                         1995 WWDX SSB CONTEST 

The station IR4T (op. I4JMY) will be active as single op. single band 
during the phone section of the Contest in the "Top Band" ( 160 m. ). 

New antennas, as the updated 2 El. Yagi 60m. over ground for East West 
direction and a new designed array for short and medium range contacts 
beamed to northern Europe, will be used.

Try to call when you listen ! Even if you haven't 160 m. antenna it will 
be possible to be heard ! Use ( tune up ) anything You have, dipoles for 
other bands as they are or as T antennas, verticals and so on. 
Just wait for the good moment....QRM is heavy sometimes.

IR4T sunrise will be at 05:45 UTC while sunset at 17:15 UTC.

Anyway check a little before and after the times of sunset and sunrise, 
Yours and IR4T , indicated above, but also consider the following notes......

Experience has shown that signals from North America are stronger at 
your sunset and (better) from 04:15 to 05:30 UTC.

The same is valid for South America with high possibility of longer 
propagation until 6:00 UTC and sometimes after.

Openings for Central America are much longer starting before 04:30 
and lasting up 06:30 UTC.

For Asia and VKs the best moment was noticed to be 30 minutes 
to one hour before local sunrise.

Keep in mind that propagation on the 160m band can fluctuate and 
best moments can be postponed or placed earlier than predicted, 
easily up to one hour.

QSB is marked and slow, if the signal goes down DON'T give up !! 
Even if the signal is totally disappeared (or You haven't been heard 
any more) good conditions, even better than before, can be on again 
within few minutes. This fact can repeat several times before  
that propagation goes away !

Depending on QRM the frequency can be any between 1830 and 1850 KHz 
with particular attention to 1839-1841 and 1830 KHz.

Any of You is very much welcome. Call, please, and see You for a good 5/9.
Good Luck and have fun on CQWW.

73's to everyone of You  de IR4T.

P.S. QSL Manager for IR4T is IK4IEE.
        Spreading out of this info will be appreciateted

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