KA2AEV at aol.com KA2AEV at aol.com
Sun Oct 22 12:02:33 EDT 1995

The Frankford Radio Club members of Team Antigua are once 
again pleased to announce that they will activate The Island 
of Antigua <NA-100> as V26B in 1995.  Our primary goal is to 
be active during the CQWW International SSB Contest on October 
28th & 29th, 1995.  We will be entering the Multi-operator, 
Multi-transmitter catagory as V26B, with operation on all 
bands during the contest period.

"Team" members will be active on various bands and modes both 
before and after the competition period as time permits. We 
will be making special efforts to be active on the WARC Bands, 
160 meters as well as some satellite operations.  KF3P and WT3Q 
will be making special efforts to be as active on RTTY as time 

Team Antigua would especially like to thank V21AN, V21AR, V21BF, 
and V21C for all of their assistance and for showing us the true 
meaning of Antigian Hospitality.

The Members of Team Antigua are:
V26A     Dale Long         N3BNA      QSL VIA WB3DNA
V26B     Sam Harner        WT3Q       QSL VIA WT3Q
V26DX    Doug Priest       N3ADL      QSL VIA N3ADL
V26E     Darrell Neron     AB2E       QSL VIA AB2E
V26R     Mike Samanka      KA2AEV     QSL VIA KA2AEV
V26T     Dick Ballou       K3MQH      QSL VIA K3MQH
V26U     Bill Hudzik       WA2UDT     QSL VIA WA2UDT
         Tyler Stewart     KF3P       V2 Call unknown at this time
         Tony Kazmakites   WB2P       V2 Call unknown at this time
         Bob Naumann       KR2J       V2 Call unknown at this time

These are the only operators I can confirm at this point. There  
possibly will be some additions made.

In addition,  Team Antigua is offering two oportunities to earn an
award. During the CQWW Contest period.  If you work V26B on 10 
meters thru 75 meters. You will automatically qualify for a 
certificate of appreciation.  But if you work V26B on all of the 
competiton bands, 10 meters thru 160 meters, you will automatically 
qualify for an extra special certificate of appreciation from 
Team Antigua.  To receive these awards, just submit your QSL 
requests for V26B to WT3Q for processing!

The members of Team Antigua look forward to working everyone 
possible. Please remember to Spot us on your local Dx Cluster 
during the contest period. So everyone who would want to try 
for our certificates will be able to!

If you need any additional information. Please feel free to 
contact myself at:

Packet:   KA2AEV @ NY2S.#NLI.NY.USA.NA


>From David Strasz <wt3h at leba.net>  Sun Oct 22 20:32:04 1995
From: David Strasz <wt3h at leba.net> (David Strasz)
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 1995 15:32:04 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Worked-All-Germany Rules?
Message-ID: <Pine.BSI.3.90.951022152714.23070A-100000 at fig.leba.net>

Looking for the rules for the W.A.G. contest held this weekend.  Worked 
the contest but not sure what to do with log, where to mail it, scoring,
etc.  Any help appreciated.
Not a big effort:  57 QSOs and 23 multipliers all on 20 CW & SSB
Tnx agn de dave wt3h

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