CQWW SSB Dxpeditions

John A. Ross, IV wb2k at ritz.mordor.com
Mon Oct 23 05:36:04 EDT 1995

Please add the following to the list of DX-peditions for CQWW SSB
JT1Z     Firm   Multi-Op   N6AA / N6ZZ

73, John

John A. Ross, IV  - WB2K / VE2QRZ [Zone 2]  (wb2k at ritz.mordor.com)
Summit, New Jersey
Contest DXpedition Registry ---------> http://www.mordor.com/wb2k

>From Bill Turner <wrt at eskimo.com>  Mon Oct 23 01:32:40 1995
From: Bill Turner <wrt at eskimo.com> (Bill Turner)
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 00:32:40 +0000
Subject: Neat keyboard software
Message-ID: <199510230732.AAA27579 at mail.eskimo.com>

I recently came across a great little program which allows you to do some 
keyboard enhancements to any DOS-based program.  I have used it on my RTTY
contesting program (RTTY by WF1B) and will be using it on my other contest 
programs soon.

Basically, it is a TSR (terminate-and-stay-resident) program which allows you
to change the keys on your keyboard to send something other than their normal
letter or character.  In fact, it can easily be set to send a text message
as well, or any combination of keys such as ALT-K.  All you do is run the 
program immediately before starting your other program and the operation is
completely automatic.  When you're done with the other program, you just issue
a simple command and your keyboard is back to normal.  Rebooting also returns 
your keyboard to normal.  

The program is called KEYSWAP and is available by ftp from oak.oakland.edu in 
the SimTel/msdos/keyboard/ directory.  The filename is keyswp12.zip, and best
of all... it's free!!  Not even shareware, completely free.  

I used it to replace several two-handed keystrokes such as ALT-K or ALT-E with
a single key.  Of course, you need to choose your keys carefully -- you want 
ones you normally don't use during a contest, such as ] or \.  You can also
use two-handed ones if you want.  For instance, I used several of the SHIFT-F 
keys for text messages such as "YOU'RE NOT IN MY LOG -- WHEN DID WE WORK?"
Handy for when you get those dupe messages that shouldn't be, and so on.
Use your imagination!!  You can even embed the transmit command in the text
so you don't even have to do that.  Works like a charm.

To achieve the height of laziness, I wrote a small batch file which loads
KEYSWAP, starts my contest program, and unloads KEYSWAP when I'm done.  That
way KEYSWAP is only active while running the contest program.  Nifty.  Will
be glad to provide details to anyone interested.

A word of caution, though:  The documentation that comes in the zip file is 
very good, but a certain amount of basic DOS knowledge is required.  It isn't 
plug 'n play by any means, but if you can handle the Internet, you can
handle this.  

The usual disclaimers apply:  no commercial connection, blah, blah.  (How could
there be -- it's free!)

Have fun and let me know how you like it.  And let the author know, too.

73, Bill  W7LZP
wrt at eskimo.com

>From aa4nu at raider.raider.net (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU])  Mon Oct 23 07:52:30 1995
From: aa4nu at raider.raider.net (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU]) (Bill W. Cox [AA4NU])
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 1995 01:52:30 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Stacks-Do U Turn the LOWER Ant(s) ?
Message-ID: <m0t7GkM-000FOGC at raider.raider.net>

OK ... Get the latest catalog (very quickly) from Force 12 this week.

Flip to the page with the C3XL info ... mnn ... yea... mnn .. YES !

What's this .... turning radius ... O NOooooo ... It's the same as the
204ba I had up before that would HIT the guys ... That was one of the
reasons I went es downsized so I could swing the bottom antenna for
about 300 degrees or so ... mn ... this is progress ? :*) 

????? Do YOU rotate YOUR lower antenna(s) in YOUR "stacks" ?????

Yea or Nea ???? es why ?

I've found for most stateside tests, I keep the stack 'split' with
the bottom antenna at 60 degress anyway, and the Upper one pointed
West ... The other tower/antenna stays pointed at SA/Carib so I hit 
a switch rather than turn an antenna ... works FB ... For JA, the
Upper alone seems best ... so the Lower being FIXED at 60 degrees is not 
a real loser ... or is it ? KISS rules here, but I'm interested in
other's real world knowledge on this ....

BTW... So far everyone who has responded to the C3XL query seems pleased.

73 Bill AA4NU (aa4nu at raider.raider.net)

"This is No antenna PROBLEM, it's a antenna OPPORTUNITY, yea .. right !"

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