Swan Mark II troubleshooting

Randy Powell ad274 at lafn.org
Tue Oct 24 08:27:34 EDT 1995

After our CQP effort, WA6GDS & I are still recovering from the nearly Wagnerian
presence of Murphy, especially as shown in the breakdown of equipment.  I'll be
picking up my TS-930s from Kenwood this week in time for CQWWSSB, but my old
workhorse Swan Mk II 2x 3-500z amp is still down for the count.  Does anyone in thezr{m~qpvkofm
the Los Angeles area know a tech who can troubleshoot this amp and bring it back
online?  I still have power supply voltages, but no amplification.  I suspect the
input circuit, but honestly it's beyond my meager electronic experience.

Please reply direct to ad274 at lafn.org   It'd be great to get on with some power
this weekend.


Randy NZ6N

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