Wifes, Kids, and Contests...

Jeff Bouvier k1iu at ids.net
Fri Oct 27 03:23:55 EDT 1995

KM9P says:

So we're having a peacefull evening at home last night watching the Braves
make waste of the Indians...  The XYL asks "So when is the next contest
after this weekend?".   The following weekend, I respond....   $&@#!@# 

Gee...  Am I the only one who has an XYL that even after 9 years of this
routine forgets the schedule?  Actually, I think her mind went when she gave
birth to our son.  Ever since then, any contest is too many contests!  God
forbid there should be 2 in 2 weekends.

I'm working on my contest schedule that I will paste to our refridgerator.
The following rating system will be in place:

***** = Definately operating from now until I die.
**** = More than likely operating.
*** = Could operate, more than likely a phone contest.
** = Doubtful
* = Never


*****  CQWW CW & SS CW, CW Sprint

Any other ideas appreciated.


Bill "no votes for father or husband of the year" Fisher, KM9P
Bill Fisher, KM9P   -    Concentric Systems, Inc.  

K1IU says:
        Wow! Am I fortunate... When I tell my wife I have a contest
on a particular weekend she says: "Is there anything special you
want for meals?" She delivers all my meals to the shack and makes
sure the shack refrigerator is filled with cans of coke. She will
check once in a while to see if there is anything I need. My wife
(Terri) has a very difficult time understanding why a lot of hams
get hassled about operating contests. She has said on many
occassion, "Are these women so insecure that they need to have
their husband sitting by their side all the time." I have NEVER
been hassled about operating a contest. 
        73, Jeff (When you have the best you don't need the rest)
            Bouvier K1IU

>From Larry Crim <wz4f at iquest.com>  Fri Oct 27 00:42:01 1995
From: Larry Crim <wz4f at iquest.com> (Larry Crim)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 18:42:01 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Zone Map
Message-ID: <Pine.BSD.3.91.951026184013.28991A-100000 at vespucci.iquest.com>


Alabama is ZONE 4!...Not Zone 5.

Larry (in Alabama)
wz4f at iquest.com

On Thu, 26 Oct 1995, Swanson, Glenn, KB1GW wrote:

> Hello Sim,
> Alabama is in CQ zone 5 (as is most of the US east coast).
> [Your * ITU * Zone is 8]
>  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
> "Middle" of US is CQ Zone 4
> "Western" US is CQ Zone 3
> Caribbean is mostly in CQ Zone 8 (and/or 9).
> Alaska is in CQ Zone 1
> Hawaii is in CQ zone 31
> Europe is mostly in CQ Zones 14, 15, 16 and 20
> Sources: ARRL Operating Manual
>                   ARRL DXCC Countries List
>                   ARRL World Map (26" x 34.5")
> 73, de KB1GW
>  ----------
> >From: C Sim James, KK5EA
> >Subject: Zone Map
> >Date: Thursday, October 26, 1995 1:41PM
> >
> >Return-Path: <jamescs at mail.auburn.edu>
> >
> >---------------------------------------------------------------------------  
>  ---
> >Guys es Gals,
> >
> >        Where can I get a list or map of the cq zones?  I just realized
> >that I don't even know what zone I am in much less the rest of the planet.
> >If there is no such internet resource can someone at least inform me as
> >to what zone I am in here in AL.  I don't think I have ever operated CQWW
> >so the question has never come up.  It wont be a real huge effort I have
> >the military flight aptitude test Sat. morning and that is something I
> >must be awake and alert for.
> >
> >73 es tnx,
> >
> >Sim, KK5EA/4
> >
> >
> >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\  Over the modem.
> >|C. Sim James, KK5EA  03PO            |  Through the University.
> >|Email:  jamescs at mail.auburn.edu      |
> >|Packet:  kk5ea at k4ry.#cenal.al.usa.na |  Nothing but 'Net
> >///////////////////////////////////////
> >
> >

>From Bill Feidt <wfeidt at cpcug.org>  Fri Oct 27 01:05:03 1995
From: Bill Feidt <wfeidt at cpcug.org> (Bill Feidt)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 20:05:03 -0400
Subject: 1995 Sweepstakes Rules
Message-ID: <199510270005.UAA17731 at cpcug.org>

The complete 1995 Sweepstakes Rules (HTML version) are now available
on the NG3K Amateur Radio Link Web:


A small portion is presented using tables, but most of the text is
straightforward 2.0 HTML.

wfeidt at cpcug.org

>From Hans Brakob <71111.260 at compuserve.com>  Fri Oct 27 01:59:56 1995
From: Hans Brakob <71111.260 at compuserve.com> (Hans Brakob)
Date: 26 Oct 95 20:59:56 EDT
Subject: Contests, XYL's, etc...
Message-ID: <951027005955_71111.260_EHM75-1 at CompuServe.COM>

Eat your hearts out guys.....

Look for M/S K0HB(+N0PGL) in CQWW.

Colleen has always been "radio friendly", perhaps 
because when we were first married, on starvation 
military salary stationed at KG6, it meant a way 
to talk home to mom in Minnesota.

In 1991, after 27 years of getting a "round tuit", 
she got her license. Before that she "put up with" 
my contesting although she thought it was "dumb". 

But with her crisp new license in hand, she started
getting mildly interested, ocassionally looking over
my shoulder at the rate meter or multiplier count.

Then last Nov we multi-op'd a Dakota Division SS Phone
Plaque onto the wall. Admittedly her participation was
minimal, mainly on when the bands were slow, but she's 
just as proud of the plaque as I am.

73, de Hans, K0HB

>From James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com>  Fri Oct 27 01:28:00 1995
From: James White <0006492564 at mcimail.com> (James White)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 95 19:28 EST
Subject: Wifes, Kids, and Contests...
Message-ID: <52951027002825/0006492564PK4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

BILL, and the other family challenged contesters....

I thought you were not be operating SS CW????

I know will share a great trick that my mother has enabled me to
use in maintaining domestic tranquility.

Every Christmas W1YL cranks up her Macintosh with a calendar
making program. All of the family birthdays, anniversaries and
major Holidays are shown, the Florida Ham convention weekends
(Dayton, too) and oh yes...all the major CONTEST weekends.

My Mom gives a copy to every member of the family, on the page
(month) where someone's birthday occurs their name/addr/tel #
appear, it is a great tool...On the important dates there is also
some kind of symbol - birthdays have a birthday cake, national
holidays have a USofA flag and the contest weekends have a little
picture of a hand with a string tied around a finger, except for
say the CQ WW which has a globe! 
So...bottom line - it is great having a Mom who is a ham, or is it
I have a great ham Mom...her calendar serves to remind any family
member, licensed or not, if a given weekend is "off limits" for
their planning.

So, Bill...as a computer wizard, next weekend you should be able
to download such a program off a bbs someplace - say Saturday
evening. Run one for the rest of the year, and crank one out each
December for the upcoming year...my Mom gives everyone in the
family one as a Christmas present...they work!

The 20 meter beam goes up on Sunday, no phone for me this weekend.

        GL To Everyone On The Contest Reflector This Season!
                        73, see everyone in the CW SS

                                Jim, K1ZX       k1zx at mcimail.com

>From Dan Robbins <kl7y at alaska.net>  Fri Oct 27 02:15:52 1995
From: Dan Robbins <kl7y at alaska.net> (Dan Robbins)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 17:15:52 -0800
Subject: KL7 in WW SSB
Message-ID: <9510270115.AA02169 at alaska.net>

Doesn't look like there will be any big Multi-op efforts from KL7 this year.
I have to work late on Friday, so can't put in a full effort, probably just
poke around on the low bands.  AL7MX will be single band 160, but he has to
work Saturday, so he won't be full time.  KL7RA indicated that he probably
would not be at home for part of the weekend.  On the other hand, WL7MA said
she will be a serious 40 m single band entry, so you guys be nice and be
sure to work her.  NL7GP had planned to head south to better propagation,
but it looks like he will be on from Alaska instead working all bands.
We'll try to do better in CW!  Also, I will be on in SS both modes, maybe
not the full 24 hours, but most of it.  Good luck to all!    Dan KL7Y

>From floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Fri Oct 27 01:13:23 1995
From: floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:13:23 -0300
Subject: Volunteer for Scores
Message-ID: <199510270116.VAA17340 at larry.infi.net>

To everyone concerned,

I WILL VOLUNTEER to compile the scores for CQWW SSB. I have done it for the
last two RTTY contests including CQWW RTTY. I am retired and have plenty of
time to do it. I hope there is no objection to this. 

Please send all scores to me direct and not to the reflector so it does not
overload it. I beleive this was as per request of the person who is in charge
of the reflector. 

My email address is:    floydjr at nr.infi.net

Feel free to comment or give me suggestions on how I can improve the posting
of the scores. I am here to make it right for you. Thank you for allowing me
to do this.

73's Jim

Packet:  @N4ZC
Email:   floydjr at nr.infi.net

>From floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Fri Oct 27 01:28:04 1995
From: floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 1995 21:28:04 -0300
Subject: ALL CQWW SSB Contesters JARTS Scores
Message-ID: <199510270131.VAA20214 at larry.infi.net>

Just a sample of my work and how I will do it for the CQWW SSB. Hope
everyone likes it.

73's Jim


Compiled by

                         SCORE       QSO'S     PTS    DIST    DX
Single Op/All Band

Call          Age
AA5AU          38       203,337       572     1329      81    72
OH2GI           ?       131,131       403      917      31   112
JR5JAQ          ?       119,301       323      897        133
WA4ZXA         47        79,968       344      816      50    48
W7LZP          52        78,213       374      841      67    26
OH2LU           ?        76,738       282      629      96    26
PA3ERC         34        61,560       235      540      27    87
W6/G0AZT        ?        51,824       279      632      63    19
OH3NLP         28        49,344       232      514         96
JH7QXJ         34        45,780       205      545      46    38
W9KVF          54        33,672       223      488      44    25
K7DSR           ?        32,980       202      485      48    20
VE6KRR         33        18,315       151      333      45    10
KQ4QM          33        14,190       111      258         55
N2VYU          42        14,122       133      307      30    16
NA4M                     13,373       146      311      40     3
KB5HVN         41        12,960       139      288      37     8
JR2BNF/1       36        11,750        93      250      24    33
KF2OG          38        10,742       119      262      29    12
K0BX           48         5,304        71      156      24    10


Call          Age

AB5KD          99       246,450       742     1643      85    65
N1JIT          99        18,480       152      330      40    16


I am going to post the scores again before the weekend. I did receive
several scores since my last post and want everyone to be kept up to 

I look forward to compiling the scores for CQWW SSB if no one minds.
Will check on Sunday nite and start getting them together. If anyone
objects just send me email and we will work it out.

Look forward to working everyone in the CQWW SSB. Also a special tnx
for everyone who gave me a contact in this contest.

73's Jim // WA4ZXA

Packet:   N4ZC
E-Mail:   floydjr at nr.infi.net

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