CQWW info

N5RZ at aol.com N5RZ at aol.com
Mon Oct 30 19:50:34 EST 1995


Just got back from M/S at 6D2X - score will probably be posted soon by one of
the ops.

1)  Scores & comments:  Particpants, bring them on.  This is a CONTEST
REFLECTOR and we CONTESTERS want to compare notes.  For u subscribers that
don't want to see these, do a SET NOMAIL (look at your FAQ for the exact
command) to cq-contest-request at tgv.com; do a SET MAIL after about a week
following the ARRL 10 Meter test. Most of the comments will be done by then.

2)  Two letters:  The net commanders should be shot for introducing this
practice.  A very contagious disease.  Sure glad to see the "EC" (Spanish
novices) giving their full callsigns & being for the most part, some of the
best EU stations to run this weekend.

3) KY1H - needs to learn that if the DX on 40M isn't listening up in the
American phone band, he's not supposed to work them transceive below 7100
(heard doing it twice on Sunday afternoon, even after a royal butt chewing
from us which he ignored!)

Had fun - almost wish I'd stayed home for this one!!!  --- not!

73,  Gator   N5RZ  ----------------------;--;<<   N5RZ at aol.com

>From Steve Sacco <0006901972 at mcimail.com>  Tue Oct 31 01:04:00 1995
From: Steve Sacco <0006901972 at mcimail.com> (Steve Sacco)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 95 20:04 EST
Subject: KC2X - CQWW Phone 15 SOSB
Message-ID: <53951031010435/0006901972DC4EM at MCIMAIL.COM>

-- [ From: Steve Sacco KC2X * EMC.Ver #2.5.03 ] --

                    CQ WORLD WIDE DX CONTEST -- 1995

Call: KC2X                     Country:  United States
Mode: SSB                      Category: SOSB/High Power

15     1472   31    133
Totals 1472   31    133  =>  694,048
- The new Cushcraft 4/4/4 stack, finished Friday just before the 'test, was The Killer Antenna. It was worth all of the past month's effort to install.

- I continue to be impressed with the Force 12 6 ele Yagi -
the F/S is completely, unbelievably, OUT THERE!  Signals were 6 and 7 S-units down on the sides!  Unfortunately, this weekend proved to me that I made a major, major mistake when I put them at the heights I did (1.5 & .9 wavelengths).  To think I was n

- Most interesting propagation: working ZM2K on Saturday, and ZL2RR on Sunday, via Long Path (45 deg) on the 4/4/4 in the afternoon!

- What makes it all worthwhile: After requiring the involvement of the FCC to help resolve local power line problems this spring, I was finally able to take advantage of one of the (few) natural advantages of this QTH: Hundreds of acres of swamp, and h

That's my favorite part of a contest: when the band is "closed" to all but a few of the best-equipped stations, and the QRM drops to nothing because everyone else has given up hope of working anything else for the day, and the Q's just keep on coming! 

The band popped open to Asia Saturday.  It happend again Sunday evening about 22:30Z, and I was able to work a BUNCH more JA's (the Best Ops in the  World, IMHO), as well as a few DU's and RA0FU in Zone 19 for an unexpected Double Mult near the end of 

Phone gives me a headache.

Respectfully Submitted,
Steve, KC2X
Narcoosee, Florida
ssacco at mcimail.com

>From floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd)  Tue Oct 31 02:36:46 1995
From: floydjr at nr.infi.net (jim floyd) (jim floyd)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 22:36:46 -0400
Subject: CQWW SSB Scores II
Message-ID: <199510310241.VAA02029 at larry.infi.net>

Compiled by

CLASS       HRS       SCORE       QSO'S      PTS       Z       DX

KM3T               4,058,000
N2IC/0             3,077,921      2207               136      361
W6XR/2             2,060,154      1591               113      358
K3ZO               2,903,196      2252               104      348
K0KX               1,619,838      1210               127      359 
K4XU         36      943,423       877               103      300     
WB0O         35      845,856       783               116      280
KF0DJ                453,968       618      1669      89      183
K3SA         21      271,184       360                71      201
W2UP          6      260,928       333       906      77      211
KI6VY                 15,921        70       183      36       51
W9SZ                   1,485        33                14       19

KR2Q         33    1,179,980      1039               101      309
WA4ZXA       36      655,596       730      1918      90      252
K1TN                  64,192       172                39       97
N1LJA        11       14,187       149                28       68
KD0AV                  9,472        53                25       39            

S50D               1,608,689      1617      3041     126      403
VS6BG        28    1,344,350      2078               111      211
N1CC         21      964,843       926      2629      90      277
AA6MC                408,216       525                94      198
K1FWF        16      303,800       359       980      91      219
WA2CJT       14      303,240       473      1330      57      171 
N9BXM         7      154,700       355       910      45      125
N4XSE                 80,055       220                42       93

Single Band

KM9P HP              465,322      1124                28      115
W5ASP HP     22      321,750       756      2145      33      117
KJ6HO LP/U           253,930       674                32      102
WA0RJY LP/A           98,576       345       976      26       75  
KO9Y                  96,188       692                28      111

K2SS               1,010,000      2080                36      130
OH1JD        18      484,092      1536                31       88 




VE6JY              3,300,345      3168      7587     117      318
PI4CC              1,967,418      2223               107      415
KEDI               1,185,001       945               107      350 
K6XO                 388,046       567                82      115

PI4COM             8,451,657      6275     11887     149      562  
GM4DMZ             4,615,497      4338               128      511
W0AIH              2,619,440      1922               134      414
VE7ZZZ             2,035,000
K7FR                 648,540       885      2402      81      189

Not sure what went wrong but some of you only saw the breakdown sheet.
I do understand why you thought I had lost my mind. There going two 
be two different sheets each time. One is a standing sheet, which is
this one and a breakdown sheet which explains itself. Some have said
they would like the breakdown sheet by classes. I am sorry but that is
really to much work, especially when it is reduntant to do it. Look 
at this sheet and see the scores you want broke down and look them up
on the breakdown sheet. 

I have also added the hours of operation to this sheet. I hope this
helps as some requested. 

I have put down every bit of information everyone has gave me. Now I
just hope nobody needs anybodys jock size!!! Got to have some fun with

73's Jim // WA4ZXA  @N4ZC   <>  floydjr at nr.infi.net

>From bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn)  Tue Oct 31 00:44:13 1995
From: bhorn at netcom.com (Bruce Horn) (Bruce Horn)
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 1995 16:44:13 -0800
Subject: CQWW Score
Message-ID: <199510310044.QAA05683 at netcom.netcom.com>

CQ World Wide DX Contest 1995

Call:  WA7BNM/6                     Country:  United States
Mode:  SSB                          Category: Single Operator
Location: S.Calif                             Low Power
Hours On: 34.5                                Unassisted

Band   QSO      Pts/QSO       Zones     Countries
160      5        1.40          4           3
 80     29        2.31          9           9
 40     93        2.57         21          39
 20    315        2.76         25          73
 15    427        2.84         32          76
 10     59        2.90          7          10
       928        2.76         98         210  =  790,020

  Two weeks before the contest, I removed all of my existing
  antennas (6-el 15m yagi, 4-el 20m yagi, 10-el 10-17m log
  periodic, 40m rotatable dipole, 80m loop) and replaced them.

  New antenna configuration used for the first time in this
    Force 12 EF-180S 80m rotable dipole at 100 ft
    M2 40M3L 3-el 40m yagi at 90 ft
    2 Force 12 C3XL 10/15/20m 33ft boom tribanders at 72/105ft

Band Comments:
  Conditions on 80m were considerably worse than 1994, even
  though I had a more effective antenna.  In 1994 worked 12
  zones and 18 countries. Never worked anyone in the Caribbean
  in 1995. Heard locals running high power having difficulty
  working stations usually worked easily.

  Wow! What a difference it makes to have some gain on 40m
  This resulted in a considerable improvement over 1994. Even
  managed to work 4 Europeans.

  Conditions on 20m and 15m were much better this year. Good
  openings on both bands to Europe.

  10m produced openings only to the south, mainly South
  America, with some Caribbeans on Sunday afternoon.

  Contest was an emotional roller coaster. Spent the two weeks
  prior to the contest working 16 hour days on either work
  items or getting antennas, switching systems, phase boxes

  Bad sign: started yawning on Friday afternoon. Friday
  evening (contest started at 5:00P local) was an emotionally
  up time. Pointed lower tribander at Japan and upper tribander
  at S.America. Was great being able to simple throw a switch
  to switch directions. Slept from 3:00A to 5:00A.

  Everything on Saturday seemed like a struggle. Both 20 and 15
  were open to Europe but QRM/crowding on 20m was a mess.
  Pointed both tribanders at Europe and moved upper one
  occasionally toward South America. Just didn't seem to be
  able to concentrate on S&Ping through the QRM. Seemed to take
  much longer to work through a pileup, with some stations
  being unworkable even when no one else was calling them. Was
  emotionally down by Saturday afternoon and decided I better
  take a nap. After 1.5 hour nap, felt better. Finally called it
  quits for the evening at 10:30P.

  Got back on the air at 5:30A Sunday morning. 20 and 15 open
  again to Europe in the morning and seemed to have much better
  luck (read more rested) breaking pileups. Realized about three
  hours before the end of the contest that I had a chance to
  break the listed W6 low power record of 754K. Found some
  African multipliers on 15m and Caribbean multipliers on 10m
  and finished the contest running JAs.

General Comments:
  Managed to offend a couple of net operators. Unfortunately,
  when you try to work Europe from S. California, most of the
  U.S. is between you and the DX. I was louder with the nets
  than with the DX.

  Found it interesting that an EA8 caused a huge pileup, while
  other EA8s were easily workable up the band. The loudest
  stations cause some of the biggest pileups, even when they're
  not rare.

  On Sunday afternoon, one African station had a huge pileup,
  while others had practically no one calling them a little way
  up the band. Contesters need to remember that a multiplier is
  a multiplier. There is no difference between working a rare
  African multiplier and working a common country if it's a new
  multiplier for you.

  My limited experience with the tribander stack is that the
  upper antenna was always louder than the lower antenna. Main
  advantage was the ability to point the antennas in different

73 de Bruce, WA7BNM   (bhorn at netcom.com)

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